Wtf is up with BCH??? How the hell did it moon like that?
Wtf is up with BCH??? How the hell did it moon like that?
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Follows BTC just like every other AltCoin
its the real bitcoin nigga
watch it take over segwit coin in the next cpl of months
you didnt dump your free BCH when you got them, did you?
It goes up when everything else goes up. When BTC dumps, it dumps. It's a shitcoin
>BCH is a shitcoin
its literally bitcoin minus (((segwit))) lol
>bitcoin 'cash'
>5 hour confirmation time
everyone loves to doubt BCH on Veeky Forums standard affair here shill the actual shitcoins and dump on the only good alts. BCH to $700 by days end, $800 by next month mark my words. Remeber when Veeky Forums shilled waltoncoin as the next great chink coin and then it shit the bed? Yeah me too.
its a fuckin miner coin nothing else.
You fucking mine that shit when the difficulties low then when it goes up to much for profits you dump that shit, then wait for the difficulty to drop again. Thats how its made,because its a coin made by scammers that only intend to destroy the btc network
BCH is the reason we can't have nice things.
>didn't buy the dip
It will need to hard fork to remove the retarded EDA.
They should hard fork segwit into it at the same time.
BCH = cancer coins
aka cells that mutated and can destroy our network
BCH is a safe-space coin for the easily triggered. It will go nowhere.
Bch is the cure for cancer, dummy.
Bch is a chink virus just like the chink race. They must be quarantined before they fag up everything outside of China too.
Plus 8MB blocks. If Segwit2x fails expect it to moon
Holy shit not sure if this thread is overrun with core shills or just useful idiots who dont know shit about the situation
I'll make it easy. Look at this webpage:
Look at the inflation rate.
See the inflation rate jump when the EDA shifts
Work out that the difficulty will double permanently in 6 months without a hard fork.
New Words: Inflation, Difficulty
What situation?
The almost empty haspower? Kek
This is what fear looks like. Enjoy losing control of what was uncontrollable in the first place. Satoshi played you people as fucking fools - you dedicated your lives to the development of Bitcoin in the hopes that you'd reap elite benefits, instead you will be laughed at. Thanks for developing Bitcoin up until this point for us! Go fuck yourselves.
Not an argument. You probably prefer just downvoting things on Reddit.
If BTC were to topple, it wouldn't topple to a shitcoin that castrates itself.
This guy.
Where's the "piss off" button for this retard.
Bch was the backup coin dummy in case bitcoin castrates itself,
Let's take a look at what is actually happening in bitcoin - NYA disintegrating, High fees, infighting, core trolls castrating their own micropenisis...
If Segwit2x goes ahead those miners:
Sell BCH for BTC
Dump BTC
As for BCH not castrating itself, it's mined by two fucking miners sending shit to the same address, and the EDA will make it permanently unprofitable without a hard-fork in 6 months.
You are a cuck.
The other cucks will upvote you though ;>)
BCH is Bitcoin's retarded brother, sometimes it shines for no reason. In terms of money, people are bleeding with each pump, because the % gains are stupid low.
mooning means 200%+ in one day
not 20%
Also, EDA is an added benefit, fucktard. It's there permanently so that when it destroys your shitcoin it has an emergency backup in order to keep the chain running smoothly. Enjoy losing.
I shall post it again.
You are of simple mind but I'll ask you knowing that you don't understand - what happens to BCH's block reward halves early because of the inflation rate?
Psshh... In this game... try not to blink kiddo...
Jihan is literally paying miners to mine his shitcoin.
It's the superior coin
It's also slowly but surely gaining more acceptance
bilderberg group is literally paying blockstream to destroy bitcoin