Soviet-Afghan war

Is this event the birthplace and cause of everything that is wrong in the Near East today? Or it was already unstable after the dissolvement of the Ottoman Empire?

My grandpa lied to the Afghan communist party by saying he was giving a UN speech in France and would return in three days but actually escaped with nothing but the clothes on him, his wife and my father's backs. I know a fuckton about the conflict and Afghanistan's history before/after the event in general. AMA
>to answer your question OP: shut the fuck up you illiterate retard Afghanistan is about as middle eastern as india

Also even if the country was even geographically part of this "near east" you speak of, it literally would have no effect on the state of MENA today. It wouldn't have even happened though because Russia was interested in Afghanistan's geographical location (muh warm water port) so fuck off

That's why i used the term NEAR EAST, which encompasses Western Asia you illiterate mouthbreathing fucktard. Next time post something with value you stupid moron

Nah, the beginning of everything wrong with the middle east was the alliance of Ibn-Saud with Wahhabists to help conquer and rule Saudi Arabia.

user, afghanistan is crucially important to MENA today. We get it, you're not arabs. That doesn't really mean it's removed from the Muslim world today (which the term Middle East increasingly refers to lately).

You read a fucking book nigger, Afghanistan is in central asia (or south depending on how you look at it) IT IS NOT IN WESTERN ASIA the last western asian AKA middle eastern country is iran
It's part of the Muslim world sure, but you're stupid to say "oh the middle east is used in place of the muslim world a lot by people bad at making distinctions so let's just roll with it!"

It's wrong to say that all muslim countries are middle eastern, why would we go with something that's wrong for the sake of simplicity?

Nevermind this lets just focus on OP's question and pretend he meant central asia

Has there ever been a point in your country's history that wasn't absolute shit?

Were either of the two recent wars in Afghanistan at any point actually winnable or were they always doomed to devolve into a mess?

Also, opinion on the book The Kike-errr I mean Kite Runner?

Personally, I fucking hated it. My initial thoughts on the book were "if the author/protagonist of this book is supposed to be reflective of the average Afghan, then how the fuck are we losing to these pussies?"

How did he manage to convince the French not to deport him? Cold war western Europe used to be pretty strict about immigration and naturalization.

>Cold war western Europe used to be pretty strict about immigration and naturalization.

Well I think we just found our solution to the immigration problem.

Bring back the Cold War.

>how are we losing to Afghans
we are allied with Afghans you retard, the terrorists are paki scum or tribal retards.
>Has there ever been a point in your country's history that wasn't absolute shit?
Hmm, how about that time my great grandfather acted as second in command and personal best friend to Afghanistan's most secular king amanullah khan in the 1929 civil war against the fucked up tribal retards and SOMEHOW Afghanistan experienced over 40 years of peace directly after (zahir shah's reign from 1933-1973 and daoud khan's presidency/peaceful coup from '73-78)

In the 70s you'd see Americans driving across the country, even the tribal retards knew not to touch them and most Kabuli + other cityfolk respected America greatly
He wasn't bullshitting about the UN speech, he was quite literally the most intelligent Afghan in the country, it's just that he decided not to leave after it was over and some strange UN visitor rule allowed this. I had the same question and I asked my dad
>hurr let's ban 140+ IQ people because muh pseudoscience

>we are allied with Afghans you retard, the terrorists are paki scum or tribal retards.

Don't forget Arabs (*cough* bin Laden) I take it Afghans don't like Pakistanis then?

>SOMEHOW Afghanistan experienced over 40 years of peace directly after (zahir shah's reign from 1933-1973 and daoud khan's presidency/peaceful coup from '73-78)

What made the 40 years of peace end and the Communists gain power?

Also, I was under the impression there have always been parts of Afghanistan so remote that none of the central governments have been able to control them effectively and they're pretty much left to their own devices. Is this true?

Bonus Question: How /comfy/ are pakols? I've been thinking of getting one just to try it out.

Soooo how do you feel about tribal retards flooding western Europe in the current year then?

Afghanistan is landlocked.

LMAO the biggest Muslims countries aren't even close to being in the Middle East

Southern Afghanistan's actually close enough to coastline that you can fly a helicopter from an aircraft carrier up to Kandahar.

t. entire GCE of the 15th MEU was airlifted to Camp Rhino via the USS Bonhomme Richard in 2001

Fuck pakis, and yes 9/11 hijackers were saudis
>what made the 40 years of peace end
Daoud Khan, for all the good things he did, was still human and very fallible. Instead of executing certain communist leaders he locked them up and they were busted out by other commies. They slaughtered /ourguy/ and his entire family in the coup, quite literally nicky style
>remote areas uncontrollable
Yes, this is true, also explains why the country is the graveyard of empires. Take the Brits for example, they controlled Afghan foreign policy for a period of time, but when you compare it to what happened in india/africa the brits got their shit pushed in
Idk but they look cool, I'm a half euro-mutt libertarian protestant living in the southern US so I know fuck all about that shit, I just really like the history of the country my dad grew up in
strict immigration, only a select few gifted individuals shall enter the US and only if they benefit society and not leech off welfare like niggers, but don't deny them because of inherent qualities, race and other stupid shit

My family was okay thanks to legal loopholes and they added a lot to the West so it's okay

PS I don't really care about Europe, they can get fucked, as long as I have my guns and liberty over here I'm happy
you still have to go through it to get to a warm water port though, the ruskis weren't just going to take useless Kabul for no fucking reason and not go any further south
Also this

>southern US

Holy shit me too. I hope the Land of Cotton's treating you well and you're out of the way of the hurricanes this year.

>middle east = muslim world
Are you retarded? Do you think Indonesia or Malaysia are middle east?

I live two blocks from the beach and I'm sitting here typing this on my nearly dead phone without power

Other than that it's going pretty good, just glad I'm in the superior half of Florida. Fuck the south south

My grandpa was carpetbombing y'alls civilian targets back in the 80s.

Islam derives from arabs from the middle east, it was chiefly spread from the middle east, the majority of the Muslim world's wealth is concentrated in the middle east, all major muslim agitations originate from middle east, im sorry but it is true.

>originate from the middle east
>therefore middle east and muslim are synonyms
Kill yourself.

lol yeah, everyone hates South Florida

Why do you have to be so angry? The middle east is the core of the muslim world, everything else is basically a satellite to it (except for perhaps Iran due to obvious reasons), this is not an insult, this is not a value judgement, it's merely the reality of the world.

I'm calling you fucking stupid, because you are fucking stupid.

Just out of curiosity, I take it your father is a convert? Are you a Floridian by birth or did you come from somewhere else?

There's no need to be angry friend.

Cyka blyat idi nahui
Father considers himself muslim but is MUCH, MUCH secular as an Episcopalian who doesn't go to church, I have a feeling it's just a ruse and he keeps it up just so his parents can die at peace. He definitely believes in God though.

Mom is Christian but she doesn't practice either, I've been exploring different denominations lately but idk

More than 30% of the world's Muslim population is concentrated in Indonesia, Pakistan and India, those three being the biggest Muslim countries. It's a bit more than "satellites" I think, despite the fact that the cultural origins of Islam indeed take roots in Arabia, the Middle East cannot be considered as the representation of the Muslim world.

hahahah, Afghanistan has and always will be a shithole shitskin, hahaha lmaoing at your "country", can't wait to see China extract all your minerals, lmfao

t. assblasted macedonian