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I make lots of comics like this, when I'm bored
Can you explain what this is about, it's unnecessarily difficult to follow, looks funny though
Also please do post more
it is about a trade off the US often had to make in the cold war where they would support a dictatorship to prevent a country falling to communism, to keep the country an open society and get through to the people of that country
maybe you disagree, it at least shows it was not a simple one sided affair
Took me a while to realize who the inflated stick figure was desu. Plus the 3rd panel transition between those two figures is usually not that smooth
This one's pretty good tbqh.
These are great, please make more
hmm, I did not realize how unclear it was, thanks for the constructive criticism, nice trips
thanks, every so often a converrsation on Veeky Forums inspires me to make one
I admit they are hit and miss and I am only posting the passable ones, I made a few /r9k/ themed ones too along with history and politics themed comics but I've since stopped with that because they were a little off the chain
here is a sample of an /r9k/ comic
these are offensive please stop and delete it
Was there actually a pool in Auschwitz? How is it explained?
Probaby part of a testing facility.
this one was pretty popular here for a while, turns out 610 nanometers is orange not red though no one listened at the time
how are you offended, I'm not really trolling just trying to illustrate a point
/tv/ liked this one
Is that supposed to be Quentin?
made this ages ago
that was an influence, the upstanding citizen archetype, another influence was the polandball comic where poland joins the EU, gets lots of money then doesn't want to take in refugees
yeah you are just being rude now just stop and delete them
Dictatorship sucks, so instead of fighting head on like a man i will seduce like a woman.
Good job man, now our women are whores and we live in a culture where anything has a price.
Instead of heroic masculine abstract ideals which encourage strength and honesty, lets have feminine abstract ideals which encourage intellect and subversion.
They like it because instead of being for or against pedophilia, they decide to be moderate and allow it in certain occasions which suit them.
It's just a fucking MS Paint comic, calm down
Meme tier understanding of revolutions. Revolution intends to transform not abolish power structures
Issac Newton wasn't a mainstream Christian nor was he really known for his theism so using him instead of say Lebinz shows how shallow your understanding of the problem you are trying to illustrate.
well I am against pedophilia but think that hysteria over it might dissuade pedophiles from confessing their fetish to psychologists
revolution intends but often does not
he was interested in religion, also that was a long time ago
Hey can you enlarge that or type what is says pplease?
Never mind. I figured it out
top lel
The stick figure ones are p good
These are pretty gud m8
Got anymore?
If you asked a historian, they will explain that it was for the camp personnel.
Aww. /pol/ is butthurt over people complaining about their standard practices.
haha, that's a good one
Stammlager, not Birkenau
maybe the SS liked to swim?
>tiny Kekistan flag looks like the Iron Guard emblem
at last I truly see
someone explain this to me please
See pic
So fucking true
That's so wrong.
The real problem was that at some stage Diocleziano and his successors started demanding tributes in gold pieces rather than crops.
This forced many small landholders to make agreements with powerful ones who had broad availability of precious metal.
Of course this is the basis of a transition from private property and agreements to the public management of tax collection.
>I will use my gold to pay your taxes
>You will give me part of the crops and I will store it locally instead of sending it to Rome
>also, I will do the law enforcement myself, thanks to my fellow armed friends, which I pay to train and keep well fed
This is to say there were Also fiscal reasons behind the decline of the Empire. Even though I think extending the citizenship to everyone had already nailed the coffin around 212 AD
No? No revolution is built on the promise of total anarchy but a radical change of how things are run.
>Often does not
Sure but your shit tier comic implies that revolutionaries seek to overthrow power structures
>he was interested in religion, also that was a long time ago
And Lebinz literally argued for the existence of god, a far superior example than Newton. Using the latter is disingenuous as it is up in the air if Newton would have been an atheist in a different time whereas for Lebinz like Descartes there is no fucking doubt. Also you are sorta equating theism with religion too.
>long time ago
Change it now then
I've made one in a similar vein
>act without regard to the fruits. without being affected by the chances of success or failure, victory or defeat, winning or losing, any more than by pleasure or pain, or by the approval or disapproval of others
>yeah boi! choosing the lesse evil is for pussies, only by making a kierkegaardian leap of faith can one be spiritually pure
pick one
.......but the argument is that nazi europe is better than jew europe
>my spectrometer says that the wavelength is 610 nanometers. The flower is red
fucking amazing
The ancap guy is correct though, not only is fascism not "true capitalism" it is not any kind of capitalism and is explicitly opposed to it.
