Is the Inca civilization overrated?
I ask that because they are the only one popular Amerindian civilization.
Is the Inca civilization overrated?
I ask that because they are the only one popular Amerindian civilization.
We know more about the conquered by the Inca than the Incas itself thanks to spaniards burning all "demonic" art from the capital cand other cities, and the tons of metalworking melted and sent to the metropoli.
Just some years ago we discovered some texts from Guaman Poma that were prohibited by the conquistadors to be sent to the mainland, so Guaman Poma gave those records to a dutch guy who stored the writing until now.
If you pray you get learn the 30ish seconds of their world history taht amount to them being retarded savages
Do eurangutans really speak english?
I just made an observation of what happened as it's demonstrated by the actual consensus, and everytime, some monkey starts chimping out. Hmm...
>incatard is here
abandon thread
honestly pisses me off how autistic the spaniards were about muh demonic art, how much we lost.
Typical Eastern european retard with no history
Oh excuse me my KANG of the nile. I forgot I was in your royal prescense. Let me make my points
>live on top of a mountain because your retards who live in an inhospitable jungle
>start choosing murderers as your kings
>they start sacrificing people on altars
>God kills them
>people decide its a good idea and keep trying to do it
>God sends Spanaids to kill them all and leave their ghetto city as a monument to how worthless ancient civlizations that refuse to change are, isnpsiring various videogames and works of art
>die in the jungle which your people avoided like the plague because crocodiles and frogs are mighter than the inca
>hundreds of years later some subhuman tells everyone of how unjustly your ancient primate ancestors were
stop projecting bydlat
Lol Not him but fuck off you LARPing retard
All wrong. God gave free will to the eurangutans. Eurangutan pestilence genocided amerindians. Now God will punish eurangutan subhumanism by wiping them off the planet's surface.
1. There are no crocodiles in the regions the Incas inhabited
2. Human sacrifice among the Inca wasn't widespread. It was nowhere near the scale of the Aztecs or Mayans.
3. The Incas did NOT mistake the Spaniards for Gods, those were the Aztecs. The Incas acknowledged Spaniards as foreign invaders from the get go.
modern western society is overrated
>can't even recover from a cough
Final conquest by Spanish Edit
Within two weeks after the declaration of war a small party of Spanish soldiers had captured a key bridge on the border of the Neo-Inca State, from which Toledo assembled his army. On June 1, the first engagement of the war commenced in the Vilcabamba valley. The Inca people attacked first with much spirit despite being only lightly armed. Again and again, they attempted to lift the siege held by the Spanish and their native allies but each time they were forced to retreat. On June 23 the fort of Huayna Pucará surrendered to Spanish artillery fire. The Inca army now in retreat opted to abandon their last city and head for the jungle to regroup. On June 24 the Spanish entered Vilcabamba to find it deserted and the Sapa Inca gone. The city had been entirely destroyed, and the Neo-Inca State officially ceased to exist. Túpac Amaru was later captured and executed by the Spanish.
>literally the most unknown phase of the neo Inca state in Vilcabamba
>all past "official" records demonstrate the amount of fairytale tier delusions
>some cities were "burnt" by the Incas for no reason hmm...
>epidemics still ravaging them
Mongrel detected.
i'm just amazed at how an armored horse could fuck up so many inca. there were binding slings yeah, but no pikes?
Horses weren't that important. As recent remnants demonstrates that all battles until the last years, were fought by natives, as skulls and skeletons show Inca weapon provoked fractures and cranial holes made by native weapons.
that's cavalry 4 u
>elite units of llama knights to defend against
The horses were useless against them. Spaniards just waited how the diseases ravaged their numbers over time. Literally the last Inca had smallpox and other diseases before dying.
>greatest Empire of the world
>got obliterated by the flu
>20+ diseases in America
>90% death epidemics
>1 disease in europe
>30% death plague
Well, the entire western civilization is being obliterated by black fever. The need to worship the black warrior.
