>Le blacks never accomplished anything meme

Pic related, Nubian empire, city of Naga

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That's a roman column.

It's not, it's in Sudan

Looks like a bunch of dirt, I'd rather have a mud hut with a ceiling than that

Retarded fuckwit

t. triggered western african larping as egyptians/nubians

>The Roman kiosk is a small temple near the main temple building, which has strong Hellenistic elements. The entrance to the kiosk is Egyptian and is topped by a lintel with a row of sacred ureaus (cobras) but the sides consists of columns with florid Corinthian capitals arched windows in the Roman style.[2] Recent excavations at the building showed that it was probably devoted to the worship of Hathor. Testament to this is the discovery of a statue of Isis, a goddess in Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs, whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. Isis is the Goddess of motherhood and fertility who was worshiped as the ideal mother, wife, matron of nature and magic.[7] The goddess Isis was known to have absorbed some characteristics of Hathor.[8]

T.mutt banking on some vague white ancestry to fell good.

>One of the most diverse people in the world
>Cradle of civilization
>Ancient history that goes back to the bible
>a little bit behind at times but they went from the Stone age to the Iron age after skipping the Bronze altogether showing they're very good at catching up

You're right OP. Fuck Veeky Forums

>Nubian empire

There was never a unified 'Nubian empire', there were various Nubian kingdoms that existed throughout the region.
That said I like Meroitic stuff so post more OP.
Yet another civilisation crushed under the shitty sandal of an epileptic with a deformed dick.

Either you are a retard or a troll. Just stop with this fucking pointless shit, its irritating even me and I despise foreigners of all descriptions.



Prove me wrong

ROman in style but the workers and architects were niggers


>the wealthiest sub-saharan african "empire" that ever existed
>this was the most impressive architecture that was left

God made them to mock you and your pathetic people. EVerything south of Egypt was just cannibals back then

It still is

This triggers whitey

>implying mansa munsa the nigger king didn't construct it out of solid Gold
>implying the white turkeys didnt' steal it all and leave the mighty foundation to their spaceship there
Tchalla and Yakub weep at your colonised mind

Not an argument lol

What a lovely civilisation, shame if someone were to Islam all over it and reduce its people to barbarity.

Oh for fuck's sake just stay in the other thread you schizo.

Sure thing buddy

>Around 3000 BCE, a cultural tradition began around Kerma. It was a large urban center that was built around a large adobe temple known as the Western Deffufa.[1]

As a capital city and location of royal burials, it sheds light on the complex social structure present in this society.
>During its zenith, Kerma formed a partnership with the Hyksos and tried to crush Egypt. Discoveries in 2003 at the Governor of El Kab's Tomb (near Thebes) show that Kerma invaded deep into Egypt between 1575 and 1550 BC. It is believed that this was one of Egypt's most humiliating defeats, which later pharaohs had erased from the official historic records. Many royal statues and monuments were looted from Egypt and removed to Kerma, apparently as a gesture of triumph by Kerma's ruler.[10]

I wonder what yoru ancestors were doing in 3000 bc

kermaa is in Sudan

>By 1700 BCE, Kerma was host to a population of at least 10,000 people.[5] Different to those of ancient Egypt in theme and composition, Kerma's artefacts are characterized by extensive amounts of blue faience, which the Kermans developed techniques to work with independently of Egypt,[6] and by their work with glazed quartzite and architectural inlays.[7][8]

A city bigger than Troy


Should I show pictures of niggers being savages that get genocided and conquered to prove that God hates your people? Is it so hard to believe that they would be given a funny-looking work of art?
Yeah man they were so much better as animist pagans who performed human sacrifices and ate each others children

>nigger fairytales
man you sure showed me, now show me the songs and poems written about your nonexistant ancestors who lived there for thousands of years and never achieved anything

Everybody's been genocided and conquered at least once lmao

Still not an argument

Troy was an actual city. Niggertopia is a fairytale told by the descendants of slaves

>insults without providing any argument

Wow you sure showed me, back to /pol/ and stay there, ignorant buffoon


Your people were condemned to be destroyed almost entirely. The people who did were also never punished. To this day, they are being punished with AIDs

>Troy was an actual city. Niggertopia is a fairytale told by the descendants of slaves

Kerma was an actual city, retard

BEcause God left some rocks somewhere? Theres literally no songs or even art found in the entire city. Just the city ruins itself might be considered art by calling AFricans pathetic

>Theres literally no songs or even art found in the entire city.

