So as the biggest Hurricane in recorded history prepares to obliterate Florida we reflect on lives about to be lost and fortunes to be made. /Biz any investment strategies to take advantage of? This is going to be huge. Katrina was a summer shower compared to this monster. Come on /Biz fuck the crypto lets get paid!
GoodBye Florida
Other urls found in this thread:
Home depot stock if you wanna watch the world burn
Short Disney
Not true. Home Depot and Lowes didn't get the boost the Insurance stocks did. Concrete was good. Gas futures through the roof. (not the world.. its just florida)
Buy Hurricoin
Another manmade hurricane
This thread is informative and I have family here but FYI. just pulled from another thread. FEMAfag states. We just re-positioned 10,000 BodyBags to South Florida. This is going to be historic.
Who cares about fucking Florida.
It's like the second worst state after Commiefornia.
Very Nice.
AJ, is that you?
7x very nice
lots can happen, it's not guaranteed to hit florida
but wouldn't surprise me if it hits miami area
due to all the godless people down there
>MFW living in the panhandle.
>MFW we'll be lucky to get a light shower.
>MFW Miami gets wiped off the map.
Invest in sandbags and short alligators, we've got a follow up 'cane hot on Irma's heels. The 1 - 2 suckerpunch is gonna tear Miami-Dade a new one.
buy waves
Kek, I get it
Die in a fire asshole.
That video actually makes sense
right? I'm amazed for once
Oy vey! We need to pay more carbon taxes to fix this problem! Obviously man made! The weather was and is normally static!
This is like looking at a chart in the 5-minute scale. You may see a bullish candle, but if you look at the day scale, it is still a bear market.
Orange juice futures & shares in brazillian,fruit co friends.
Is it bad that I love seeing hurricanes hitting texas and florida, and seeing all those people suffer? I love seeing people stranded away from home with no hope.
i want to put my dick in that hole
So no proof?
Just like I expected
Also, mentioned in the video
>drought-ridden Africa
no wonder it is drought-ridden, when the all the water evaporated
No wonder the world is going to shit, when retards make up imaginary enemies
Only thing you can do is try to save yourself, cause the world doesn't want saving
B-but he has proof did you not see them forming?? Like he said, ALL hurricanes are made like this.... they never existed prior to being man made.....
Texas here. Fuck you piece of shit.
South Floridian here. I hope everything gets destroyed.
Don Imus talking about weaponized weather. The truth will come out
Lol the proof is right in the video. its obvious that it is manipulated. He explains it quite plainly to you, the water vapor is generated and then directed towards the location of their choosing. Thats why its so suspicious that its created in drought ridden Africa.
Your attacks make you sound very suspicious. These are whistleblowers trying to get the truth to come out. Are you working for ((them))?
We're on to you.
Oy vey Geoegineering cannot possibly exist especially if we went to the moon and created the atom bomb
Shut it down goy
The fuck am I looking at?
Some colorful map with loads of numbers on it and no explanation at all.
If you are trying to convince me of of some great conspiracy, at least put some effort in it.
REEE im going there in 3 weeks
A mere atomic bomb is nothing in comparison to the energy our sun dumps every day onto earth. Us humans can barely influence weather. Let's say we double the CO2 from 0.04 to 0.08 still isn't a lot. And even if we are the biggest reason the climate changes, what else should we do? Do you want to revert industrialization? Good luck.
Watch the video in its entire length
Rapid evaporation created by industrial facilities (like power plants) creates excess vapor in the air. This is different from natural evaporation.
These Artificial storm systems are actually created in many areas of the world. It's quite simple, really. At 6:50 he shows you a radar map of Africa, where you can clearly see water vapor coming out of central africa where there is a drought. He will circle them and show you the "wet spots" so to speak. They are synchronized in a certain pattern, in bursts to create a proto-hurricane.
That proto-hurricane is then shot across the sea where it gains strength. The shot is directed by NEXAR/Doppler radar, where they can steer the storm through certain electromagnetic frequencies.
This hit to Florida is completely intentional, just like Harvey, and will cost lives and countless amounts of damage. This must be stopped. They have been doing this for a very long, long time.