Aztecs and Mayans are also pretty popular.
That's a misguiding map for the Inca empire
didn't do much better, and they had fewer casualties from the plague
>live on top of a mountain because your retards who live in an inhospitable jungle
>start choosing murderers as your kings
>they start sacrificing people on altars
>God kills them
>people decide its a good idea and keep trying to do it
>God sends Spanaids to kill them all and leave their ghetto city as a monument to how worthless ancient civlizations that refuse to change are, isnpsiring various videogames and works of art
>die in the jungle which your people avoided like the plague because crocodiles and frogs are mighter than the inca
>hundreds of years later some subhuman tells everyone of how unjustly your ancient primate ancestors were
Sounds like Etrurian history to me
Etruria had coastal towns too (Populonia)
Yeah sorry.
I didn't mean the mountain part.
I was just thinking of civilizations that grew strong just because they had to settle on hilltops well above the swampy lands but near some key-trade routes they could raze at will.
Id est: the Romans
The same as Incas, right?
There were better civilizations in terms of economic trade and system, (moche currency) that had big settlements all over the coast. Unfortunately the south-american coast has a fenomena called the Niño, that obliterates every x years many crop-zones. The craddle of south-american civilization migrated and abandoned their big settlements due to a prolongued inundations and landslides provoked by the Niño destroying their agricultural terrain.
No... Incas couldn't build ships if their lives depended on it, the Pacific coast isn't the Mediterranean
Incas were a civilization based on the mountainous life. Moche traded with mesoamericans. There were sea trade routes.
>Moche traded with mesoamericans.
[Citation needed]
They used balsa wood rafts like pic related
>"S. princeps is found off the coast of Colombia and Ecuador and has been important to Andean peoples since pre-Columbian times, serving as both an offering to the Pachamama and as currency.[5] In fact, much like in Europe, the Spondylus shells also reached far and wide, as pre-Hispanic Ecuadorian peoples traded them with peoples as far north as present-day Mexico and as far south as the central Andes.[6] The Moche people of ancient Peru regarded the sea and animals as sacred; they used Spondylus shells in their art and depicted Spondylus in effigy pots.[7] Spondylus were also harvested from the Gulf of California and traded to tribes through Mexico and the American Southwest."
Spondylus bivalve molusc
>"West Mexican smiths worked primarily in copper during the initial period, with some low-arsenic alloys, as well as occasional employment of silver and gold. Small copper rings, generally found in burial contexts, are also common to Ecuador and Western Mexico and are abundant during this phase."
>"Excavated assemblages from the initial phase indicate that lost-wax cast bells also occupied a substantial portion of West Mexican artisans' efforts. Unlike similar bells recovered from coastal Ecuador, West Mexican bells were cast, rather than worked, metal. Typically composed of a smooth, suspended metal shell encasing an interior clapper, the West Mexican bells were generally fashioned from copper alloys and bore particular resemblance to bells made in Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica.[6]"
Where is this from?
Not him but it's from the movie Kon-Tiki, based on the trip from South America to Polynesia with just a precolumbian raft. He succeeded.
I feel really bad that the Incan Empire is now considered a meme on Veeky Forums because of that shitposter. I bet he's not even peruvian or bolivian.
Also, I thought the Thor Heyerdal travels were common knowledge in the world.
Norwegian expedition under Thor Heyerdahl to proof that these rafts were seaworthy enough to reach polynesia.
He was convinced that these regions were in contact and wanted people who said it wasn't possible with Inca naval tech to shut up.
They made ~3700nm in 100 days and ended up on a reef near french polynesia.
Does it exist enough proof to demonstrate that Incas reached Polynesia, then came back?
AFAIK Thor Heyerdahl wanted to proof that either the polynesians to what is now Peru or the other way round. He could go from Polynesia but he couldn't travel from Peru to Polynesia.
Those trips are taught in all peruvian schools because it's in the curricula. That norwegian guy is now immortalized in peruvian history.
