Exactly how bad were the SS? Is there any truth that SS units were kill on site for US troops like displayed in the movies? Why would you join the SS?
Exactly how bad were the SS...
Join the SS for prestige and best waifus
I was expecting a high five at the end desu. Kinda disappointed
The master race doesn't hit one another like American barbarians.
They were as bad as the militant white Americans who massacred the Native Americans, or the Confederates in the Civil War. They all fought for an evil ideology, but some groups were more heinous than others.
overzealous chuklefucks who served as cannon fodder to Wehrmacht and massacred civilians and PoWs when they were not busy getting KIA
I'm not fully aware of how bad American soldiers were when battling the native Americans or confederate soldiers were during the civil war. I thought confederate soldiers acted in a similar way to northern soldiers.
Yeah, but they treated blacks like second class citizens much like the SS treated non-Aryans as second class.
>Muh plains Indians dindu nuffins we wuz good bois
*raids cattle*
*murders settler families*
*tortures captives for months on end*
Those "Militant White Americans" WERE the people who fought the Confederates during the Civil War. In fact, the natives were pro-Confederate because of an enemy-mine situation.
*enslaves women and children but it's okay because they were white*
Remind me about the confederate death camps?
After Malmedy I'm sure plenty of Americans weren't very sympathetic to surrendering SS
*revisionism intensifies*
There were like 3 or 4 divisions out of 38 that were actually Elite and were not to be fucked with and most of them fought on the Eastern Front where they were needed. The rest were a bunch of glorified Boy Scouts and brown nosing party members who got BTFO by the Allies and Partisans, also you can blame them for fucking up German/Ukrainian relations leading to massive spike of Partisan support in the Ukraine and Belarus, putting yet another strain on German manpower and logistics.
Everyone knows that the Wehrmacht were the real fighting men of Germany
>Is there any truth that SS units were kill on site for US troops like displayed in the movies?
Captured POWs were often executed by the SS. But the Wehrmacht did this at times as well.
>Why would you join the SS?
The principal difference between those who volunteered for the SS and those who went into other service branches lay in the oath they had to swear, affirming total loyalty to the person of Adolf Hitler rather than the state. What then, did motivate a man to join the Waffen SS and swear such an oath, rather than going into the regular army? There are many individual answers. For example, Otto Skorzeny originally wanted to join the Luftwaffe but instead opted for the SS when he found out that his height would exclude him from serving as aircrew. But more often the answer was simple ambition and the desire to belong to an élite. After the reintroduction of conscription in 1935, the army's standards were obviously lowered (prior to this, the Reichswehr had been restricted to a mere 100,00 men, which men that recruiting officers could pick and choose.) An ambitious man who realized his own limitations would, quite naturally, prefer to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a large one. Army leaders also realized this and exercised tight controls over the number of men eligible for national service whom they would permit to join the SS. Seeing what was happening, Hitler put the entire SS onto the Police rather than the Army budget. This gave the army more money to play with and helped reduce their animosity towards the growth of the SS, an animosity based on the fact that the army was once the sole arms bearer for the state and undiminished by the fact that the pre-war SS was a relatively tiny organization. There were two other significant differences between volunteers for the Waffen SS and for the Army. Although the physical requirements for the SS were higher, the educational requirements were lower.
t. nigger-loving Communist Northerner
Your vile race will be destroyed to the last on the Day of the Rope
They were called plantations.
This guy beat me too it
>death camp
Of course actually doing work is pretty much death to a lazy nigger like you.
Just because it sounds witty at first, doesn't mean that you should post it.
Nearly half of all SS recruits had received only minimal schooling, and officer candidates especially were were accepted with far lower academic qualifications than their counterparts in the army. This, of course, made them more amenable both to the tight discipline and to ideological indoctrination. (It should be noted that these remarks apply only to the Waffen SS and not to, for example, the SD-the SS security service headed by Reinhard Heydrich-which attracted a high proportion of young lawyers and administrators with university degrees.) The other difference is that the majority of volunteers for the Waffen SS came from rural areas, whereas the bulk of the army's ranks were composed of city dwellers. This process of natural selection vindicated itself later in a way that seems rather surprising, until you remember that 50-odd years ago rural living conditions were far more primitive and, literally, closer to the earth than they are today. Thus it soon became apparent, particularly in the Soviet Union, that the majority of men in Waffen SS divisions were more comfortable living in the field, and more adept at field and woodcraft, than their urban comrades-in-arms. Since one of the basic requirements of a soldier is to survive in order to be able to fight, this was not an insignificant asset.