Not really, in practice fascists regimes have been capitalist though obviously not the kind ancaps want to see
fascism's economic systems result in economies like North Korea or are based entirely on war plunder so more often than not capitalism was the main focus
Doubled up as a reservoir for fire fighting
I hate this "materialism" bullshit, as if in a world of scarcity having easy access and an abundance of resources is a bad thing because people find meaning in life different to what these cunts want them to. Nothing pisses me off more than bootlickers with a holier than thou view of life.
>the burger version of history
DDDog bless ameriga
There's a difference between a bunch of marxists attempting to reach a marxist utopia by explicitly putting in place marxist policies & failing to reach marxism than saying the opposite of capitalism is proof of capitalism's failures when the 3 or 4 definitions used are very fucking clear on what capitalism or free market capitalism is.
If I advocate ice, you can't boil water, splash it on someones face and say "see ice burns people!". Now if some idiot advocates ice & attempt to freeze water and every attempt ends in hot water that ends up burning people, just because they didn't make ice doesn't mean they weren't trying and failing explicitly to freeze water and their ice ideology/method/utopia is fucking stupid. Is that simple enough?
>Fascism is capitalism
you really are a special kind of retarded
>fascism not "true capitalism" it is not any kind of capitalism and is explicitly opposed to it.
watch out guys! he has an infograph!
>"b-but muh infographs!!!"
Every fucking time
Using the name of something as an argument is at least as stupid as using an infograph.
>Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Hirohito, Pinochet
Only two of those really claimed to be capitalist.
those states had private control of the means of production you illiterate faggot
Literally all of those had private control of the means of production, not liberal capitalist, but capitalist nonetheless
nah, /pol/ are niggers of a very low order,
/MLPol/ is the cure, the only cure,
It's just seems like you're happy to NTS others but don't like it when it's applied to your own philosophy
>private ownership=capitalism
again, you really are a special kind of retard. This argument doesnt work the other way around you stupid jackass. Stick to protesting for trans furry rights and stop pretending you understand economics
It's supposed to basically be private ownership, but when the state controls your business as a defacto owner, the final decision maker, the gun in the room & the economic planner it's basically government ownership in all but name. Either way though there is a sliding scale to take into account and even if it was on the scale it would be at the far opposite end so to speak.
One of the tenets of fascism is the class collaboration contrary to the class struggle in Marxism, also capitalism in a fascist regime is severely restricted by the state in benefit of whole the "corporate" groups. This is why is more precise to say fascism supported Keynesians practices in the economy and not libertarian ones.
I'm not an SJW, capitalism is definitionally the private ownership of the means of production and trade. You're probably one of those retards who thinks that any society that doesn't have 5 year old prostitutes and McNukes is basically Stalinism, faggot
The state was heavily involved, yes, but in historical fascism property owners still had basic control over the means of production.
Keynesianism is a form of capitalism
Fuck wrong reply
Pinochet was anti-capitalist, he pegged the peso to the dollar.
>Pinochet was anti-capitalist
Literally the most retarded non-argument you could have possibly tried to make.
>It's called X so it must be X
Finish high school then come back.
It is explained by throwing you in jail if you question why a death camp has a swimming pool, also a theater and football team.
North Korea is the greatest example of Democracy, I'm presuming then.
no, Im just a person with at least half a brain that realizes capitalism depends on the basis of a free market, and not people owning shit. Stop being retarded user
Also, the "real capitalism has never been tried" isnt even an argument anyone makes user. Thats just stupid leftypol fags trying to turn a common insult against them around, even though it doesnt fit at all.
>it's a "stormfags think that all prisoners in every part of every camp were treated exactly the same as each other" episode
>it's also a "stormfags believes their own propaganda" episode
For fuck sake
>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
It's another person who doesn't know what they are talking about makes themselves look stupid episode.
what's actually happening
Free-market in the libertarian sense? No, not really.
Wtf are you talking about, whenever leftists complain about how corrupt the U.S. the common retort is "America isn't really capitalist"
/pol/tards are objectively worse than their critics.
They rape conservative/traditionalist discussion every time it comes up online.
its capitalist for the poor socialism for the rich. the rich gets trillion dollar bailouts the poor get reamed everyday in everyway by the jew paper criminals
>"betraying" the soviet union when it was a big fear that they would strike first and seize the petroleum wells in Romania and cripple the movement of the german army in the event of a war, after Molotov had expressed the Kremlin's interests in Romania
>breaking enforced pacts is bad when you've got the power to overcome the force behind them
>requesting brits surrender and demobilize
particularly perfidious post
>Jew Europe
No such thing
Stalin wouln't attacked anyone who wasn't Poland tier
Based on what?
"He wouldn't dare!" wouldn't cut much of an argument with Hitler considering he'd just rapidly arse fucked the continent and did shit to generally outrage opinion abroad constantly.