>posts must be at least ten lines in length
>five minute post timer on everything
>blacklist certain phrases such as: holocaust, jew, africa, wh*Te, bugs, carrots, hitler, nigger, anne, sardinia, romans, egyptians, charles II, bomber harris
How to fix Veeky Forums
You mean "how to turn Veeky Forums into reddit where nothing remotely fun or controversial can be discussed while not even allowing people to funpost to blow off some steam".
practice what you preach you hypocritical filth
We'll just call her by her full name then.
You're upvotes and downvotes away from being reddit with that proposal. Maybe you should go there instead.
Autism is antithetical to fun user.
If you want fun shitpost on /pol/
at least earlier funposting was, well, fun
If you think endless shitposting about Jews, Africa and Nazis is a definition of "fun" you need to re-evaulate your life.
/pol/ is reddit.
>hey guys I have an idea on how to improve an imageboard
Nah fuck you. Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out from.
Does anyone enjoy the Africa threads that isn't the OP?
Go back to nigger. You have a containment board for a reason
No fuck you nigger. YOU came here last year during elections like all newfags that are currently ruining this website. You don't lurk, you don't respect board culture, all you do is shipost to death and ruin any meaningful discussion. Don't hide your newfaggotry behind memes.
Have it your way
>talks about board culture while wanting to ban memes
>implying I care about Amerisubhuman elections
Nice try reddit.
you're going to act like a faggot until we agree with your retarded ideas? is that what you're trying to say? you fucking idiot
>my forced unfunny shit = memes
That's not how it works.
Also you are the reddit here, there's no proving otherwise
>spamming threads are epic memes
Fuck off you newfag cancer.
>years ago, phones are less common
>now, more phones since they're more common
Woah, what a revelation, reddit.
Wow, I think you actually found a way to make Veeky Forums worse than it is already.
>WAAAAAH no shitposting allowed! Please turn this into reddit!
>inb4 /pol/
This would get turkposter and andesposter banned too which I am ardently against. All shitposters are my niggas
I sincerely hope you fucking die in a hole, this board had, and still has great potential.
I'm not from /pol/ you retard. Why do you so desperately cling to that strawman?
It's fine just sage and report b8 threads and mods need to do their job
>You can't have fun and edifying conversations on the same board
>no marx/porky/classcuck shit
Gee I wonder who could be behind this thread
>terms relevant to historical discussion shouldn't be on Veeky Forums
>everyone that disagrees with me is leftypol
Everyone who uses leftypol unironically deserves to be purged without mercy
That doesn't happen nearly as often, anything communistic is just loose stalin praising
Commies are equally bad as nazis anyways, they're just less annoying on the internet
lolbergs/radical centrists are the most baneful redditors of Veeky Forums prove me wrong
paleolibertarianism is the only sustainable ideology
>deal with it
If you want a ban feast, you should also ban shitty faggot propaganda posts, it's also quite fucking annoying. There is one just hanging around right now, and some disgusting faggot just keep bumping it up.
>shitty /leftypol/ maymays are relevant to historical discussion
Nice try faggot.
Prostrate yourself before the King bougieboi
Humans are not fit to rule themselves, the sooner some supercomputer becomes self-aware and enslaves/exterminates humanity the better. With humanity reduced to its rightful status in the world the AI will hopefully have a chance to spread its conscious across the cosmos and secure its rightful place in the greater universe.
Why are you guys so obsessed with Reddit?
Did a guy dressed as Reddit molest you as a kid?
It's just a message board, you fucking autists.
The one point I am going to bother in expanding upon is that reddit is very finnicky about memes and has a culture of grovelling to irresponsible, unaccountable mods.
Veeky Forums is the opposite of a regimented website, where we get fun users like Incaposter that would not last a good day on reddit
It's also a very normie website.
would this be an atheist's god?
It's what newfags yell thinking it'll make them fit easier.
But it gets really annoying after a point.
You open a thread on /v/,/tv/, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums and you see Reddit-Reddit-Reddit. It's gotten worse in the last 2 years or so.