There's pretty strong genomic evidence that there were trade links between Polynesia and South America. Specifically chicken genetics and Sweet Potato genetics
I've seen him on /pol/ a lot. Why don't we ban /pol/ and get rid of most cancer?
How the fuck is it overrated? Almost no one know about it except for Machu Picchu.
What kind of proof does academia need to demonstrate that Incas reached Polynesia?
>banning all /pol/
>implying that's possible
Also, it's not that annoying, it's just regular shitposting. Ignore it or shitpost him and at the same time get shitposted.
Building a raft and getting from Peru to Polynesia. The Kuroshiwo currents (not sure about this name) make possible for rafts from Polynesia to go to Peru, but not the other way round.
There is the account of the expedition of Topa Inca Yupanqui in the 1480s.
He is said to have gone exploring the pacific with a balsa raft fleet and 20k men, was at sea for >10 months and returned with treasures.
The Heyerdahl expedition proofs that these rafts are capable of making the pacific crossing.
Archeological or human genetic
>The Kuroshiwo currents (not sure about this name) make possible for rafts from Polynesia to go to Peru, but not the other way round.
I know all the details and commom shit from Mangareva and Rapa Nui. But the same answers always show up. "There is not enough proof"
What kind of proof do they need to prove that Incas reached Polynesia and returned?
The Humboldt current seems fine.
Archeological evidence shows that the megalithic structures are from the Inca period approximately when the legend Tupac Yuanqui sailed to the Pacific Ocean with a small militar force, then he came back leaving some of them.
The legend from Rapa Nui tells that the "foreigners" "long eared" were killed by RapaNui people, because those small people enslaved them.
If Incas only left some militar people to rule them before they got killed, they probably didn't have ethnic mixing.
More history than all of South America put together.
Everyone who screeches about /pol/ (Incatard, the "wh*Te subhumans" Turk, literally all the communists) is from /pol/ himself. Basically this entire board is /pol/acks calling other posters /pol/acks who should be banned.
Then we can ban pol shit before the pol callers, right?
We'd go a long way if we banned any mention of /pol/ on here.
The Incas occupied a unique environment, they are of great interest due to the ways they adapted to it and were influenced by it. I don't see anything exceptional about them though.
So just banning pol shit would be the solution, alright.
Yep. Contrary to popular belief, /pol/ isn't a nazi board, a white supremacist board, or even a conservative board. It's the designated shitposting board, where shitposters of all persuasions congregate and shitpost to death. It's basically the new /b/.
In short:
/pol/ = shitposting, banter, flame wars, all around faggotry
Veeky Forums = serious discussion
Apply these standards and you'll have success.
I'm too lazy to search for the source but the genetic studies show a contact between SA and Polynesia. But it's so tiny that we can assume that they only met once, which seems logical given the very short period between the alleged travel and the fall of the precolombian cultures.
Can we talk less about pol and incatrolls and more about the inca empire?
While we are at naval tech: For navigating lake Titicaca, they used reed boats, pretty similar to the ones build in ancient egypt.
The craft is still practised today and many vessels are in use at the high altitude lake.
>Tupac Inca navigated and sailed on until he discovered the islands of Avachumbi and Ninachumbi, and returned, bringing back with him black people, gold, a chair of brass, and a skin and jaw bone of a horse. These trophies were preserved in the fortress of Cuzco until the Spaniards came. The duration of this expedition undertaken by Tupac Inca was nine months, others say a year, and, as he was so long absent, every one believed he was dead.
It's debatable over whether he actually traveled to Polynesia.
Take the accounts of the gifts, firstly the treasures of "gold" and "brass chair", metal wasn't used in the Polynesias from my understanding. (Mainly because it didn't exist within the region)
Secondly, the mention of a skin and jaw bone of a horse, incredibly odd seeing as how horses didn't exist within the Americas (land mammals besides bats didn't even exist in most of polynesia), thus, we must assume it it some sort of other animal which, perhaps due to linguistic or phenotypic mixup, was mistaken for a horse (can any user check the source and confirm?)