Just showed you, retard, that was a structure, that's how bricks degrade over time, sorry you're too retarded to comprehend this

those aren't works of Art those are crafts. Anyone whose ever studied sculpture in college could tell you that. You really think those crude golems are art?

Statues aren't works of art?

You're too retarded to exist, kys

I bet you think chocolate figures are scultures too, huh? Art has a very strict criteria for what is and isn't art and those statues are not art

Kerma in 1700 bc, lol I wonder how white cities looked like back then (No, Knossos was not white, they were basically Levantines)

Fuck off you schizophrenic faggot.

He's been shitting up thread after thread today with his irritating rambling, last one was Ancient Greek heroes living by Mosaic law or some insane babble.

Thats CGI, sorry Jayquan. But that place never looked like that


Stay mad you illiterate, blasphemous safe-space-seeking faglord. Am I not allowed to challenge your people's retarded ideas that consist of AFricans being teh masterrace and romans not being Greek? Maybe you should fuck off if all you can do is talk shit and whine and cry at your betters

Whatever, for the record bronze age Trojans couldn't even make human sized statues, show me some superior white art from 1700 bc, I'm waiting, also what are your criteria for art?

Let me guess, it's not art if it's made by blacks?

>and romans not being greek

They're not Greek by definition

>No, Knossos was not white

Yes, Knossos was white, for whatever you want that term to mean.

>clustering genetically with Sicilians

lol, ok, they're only white when it's convenient to you, right?

The egptian book of the dead was written by God who was white. Art is an expression of human creativity and sculptures are meant to be inspired by sunlight shining upon places. Whereas with that sculpture there is clearly no inspiration. Black people can make art, I don't deny that, but when you start trundling around graveyards as proof of black superiorty youre going to get called out on your bullshit. The trojans were works of art and Homer was a trojan spy.

They were refugess from Troy which was a greek citystate so they were greek

They spoke latin and there's no evidence bronze age Trojans spoke Greek or took refuge in Italy

The illiad clearly stated they were greek. And the illaid is a primary document

Mycenae is older, and was just as large as Meroe.
That said, we've been building in stone since 3180BC in my country. :D

I'm lazy, so I'll just post something from 25,000 years ago, found in France.


I get the feeling that he's playing a character or mentally disturbed.
Either way, there is no point at all in responding to him just so you can feel smart.

>Mycenae is older, and was just as large as Meroe.

Older than Meroe, not than Kerma, Kerma is older than Mycenae


Looks like shit and it's infinitely easier to make than a 2 meters tall marble statue

Even if you take Aneas seriously, Trojans were not Greeks.

>Tee hee hee

Cretans are 'white', whatever YOU (as in 'not me'. This was the bit I expected you to read as though you were a reasonable human, and not a soulless insect person looking to take any faggot jab you could) want that term to mean.

They were a part ofthe greek nation so they were greek. Or were the cretes not greek by your standards either?

Fuck off, they were not white, poltard

Not him but we don't know what language bronze age trojans spoke, the only written documents found there is a short Luwian seal, Luwian was a language of the Anatolian branch close to Hittites

Considering that all the main Trojan allies, such as the state of Mira and of Seha spoke Luwian it's likely they spoke it too

Luwian is closer to Hittite than to Greek

Your country was the void of space in 3180BC, your sculpture is not art either. Shit talking motherfucker

You posted Meroe, so that's what I'm going to use as a comparison.
I actually like Nubian civilisations, but you are such a snooty little cunt.

>squeee it looks like shit, squeeeee!