It means your parents failed, it's more sad than anything else. I'm sorry you're broken.
>At 6:50 he shows you a radar map of Africa, where you can clearly see water vapor coming out of central africa where there is a drought.
I dont know which central Africa you are talking about, but most of the regions shown in the vid are the fuckin tropics. You know, the regions where massive evapo(trans)piration happens at large scale, naturally.
>They have been doing this for a very long, long time.
Yeah, for thousands of years. Fuckin Egyptians, man, with their stupid ass pyramids. Governing the whole of Africa, and pretending to all hate each other and constantly going to war, so that we do not realize that Africa is actually one entity that acts in a coordinated way.
Harvey dumped 33 tril gal = 1.24918589e14 liters on Texas. Can you do the maths on how much fuel you'd need to evaporate such a large amount of water?
if you really think it will hit then lumber you dumbfuck.
>I dont know which central Africa you are talking about, but most of the regions shown in the vid are the fuckin tropics. You know, the regions where massive evapo(trans)piration happens at large scale, naturally.
Those areas shown in the video are not the "tropics". You can plainly see in the video that the cloud systems are formed out of nowhere.
>Can you do the maths on how much fuel you'd need to evaporate such a large amount of water?
The amount of rainfall does not equate to the amount of fuel needed to sustain the storm. The storm has a cumulative effect on the environment. Meaning that it will pick up steam once it hits water, then it doesnt need to be fueled. It only needs to be fueled when it hits land, which is what exactly happened when it hit the Texas coastline.
jesus you guys are fucking retarded lol
This ain't rocket science kid
OK, looked at it again, right at 6:50
All the lower ones are tropic and right along the friggin coast. Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote d' Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benis err… Benin, Nigeria etc. got to wikipedia, check out the countries, most of them are tropical, tropical savannah or monsoon climate.
and yes, there are dry outliers. That one dot up in Niger? Pretty sure that's the Aïr. It's a friggin mountain range. Do you know what those do to the weather? But please feel free to check out the region on google maps. The Aïr looks really freaky, you can probably find your cloud devices there.
And giving you the benefit of doubt:
If such an all-powerful entity that can evaporate implausible amounts of water really exist, why would they not also modify the satelite images to cover their tracks?
why doesn't this exist
long insurance companies
Bro it doesnt matter.
It's pretty clear its man made. This is going to be devastating in Florida and people are still in denial about weather warfare. It's real.
>If such an all-powerful entity that can evaporate implausible amounts of water really exist, why would they not also modify the satelite images to cover their tracks?
First of all its not an all powerful entity. No one said that.
>why would they not also modify the satelite images to cover their tracks?
Why even bother? I'm rich, I'm powerful, most of the population follows Kim Kardashian's twitter and believes the weatherman on TV. Who cares about a few people who spot the truth? We'll just call them conspiracy theorists and call it a day. It's worked so far.
Doesn't look good for America's cock
>First of all its not an all powerful entity. No one said that.
I say that. If they can really do what you claim, they are all powerful.
Did you even read your fuckin link?
>United Nations humanitarian chief Stephen O’Brien described the crisis to the Security Council as the largest since the second world war in 1945, and an amount of $4.4 billion is needed “to avert a catastrophe” in Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria and Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula.
>For the other drought-ridden countries including Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Those are at the opposite end of the fucking continent.
I can also prove to you that Florida will not get hit by a hurricane by linking to the weather forecast for Vancouver BC.
>I say that. If they can really do what you claim, they are all powerful.
Okay, whatever you say.
>Those are at the opposite end of the fucking continent.
>Millions of people in over a dozen countries in the Horn of Africa and southern Africa are facing the peak effect of severe drought that hit the regions resulting in famine.
>Keyword "PEAK"
I just linked that to show you how bad it is.
Theres nothing you can say to disprove this. You're just sounding like a shill now. Why dont you watch some more of his vids on his channel and listen to what he has to say instead of being difficult like every other denier? And seeking any kind of weak point in my argument, when there is none?