Recruits for the Waffen SS-at least in the early days before wartime demands forced a relaxation of standards-had to satisfy stringent physical and moral conditions. Sepp Dietrich, the commander of the Leibstandarte 'Adolf Hitler'-Hitler's SS bodyguard- wanted mature men rather than pimply teenagers, so only recruited from those aged between 23 and 35, at least five feet eleven inches tall, and in peak physical condition. No man was accepted if he had a criminal record, and he had to be able to prove pure 'Aryan' ancestry with no 'taint' of Jewish blood. Until the need to replace casualties forced him to relax his own standards, Dietrich would not even accept a man into the Leibstandarte if he had a single tooth filled. He was determined that the regiment would be the toughest, fittest and most highly disciplined unit in the fuhrer's service, and right to the very end it attracted the cream of volunteers for the Waffen SS.
You forgot to mention for no pay, not that you know what it's like to get payed Cletus.
I probably make more money than you, you welfare hog.
There's 3 general kinds of SS division.
1) The actually elite kind. Basically just LSSAH, and maybe one or two others. These are the best soldiers in Germany, and also the most loyal Nazi's. LSSAH was Hitler's personal bodyguard division.
2) The loyal, but not elite divisions. Most German SS divisions fall in this category. They're just fanatic Nazis. Some are decent soldiers, about as good as an average Wehrmacht division. Some are absolute garbage, like Italy-tier ineffective.
3) Foreign SS divisions. These are Nazis and Nazi-sympathizers from countries other than Germay, like SS Wiking from Norway or the 1st Galician division from Ukraine. Again, some were pretty effective, others were trash. It was more about party loyalty.
>that quick salute at the end
>You don't hit each other to see if the other guy is a pussy.
Natives being innocent peace loving hippies is literally revisionism. Before 60's and cultural marxism everyone acknowledged that injuns were a much of brutal sadistic barbarians.
Most people dont know but indians also kept black slaves buying them or capturing them in raids.
>Before 60's and cultural marxism everyone acknowledged that injuns were a much of brutal sadistic barbarians.
This. That's why they were often referred to as "Savages" in the newspapers of that time. They'd participate in torture rituals, raped children, and even enslaved pilgrims (mainly women).
Interesting posts, just one thing:
>lay in the oath they had to swear, affirming total loyalty to the person of Adolf Hitler rather than the state.
After 34 the Wehrmacht was also swearing the oath to Hitler
>Muh south will rise again
absolutely pathetic
>be St. Isaac Jogues
>Travel to New France to spread Catholicism and convert Indians
>Accommodate to Indian lifestyle and be an overall nice guy to them
>Get captured by Iroquois
>Get tortured, malnourished, and basically be a slave
>Get freed by an Indianbro and escape back to France
>Despite the hell you went through, go back to New France because you love God and are passionate about converting Indians because you care about them
>Get killed by a tomahawk just for being French
Yep definitely not savages
>150$ application fee
r u 4 realsies
>start genociding the native population
>go there
>be surprised when they capture you and kill you
That's just self-defense.
>French genociding native people
They where actually pretty cool with each other. Most French settlers depended on gopher and beaver fur as their economic resource and sold that fur to Indians. Albeit the French did introduce alcohol to the Indians. In comparison with the Brits and ESPECIALLY the Spanish, the French where pretty tame.
>start genociding the native population
If they actually decided to go full Nazi on the Indians there would be none left today. Who would have stopped them?
>namefag is named Nathan Bedford Forrest
didn't he come out against segregation and/or bigotry after having a religious epiphany in his later years?
>literally revisionism. Before 60's and cultural marxism
stopped reading there
>cultural marxism is a buzzword/spook.
Very interesting user. There any books or websites where I can get more details like this?
The 17. SS Panzergrenadier, the Panzer Lehr, 12. SS Panzer, the 9. and 10. Panzer (sister units), and arguably the 2. SS Panzer were all good SS divisions on the western front. Generally the Germans tried to have an equal amount of godawful divisions with an equal or similar amount of decent ones.