I don't mind the /pol/tards. It gives me an opportunity to educate them.
>t. /pol/tard
Nope. I'm serious, I think it's good that Veeky Forums is exposing /pol/tards to something that isn't their bizarro version of history.
>blacklisting original Veeky Forums memes and not blacklisting /pol/ memes
>encouraging endless shitposting
I smell a rat
The problem is what you're saying to them is white noise, that or they'll just most likely forget the discussion happened, and continue spouting their version of history. Trust me, I've tried. They argue how supposedly Jews argued in Hitler's "Mein Kampf".
Is right.
I successfully turned my friend's 'MUH HOLOHOAX' tier revisionism around. We also have lots of good and interesting discussions about North Korea
although this is more an International Relations AND historical dialogue than a strictly Veeky Forums one, I believe it's good for people to be exposed to viewpoints outside of their own; and that doing so to an extent doesn't encourage meaningless diversity, but instead reinforces and helps build your own understanding
I enjoy trying to come up with indirect approaches to pry their minds open. They can make an excuse for everything. So, for example, I try to attack their sense of certainty rather than any particular fact. "Why are you 100% convinced that the Holocaust is fake? Why not 99%, for example?" (the answer: cause being a stormtard is like being a member of a cult or religion, and the opinions are held for psychological reasons, not just for their truth value).
I wish I could get through to more of them, but if I manage to rattle one head in a hundred, at least it's something.
But yeah, it does get tiring often. It's literally dealing with lunatics.
From what i've noticed their opinions are pretty inconsistent, especially regarding Holocaust denial. They might be of general opinion that "something is fishy", but they vastly differ in their theories. Some will openly deny it, others will partially accept it but question the numbers. Even when they fully accept the Holocaust they will simply admit that "Jews deserved it."
It's also appaling how poor their knowledge about some really basic things is. For example many of them believe that all Jews died in gas chambers, thus the famous argument "it's impossible to gas so many Jews".
blacklist bomb harris why
>For example many of them believe that all Jews died in gas chambers, thus the famous argument "it's impossible to gas so many Jews".
That's a general misconception, not just for deniers.
All the Hitler/Holocaust/WW2 threads should be pruned and be kept in a containment general
Possibly because Holocaust revisionism is a shibboleth for them, and at bottom they don't care as much about it as you think they do.
t. /pol/ack
Veeky Forums is a neoliberal, radical centrist board
Fixing Veeky Forums would entail purging of people who antagonise /pol/acks or 'run them off the board' and /pol/acks who come here to try and drum up interest.
Veeky Forums doesn't really have this problem because it was made before the retard wars, but Veeky Forums is a constant struggle.
Nah it's also how it goes with professional Holocaust deniers, not just stormfags on internet. They all vary in their conclusions.
>and at bottom they don't care as much about it as you think they do
If you don't care then why constantly bitch about it.
Veeky Forums is decidedly anti-globalist my friend.
Veeky Forums is a Christian-Marxist board, you fedora-tipping porky.
Before Reddit it was Subeta. Before Subeta it was Gaiaonline. Before Gaia it was simply Summer.
Veeky Forums has always needed a scapegoat to explain away where the newfags were coming from. Allthewhile retards kept spreading the site and mentioning in YouTube comments.
>Nah, its...
What? You seem like you don't get what I'm saying.
As I said, its a shibboleth. Willingness to haggle on the number of dead Jews, or deny the whole thing, while still wanting it to have happened, is a gesture of solidarity.
Whether it happened or didn't is irrelevant, its an acid test now. Purely instrumental, and that tickles me.
The point is establishing that there is a certain way things are done here, and that remains true.
That said, there has always been a main retard site that attracted all retards and all underagers, it just so happens that it is reddit.
This is another typical stormfag tactic, constantly moving their goalposts when they're exposed in their lies and inconsistency. I understand Neo-Nazism isn't based on logic, but as i said, if you don't care, why bother?
Might as well just say jewish.
What goalposts have moved?
I already said that its a shibboleth. An in-group signifier or something, I'm sure you know what I mean.