Really how hard is it so say "you know what, maybe this guy has a point and I'll listen to what he has to say". I was gonna argue too until I watched the vids and did some more research.
Jesus fucking christ. See people dont want to wake up. They just want to argue that their point of view is true and godamn anyone else that challenges their views. Man the fuck up. You're wrong.
what even is this thread
For the same of this thread let's assume you're right. I believe you are, but regardless..
Why would an entity modify the weather? I can see good in starving out useless niggers. But why send a storm to America? Who would want to do this? Od we have to backtrack to who is profiting from this to get the answer?
Here is another article detailing the drought:
If you watched the radar in the video you'd see that there are weather systems coming from the east.
Tfw live 40mins north of miami
>Why would an entity modify the weather?
That's the question isnt it. Why? That requires a very long answer that I cant get into here. Who is profiting from it - is a good question to ask, and is a good place to start.
Achoo! Sorry, I sneezed.
>I just linked that to show you how bad it is.
That's not how it works.
I just linked that to show you that there is no severe weather forecasted for the region.
>Theres nothing you can say to disprove this. Y
I probably could, but I can't be bothered right now.
Anyways, its on you (or your youtube idol) to prove shit.
Yes, I can see the things forming in the vid, but just saying "they are what I say they are" is not a proof.
He's not even trying to make a case for his weird theory and neither are you.
fuck, I even threw you a nice ball that you only had to catch, with the Aïr mountains. If you had googled them, you would have seen that there are large uranium mining operations in the region, so you could have found an explantion for a power source for that impossible thing, but you didn't even bother.
>Really how hard is it so say "you know what, maybe this guy has a point and I'll listen to what he has to say".
Very hard, when all my common sense and tinfoil alarm bells ring with a deafening roar.
> I was gonna argue too until I watched the vids and did some more research.
So please show me that research. And no, more vids of the same flavour don't count.
>You're just sounding like a shill now.
Fucking kek. Projection much? The only one shilling here is you and your stupid half-baked conspiracy. You got refuted and now resort to insults, you lost this.
>tfw there are paranoiac schizophrenics who really believe hurricanes are manmade on purpose
it's gonna get wet!
it will completely destroy florida from coast to coast
>tfw live in soflo
I'm literally going to die in this hurricane. My house will not be able to withstand the winds and I have no gas to evacuate with. ALL of the gas stations are empty so I've no choice but to stay. I'm just fucked. I've never felt so helpless about anything. My only hope is that the local shelters aren't already full :(
Sucks to hear that.
But what I really don't understand is why no one prepares for those things. It's not like this is a rare freak event (though this ones size probably really IS freaky), but a general fact of life at this region. Why not built friggin houses, instead of those weird cardboard boxes you burgers call house. Why not have a few gallons of gas and a few supplies stored in your basement at all times?
Weather weapons are real and have been around a while. Monsoons were used effectively against the Viet Cong decades ago
>Why would an entity modify the weather?
Possibly to punish the current admin for pulling out of the Paris climate agreement or to divert funding away from the current admin's agenda.
Because I'm 19 and all my money is going to schooling. If I had the money (let alone any room for storage) then sure, I'd love to live in a hurricane proof home with a basement full of supplies.
Look up England 1952 flooding it was almost officially man made, imagine what (((they))) are capable of today.
Not trying to be an ass, but a few gallons of water, gas and baked beans cost literally nothing, and if you eat them after hurricane season, they aren't even an extra cost.
And the building thing is more a general amazement about burgerlands building codes.
And for not dying:
Staying inside and away from the windows is probably already going to increase your chances quite a bit.
>natural disaster incoming
>get a full week warning
>stay right in its path
Just cant fix this level of stupid.
Checked and loled
Florida bro here. I'm not fuckin selling and I'm not fucking leaving!
>>stay right in its path
Doesn't Florida have those stand-your-ground laws?
They can just shoot at it, you know.
The roads have been jammed with traffic this entire week. Hotels are booked all the way through to Alabama. Unless you evacuated at the initial formation of the hurricane you're not left with much choice, unless you'd like to sit in miles of traffic and face the hurricane in your car on the open road.