Finally, we have the mention of "black people", it is true that the polynesians were considerably dark skinned, so much so that they could be mistaken, at least in terms of skin color, for "black".
Frankly, from the description of retrieved treasures, I find it more likely that Topa Inca likely sailed upwards to Mexico rather than to Polynesia, perhaps I might be wrong though.
let's try that again...
Frankly, I'm of the opinion that the Polynesians were the ones who initiated the contact.
From what I can remember, within Maori culture exists a legend that the sweet potato originates from a guy who followed a certain star by sailing northeast (whereupon he would have hit andean south america) and coming across a village of sorts. He then discovered the sweet potato, stole it, and retreated back to his island.
To me, it seems more likely that a Polynesian colony existed on south america for a brief period of time, enough to perhaps discover the sweet potato and send it outwards, before extinction or eventual assimilation.
Currently, Moche Island has been found to contain Polynesian skeletons (and is within the process of being dug up), so perhaps my theory could be true, who knows.
West Mexicans got their metallurgy from Moche
You have to be retarded to not notice the amount of influx all the pol shit contaminates every thread.
All non-european threads are spammed by the same shit, chinese, japanese, african (x100), american. There is a difference between banter and the same bait shit that people keep falling from it, ruining literally every thread.
European threads are also spammed with jew delusions and the same ideology faggotry.
Actually I've become used to this. As Mods don't do their job, there is nothing we can do about this if reporting them does nothing.
>It's debatable over whether he actually traveled to Polynesia.
Obviously. The legends are just "hints" that we can use for future research. The basis of the argument are the commom things from both sides of the ocean. Mangareva Island is the first supposed isle that Tupac Yupanqui reached. The natives from Mangareva tell a story about a king called Tupa that arrived from the East. Basically he left because there wasn't enough food for their people.
Rapa Nui legends coincide with the megalithic works and how the "son of the sun" reached their island and enslaved them.
The reed plant is found only in Rapa Nui and America if we exclude other continents. The stone dating coincides with the supposed arrival of Tupac Yupanqui. Supposedly Tupac brought from those polynesian islands some arctifacts and stored them in the Capital Cusco. (guess who robbed all the shit from Cusco later)
The conclusion of that study is that the genetic result shows a low amerindian influx from thousands of years before the Inca trip. I actually don't know about genetic studies, but I don't know how less than 100 militar people would affect the genetic pool of thousands of people from an Island.
Yeah. The remains shows that polynesian people actually brought sweet potato to South America.
Yet the remants from the XIV century shows that Incas reached those polynesian islands.
The Incans were a remarkable culture. Not just for their ability to live in high altitude areas, but their societal dedication to objectivity. Upon first seeing the Spanish, Incan King Atahualpa stated, "I once thought the Inca to be mighty but having witnessed the awe inspiring power, temperance, and beauty of theses Spanish, I know we do not even exist in the same realm as these beings. Any Incan should feel lucky to even behold their countenance, let alone earn a chance to serve or aid them."
Nah, it was probably another fairy tale made up by the conquistadors.
I'm retarded, not Moche Island, Mocha Island.
? It's been proven that the sweet potato was domesticated in SA, then appeared later in Polynesia.
According to the records, news of these islands came from Merchants arriving from the west in "balsas" with sails (I'm not entirely sure how common sails were in pre-columbian america).
Apparently a necromancer was also employed to seek out these islands.
>Man, let's go follow these merchants, not like we have anything else to do right? Come on, it'll be quick
>Oh shit, we arrived and there's nothing there, fuck we just killed the royal treasury for nothing, shit what do we do?
>Oh, let's just buy some shit close to home, make up a bullshit story so we don't get punished.
>Man, let's go follow these merchants, not like we have anything else to do right? Come on, it'll be quick
>Oh shit, we arrived and there's nothing there, fuck we just killed the royal treasury for nothing, shit what do we do?