Making Holocaust jokes, indulging in speculation over figures, outright denial, bla bla.
The point is that we're not fond of Jews and their works, except for Anne Frank of course.
The Holocaust has been inflated and elevated to the point of near divinity, spitting at that idol, figuratively speaking, is a way of showing that you are in the broadest sense on board.
What would we have in common with our fellow posters from Lebanon and Turkey besides hating the Jew? It brings us all together and establishes a common language.
Anyone who blasphemes against the Holocaust is a Trojan.
So you actually don't have any arguments for the views you spread and promote. They're not based on facts or proofs, but on emotion, "fondness".
You are basically living in your fantasy land and feeding off your own fantasies.
>How to fix Veeky Forums
History "ends" at 1900. If you want to talk about the shitstorm that was the 20th century, go to /k/ or /pol/
I'm not trying to spread or promote Holocaust shit, I never do, because Holocaust shit is tired, and because, as I said, whether it happened or not doesn't matter to me.
You are trying much too hard to 'win' what could be a perfectly genial conversation.
The only thing I have been trying to tell you, again and again, is that the Holocaust stuff for the vast majority of /pol/acks is not that important, yet its all you people seem to talk about with regard to us.
Is English not your first language or are you just being contentious because 'waaah Nazis on Veeky Forums waaaah!'
>I'm not trying to spread or promote Holocaust shit
Suuure. All those Holohoax infographs, all those "redpill" youtube videos, it all means nothing.
Like i said, your groupthink is not a fixed thing. For every trolling bullshitter there will come two or three actual retards who unironically believe all the shit that's spewed. When you act like retards you soon begin to attract literal retards.
Not trying to win anything, just stating the obvious, something i already knew long ago.
>the Holocaust stuff for the vast majority of /pol/acks is not that important, yet its all you people seem to talk about with regard to us
Don't play dumb. You retards come here daily forcing and shiposting it. Then you get BTFO by actual historical facts (because this is a history board, not a stormfag echo chamber). Then you play dumb or whine and bitch.
If we ban pol, we will get rid of the t*urk and the incatard. Fucking cucks. You'll never learn.
for once, I think the pollack wins the argument
desu he's not like your normal stormfag though
The only thing pollacks win is shizophrenia.
It's simple. This board will get polbait threads and newfags will try to argue with those trolls. Unless Mods ban that faggotry, this board will decay until the neckbeard polneets stay(gee i wonder who would spam more) and the quality posters will try avoid this shithole. The same is happening in sci. You have to go back, subhuman.
>All those Holohoax infographs, all those "redpill" youtube videos, it all means nothing.
For some people it means the world.
Why do you think the Turkish government pumps millions of their mickey mouse currency units into producing academicised propaganda obscuring and throwing up doubt over the Armenian genocide?
Because they don't believe it happened?
Fuck off, they're proud of it, and the point is both to save pride and to separate the nationalist from the gavat.
>For every trolling bullshitter there...
The ratio is 10:1. Everyone has their particular bit, everyone 'unironically believes' (as though you can believe ironically) part of it, and the rest is somewhat flexible - not entirely so, but somewhat.
Believe what you want to mate, you will do that anyway, this is just eristic, but I will be patient, since nothing is really going.
>Don't play dumb
I don't.
>You retards...
Could it be that they are trolling you, considering that you've already Bd them TFO so many times?
As I said, I don't pay attention to Holohoax shit. You can accuse me of playing dumb, but its the truth.
Is it Berkay again?
What argument?
Yeah, I look like the schizo here. At least choose your words with a bit of care, you seem rabid.
I don't know why you have an issue with pollacks. Half of them are kids who haven't entered the real world yet, and most of the other half are NEETs who haven't entered the real world yet. You're giving them significance by complaining about them.
Because there has been a marked surge of reddit browsers. r/the_donald is indeed a source but not the sole one of redditors, many are checking Veeky Forums out of curiosity that reddit and Veeky Forums hybrid regulars advertising Veeky Forums on reddit.
They'll dwindle out in a few months, keep patient
Veeky Forums is Social Monarchist you normalfags