>What are the Laws of Burgos
Jesus Christ what is wrong with you people
>kill on site
pretty all of WW2 was kill on site m8
>SS were all nazis!
Nice meme
Lehr ain't SS bro.
Also the SS Units fall into categories of elite, good, meh, bad, and fucking horrible in so far as performance and combat go.
>any SS division
Glorified cannon fodder at best. "Elite" LSSAH was completely destroyed three times and had to be refitted and reequiped anew three times because they kept throwing themselves in the middle of fire like retards.
You know which German unit was actually elite? Jagdgeschwader 52. 10,000 claimed kills with only 678 pilots KIA.
>Confederates in the Civil War
What the fuck are you talking about?
It was the North that practiced a scorched Earth policy on the South
Very little of the ACW was fought in the North.
Killing Soviet """"""""""""""""""air force"""""""""""""""""" doesn't even count
>Yeah in 1875 he spoke for black and white reconciliation in a speech to a black civil rights group
woops. didnt mean to greentext
ironic since you probably think muh altright is anything other than a conspiracy
>defending illegal immigrants
Can't be an immigrant to a non-existent nation.
a truly European organisation
> illegal
>walk into someone else's land
>complain when they try to remove you
literally mexican
> someone else's land
I didn't know the natives had a sovereign nation with courts, constitution, and organised bureaucracy.
>Heh if there's no courts or banks then it mustn't belong to anyone
what a jewish way of thinking
>how dare they come into our nothing while we bathe in shit and fuck animals, and bring us civilization!
Sure thing champ
> a jewish way of thinking
No, but an entirely legal one.
im pretty sure the natives had their own laws that they followed and they had a "head of state" such as chiefs.
>heh you're not a country unless we say you are
You forgot to mention there were hundreds of tribes who fought over pieces of land.
>it's only okay when WE do it
They couldn't organise *themselves* into a country; how do you expect other nations to recognise them as such?
>how do you expect other nations to recognise them as such?
in the same way they talked to them in the first place, by talking with the chiefs and leaders
the genocide of the native americans was the biggest war crime in history. europeans are evil.
WTF I love the SS now
Ah whoops. You're right. I just remembered it was part of the reserves and I thought that was all 1. SS Panzer Corps.
And by no means am I really claiming otherwise, I just personally find that at least in the case of the western front, the SS Corps actually didn't completely shit the bed- and while eventually shattered, usually did some rather extensive damage that halted the allied offensives. Take for example the 12. SS Panzer deestroying 51 Shermans in one day and shattering several allied divisions before finally breaking themselves. But I suppose you could easily argue that should have been a matter of course with their tank advantage, being prioritized the newer tanks and whatnot.
How much would that autograph worth today?
SS Division tier list
Elite tier: 1st, 2nd
Great tier: 3rd, 5th, 9th, 10th
Good tier: 4th, 6th, 12th, 20th
Okay tier: 11th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 19th, 22nd, 29th (Italian), 33rd (French)
Partisan Policing tier: 7th, 8th, 13th, 18th
Poor tier: 23rd (Kama), 31st
Last minute/hardly a "division" tier: 21st, 23rd (Nederland), 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th (Russian), 32nd, 33rd (Hungarian), 34th, 35th, 37th, 38th
Hurt the Germans more than helped them tier: 30th, 36th
German tankers were advised to throw away their hats with the prussian cavalry skulls before surrendering because black uniform + skull insignia = insta execution by russians.
I guess russians had reasons to be so emotional.
>are we the baddies
Kike propaganda cucks. kys
>27th SS Langemarck
>28th SS Wallonien
>georgia being torched intensifies.
Nice rebuttal kike cuck.
that's not referencing those, only the 29th
the 29th formed twice, first with russians, then with italians
Nice rebuttal kike cuck.
Nice rebuttal kike cuck.
Not an argument schlomo.
6 trillion
>cuck my wife's son hitler jamal niggers KEK deus vult maga pepe cuck cuck cuck mudslimes kike
>The Leyes de Burgos ("Laws of Burgos"), promulgated on 27 December 1512 in Burgos, Kingdom of CASTILE (SPAIN)
I'm talking about the French you moron