>Oh, let's just buy some shit close to home, make up a bullshit story so we don't get punished.
It was kinda funny to make up a story
Except the "stories" are literally descriptions of the South-American Incas.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about my greentext.
Are you peruvian?
I'm hispanic and have relatives in the Andes, I however come from Venezuela.
>You have to be retarded to not notice the amount of influx all the pol shit contaminates every thread.
I never claimed otherwise. /pol/ is cancer. We just differ on what /pol/ actually constitutes, which I explained earlier.
>calls himself hispanic
Kill yourself, you are a disgrace for your ancestors.
Just so you know more about the cultures conquered by the Inca than the Incas themselves.
Hispanic you mean mestizo?
We know more about*
>tfw went to Ecuador and saw ruins from the Quitu
>tfw the guide said "They were conquered by the Incan Empire, they had to pay tribute and were displaced as mitimaes (population transfer)."
>the guide looked at me and the other peruvians while he was talking this
>felt really bad because I realised they felt the same as when the spaniards conquered the Incan Empire
I was really sad, it ruined the whole trip. Is this how europeans feel when they see civilizations destroyed by them?
Yes, I am 45% amerindian 30% european 15% sub-saharan african and some other shit (including a trace of polynesian).
What am I supposed to call myself?
My recent ancestors know nothing of the people we hailed from, native culture has been fucked by euros.
I'm assuming you are from the USA so if you want to do the muh heritage thing just call yourself [country your parents are from]-american. Hispanic is extremely stupid since spaniards and a mestizo from Bolivia are both hispanic. Their culture and ethnicity are completely different.
*blocks your civilization's path*
More like 150.
And it's more assimilates your civilization, how the Romans did with the iberians.
>invite him to my capital
>get mugged
>offer to pay ransom
>fill a whole room with gold and silver artefacts
>barbaric spaniards melt everything to ingots
>execute me anyway
some photographer, google it
They just kidnapped a bastard. The Incas reorganized immediately and formed the neo Inca state.
I meant the story.
>spaniards tell the subjugated nations that "We are liberators n shit"
>they help them and defeat the Incan Empire
>gets subjugated anyways
I travelled to Ecuador.
>while epidemics had a mortality rate of 60% to 90% for 2 centuries
Where is the source of what that guy said about those quitu?
stop giving (You)s to blatant shitposters
The epidemic helped but it was the "Divide and Conquer" tactic employed by Pizarro what defeated the Incan Empire. 100 spaniards couldn't defeat it by themselves.
Shit, you need to be more accurate. The source I don't know, I didn't ask. Pretty sure you can find it in one of those school history books from Ecuador or in wikipedia. I do know that the Quito were conquered by the Incas and not subjugated peacefully as they did sometimes.
>100 spaniards
Those 100 spaniards only managed to kidnap thr bastard son of the Inca. After the creation of the neo Inca state spaniard reinforcements started to come. The neo Inca state still suffered from those epidemics. Even the last Inca had smallpox and other diseases before dying.
Yet the Incas managed to battle against bigger numbers everytime.
The school history books are outdated. That's why a lot of people keep complaining about the education system in Peru. The mitimaes were used on leaders from villages and rebels. Quitu received the Chimu treatment of artisan and women exchange, yet the Chimu still were more rebellious, they got the mitimae treatment, yet their culture didn't got obliterated.
That's why I asked where did you get from that info about mitimaes destroying culture.
I didn't say the mitimaes destroyed a culture, it was more of mixing them and ultimately incorporating them in the Incan Empire. For some reason a lot of people think of it as population transfers during Stalin's regime in the USSR. The Incas didn't do massive population transfers.
>spaniard reinforcements started to come
Yeah I know, but they got a lot of help from those fucking Wankas.
> lot of people keep complaining about the education system in Peru
It always was like that. I've even read that the Tukuy-Rikuy (imperial inspectors) were some sort of guy who just heard rumours and liked to talk about them.