Its also tens of thousands of years older, you poison dwarf.
If we're going to be evaluating the taste of ancient sculptors, then I'll tell you that anything in your pic was done bigger, better and more expressive by the Egyptians.

The Bronze Age was pretty retarded desu.
>muh tin and copper

Hektor spoke Greek to Achilles and the other heroes so we know that they spoke greek during the iron-age (as there was never a bronze age) war. It doesn't matter what piece of garbage some grave-robber claims to have found and I doubt that it was ever discovered. Their main ally was also other greeks like the thracians


You do realize that Augustus made Virgil write the Aeneid specifically so they could "we wuz" Greek history right?

I posted kerma

No it isn't. Homer was most likely a conglomerate of writers from centuries later.

Kek did you expect them to remember quotes in a foreign language?

Oh yes they were, redditor. Italians are white, and Portuguese are white and Greeks are white too - Levantines and half the Maghreb would be white if they hadn't adopted the wrong religion when it mattered.
You freaks are the strictest about who is white, you draw a narrow definition so you can throw together straw racists to bat at in your echo chamber.

Keep bleating you pathetic insect. Post something ancient that your nation, not the Nubians, have produced that is of any worth.

The aeneid was written hundreds of years after Augustus had died by Cicero. The illiad was written during the war which Homer fought in, the Trojan war.

Does everyone just accept wikipedia as the only truth of this world, but reject art and God as madness?

the throne of heaven, the laws of reality, the 7 traditional forms of art, warfare, and the law

Tell me what city is portrayed here.
I hate when shitposters are both extremely arrogant and totally obtuse.
Walking a grown man through his own statements because he is too hostile and stuck up to come willingly, fucking pathetic.

>The aeneid was written hundreds of years after Augustus had died by Cicero. The illiad was written during the war which Homer fought in, the Trojan war.
Are you trying to troll me or are you just a mental patient?

Multiple people cant make a single piece of art without it being very obvious so thats false as the text is beautifully written.
I expect them to remember the words spoken by a prophet and hero so yes, they would is he spoke it

I thought you replied to my other post you dumb cuck, saying Mycenae was older doesn't make sense when replying to that post

Its literally true, Vergil was never as good of a writer as Cicero and Augustus was never a fan of poetry. HE never even finished reading the illiad or the odessey

>shit 'philosophy'
>the art of eating the people you're supposed to be defending

Why didn't you just scroll up rather than being such a stuck up piece of animal shit?
Why can't you just cooperate for a minute?

despots existed before those advancements were made. What was created was teh process of bring prosperity to the people of a country and leading them to an age of heroes that conquers places like your arid wasteland of a country. Philosophy includes practically every study that exists so I guess you'd prefer to be tortured to death by mythological creatures that kill you for no reason and let you starve to death you wouldn't like that kind of thing. Pretty common in the lands of the nigger, being an idiot who refuses to go to school or study or stop comitting crime. I've only eaten abominations not fit for anything but a tragic, but just fate. Besides that, humans cannot actually perform cannibalism, isntead they hallucinate that they do and then are killed by God with incurable brain diseases like Kuru.

>One of the most diverse people in the world
>Cradle of civilization
>Ancient history that goes back to the bible
>a little bit behind at times but they went from the Stone age to the Iron age after skipping the Bronze altogether showing they're very good at catching up

What did you mean by posting your picture of people who literally never did anything for humanity?

>t. butthurt after being proven wrong


Does this mean that facebook is the greatest civlization ot have ever existed?


Those pyramids are from 800 BC and that mausoleum was built by browns

>Collapses in less than a century

>Only time we metioned it in history class is how Egyptians enslaved them
dicaprio was right, your destiny is to be slaves

>Those pyramids are from 800 BC
Nope. Meroƫ is after 300 BC.

>that mausoleum was built by browns
WE. Barnenez is in Brittany.

I stopped reading right there.

Tell me there was an ancient developed city somewhere and I take your word for it.
Show me fake ruins and you lose all credibility...

This crap reminds me some of these artificial sites made up to get the Unesco label.