I have plenty of water and food and even a full tank of gas, but that will only get me so far. ALL roads out of here are stopped with traffic and I'd run out of gas only 300 miles north. Then I'd be exposed to the entirety of the hurricane in my shitty little car.
I'm sure there are busses to help with evacuating. Call around. Stay safe user, don't die on us.
Florida sounds like such a shitty place to live. Sorry you hear, hope you stay safe user
take refuge in your cute neighbour's house after she evacuates and calmly sniff her panties until the whole shit is over.
That sounds like a setup for another "florida man" headline
>Florida man found dead in neighbours house, after using her hurricane induced absence to satisfy his fetish
or something
I kek'd but it's true
Outside of a handful of coastal cities, Florida does suck.
Driving through the interior is like driving through Trevor's town in Gta 5
I'm always relieved when I see these kinds of videos because it shows me there are people who are more retarded and depressing than I am
I found a family with a hurricane-proof home who offered to take me in... I should be safe after all.
kek'd hard
Good to hear! Don't forget to get them a nice bottle of wine or something for good karma later, assuming you are all going to make it.
Good news! Make sure y'all have a canoe/fishing boat/kayak in case the waters get too high.
>It means your parents failed, it's more sad than anything else. I'm sorry you're broken.
I'm hoping a lot of people die in the hurricanes and flooding in florida and texas. There are too many people as it is.
Wow, you're so cool and edgy
>how hard is it to say maybe this guy has a point and I'll listen
>you dont want to wake up
>man the fuck up
>you are wrong
lol, solid arguement. All that dude said was that Western Africa, where most of the clouds in the video that he watched, is subtropical.
The Horn of Africa, and the whole east side, is well you know, not. Egypt is right there, Sudan under it, Middle East right next to it. I don't need to look at a map to know Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea goes through droughts.
>I'm hoping a lot of people die in the hurricanes and flooding in florida and texas. There are too many people as it is.
>Wow, you're so cool and edgy
Not edgy. I just genuinely hope people die. Less assholes is always a good thing.
Aside from the guy who said home depot not a single one of you morons answered OPs question: What to invest in to make a fortune off hurricane?
After the storm will be a great time to loot those rich fucks mansions.
Well, the 6th post was a stupid conspiracy theory already, so where else should that thread have gone?
And if you really want to make a fortune, quick, well, you gotta use leverage.
So how about shorting big US indices? If Florida gets killed, they might drop.
Shorting Florida companies (Disney already mentioned), maybe some of the cruiseship ones are generally, anything travel related?
And go all in on construction supplies for the rebuild period.
>That proto-hurricane is then shot across the sea where it gains strength. The shot is directed by NEXAR/Doppler radar, where they can steer the storm through certain electromagnetic frequencies.
I have a master's in physics and this is the most /x/-tier senseless paragraph I've ever read in here.
Man we need to tell ancient civilizations to watch out for this! Can't believe some mysterious nefarious characters have been creating insane storms since the beginning of recorded history!
>that PROVES it
bro wat the fuck, how is this fucking real ?
seriously ?
I just linked that to show you that there is no severe weather forecasted for the region.
Lol, thats the whole problem. There is no severe weather in the Africa region. And then out of nowhere, rapid condensation occurs from the east, it shows you right there on the radar.
We're winning bro. People have yet to disprove any of this information. Just take a look at the comment section of the video.
Right on the radar it shows you how quickly that water generates. When there is supposedly a drought in Africa, and that water comes from the region where the drought is located (and other areas).
Fucking shills I swear to god. The truth is coming out and you cant stop it.
South Florida fag here. The PURGE is here! LOOT niggers LOOT!
Yes! Let's go to hyperbole because its certainly not possible to manipulate weather with the technology we have! Of course not! It's just not possible!
I love it too. As soon as a turned on the news all i saw was uppity rich people standing outside of their flooded mcmansions looking dumbfounded. Now they get a little sample of things to come.
Yes such as the Japanese who, in 1274, used their weather machine to sink 1300 ships and kill 40,000 Mongols attempting to invade
orange juice