Redpill me on the Roman conquest of Greece. Why couldn't' the Greeks resist the Romans?
And is Romans culture just a cheap knock off Greek's?
Redpill me on the Roman conquest of Greece. Why couldn't' the Greeks resist the Romans?
And is Romans culture just a cheap knock off Greek's?
Excellent post
Red pill me on why haven't you killed yourself you filthy sunburned coal skinned subhuman ape nigger?
Rome wasn't able to conquer Greece on its own, it was forced to ally with the Scythians, Mesopotamians, and high kingdom Egyptians. Even then, it was quite difficult to defeat the combined forces of Athens, Sparta, and the Macedonians.
/pol/ please.
The roman conquest of greece was disguised as a war for the freedom of Greece against the tyrannical approaches of the king of Macedonia. As such the romans were seen as helpful allies untill the various hellenic leagues realised that they had basically become the puppets of Rome. They tried to fight it but it didn't go great for the natives.
Reminder that the Gauls conquered both Greece and Rome first.
Greeks were the intellectual philosophers and scientists, Romans were the disciplined soldiers and engineers.
Young Greek men would often work as mercenaries for the other Hellenistic kingdoms.
Was there a shortage of soldiers in Greece itself during the Roman conquest?
source? They taught us in (((history class))) that the Romans conquered greece relatively easily
The REALLY short version is Greeks hated each other and Macedonians so much that Rome sold itself as the great protector of city-state independence whatever Greek/Macedonian king was rising up to challenge Rome so it became half of Greece + Romans vs other half + Macedon/Macedonian Expansionist Kingdom. Greek city states were near-sighted morons that could 't see the writing on the wall due to their cultural bias.
Also doesn't help they realized that Rome had their number on the phalanx too little too late.
You finally did something wright,roach.
Also forgot to add that Pergamon was the biggest Roman shill of them all.
I mean, we get it, meme image and all that. But where is the source?
Seems they were better off under Roman rule.
I mean, it wasn't as if the invaders had the most striking cultural differences nor were an existential threat, unlike say, a Persian invasion would entail. Greek culture more or less survived the transition, Greek states were able to sink far less of their resources into military matters, and, as core members of the Roman Empire, had all but perfect protection from all other threats, including other Greeks.
Seems kind of a win-win, especially from an Athenian point of view. If the Greeks weren't so factitious, it'd almost be a surprise if they spilled a single drop of blood over the transition.
Historical documents uncovered by in their Hardcore Gangbang series
That's what I thought, who's the chick? I'm guessing it's an older one.
Actually, greek is just a cheap knock-off from minoan culture sprinkled with some Phoenician inbetween.
>I mean, it wasn't as if the invaders had the most striking cultural differences nor were an existential threat, unlike say, a Persian invasion would entail.
The Persians' culture was strikingly different from that of the Near Easterners, and they didn't destroy their culture. Not to say their rivalry with Greece wasn't on another level, but you're talking like 300 is real.
Bella Rossi
Daily reminder it is ROMAN EMPIRE and CHRISTIANITY keep Greek culture alive. It is also ROMAN EMPIRE and CHRISTIANITY finally ban Greek faggotory and save them from degeneracy. Be grateful what you had.
Blacks werent seen as human till the 1900s so any nigger in Rome was someone's property.
Also once again jews use hybrids instead of hideous pure africans in their propaganda.
>kind of a win-win from an Athenian point of view
I can't tell if this is a joke or you haven't brushed up on your history lately.
Regardless, few Greek city-states invested in their military in the way Romans did. It was citizen-levied infantry, not career soldiers as was the case with Rome late in their conquests of Greece proper.
And they regretted it all the same while Sulla and Scipio marched through their territory. It's hindsight now that Rome would model itself largely after Greek culture and a matter of significant chance rather than by design. For all they could've known and by the flip of the a coin, Rome could've waltzed in and purged them of their ancestral roots for being so vehement about revolting.
Most every other territory claimed by Rome didn't have the luxury of preserving their culture, likewise with Greek expansionist areas in southern Italy and Sicily.
the romans and greeks did not differentiate between each other like we do.
It wasnt a Rome vs Greece thing.
it was rome and greek allies vs some greek kingdoms and greek allies
>citizen-levied soldiers
To add onto this before "muh legions" Roman training and military infrastructure was FAR more supported than the hoplite training/infrastructure of the average city-state.
>greek culture alive
lol they banned philosphical schools and killed greek scientists.
there was non, read some source orthodox traitor
>t. confused Turkish raped baby
well done retard
Romans could just force you to speak/write Latin or just slaughter you all, but they didn't. Turks could wipe out your culture / ethnicity from the face the earth, but they failed because of Orthodox Church. Who is the traitor again?
romans spoke greek and were considered greek cousins.
ottomans dont give a shit about culture as long as you pay taxes.
The orthodox church was the sultans play thing. why do you think its seat is still in new rome?
>And is Romans culture just a cheap knock off Greek's?
There aren't many significant similarities between the two other than the arts and Rome's early style of warfare
Tbh the ottomans never cared what the people did as long as you paid yoyr taxes.
Conversions in the balkans were done mostly by sufi orders instead of the government.
>And is Romans culture just a cheap knock off Greek's?
No. That's a modern misconception due to how deeply the two cultures meshed in the centuries of pax romana. It's not even uncommon for roman shit to be thought of as greek because everyone thinks the exchange was one way.
>other than the arts and Rome's early style of warfare
Granted, other than the archaic period latin literature most certainly is extremely influenced by greek lit, but roman visual arts had very little in common with Greece's.
And the early style of warfare is similar in the sense that shieldwalls and spear edge were basically universal, everyone fucking did it everywhere in that period. The egyptians did it, the sumerians did it, everyone.
>Athenians and Ionians were the intellectual philosophers and scientists, Romans were the disciplined soldiers and engineers.
Great Hektor lead them into battle. Roman culture built upon greek ideas and the illiad is proof they formed much of the foundation of their culture
Huh? What does the Illiad have to do with early Roman culture?
Hardcoregangbang Bella Rossi. Great jerking off material.
its proto-roman culture that got adopted by the greeks
lmao. /humanities/ please.
There was no Greece then, user. There were greek settlements all over the Mediterranean.
The greek nation existed before and during the conquest, user. Along with teh geographical region of Greece
Region, yes. But no greek nation.
the only place that spoke greek and might not ahve been considered part of the greek nation was sparta. Everyone else followed the basic philosophic tradition of socrates and teh rest
Nice try, user.
You do realize that any connections between Rome and Troy was nothing more than the Julians WeWuzzing, right?
The illiad was written during that war so you;re a revisionist and an apologist with no say in the matter
The Illiad doesn't say a fucking thing about Romans.
If you read the illiad you'd know that they sailed for the seven hills in central italy and named the city Rome, as commanded by Great Hektor. When there was no settlement there at the time.
Alright, I get that you're a troll, but just for the record, the Iliad ends with Hector's funeral and the war still a year from being completed. Aeneas was the one who lead the Trojans to Italy, according to myths made a thousand years after the Iliad.
>according to myths made a thousand years after the Iliad.
literally fanfiction and revisions
>the Iliad ends with Hector's funeral and the war still a year from being completed
it actually ends with them sacking the city as was foreshadowed earlier in the text and the three tragic greek heroes getting abandoned. There was no funeral for Hektor in the illiad as he wasnt actually dead and even appears again in the odessey. The person who sailed them to italy did so under Great Hektor's command who even gave him the directions
Fuck off already.
Why didn't the Romans and Greeks create their own script independently?
This picture is probs from some B ass porno but it just ticks me so wrong. Ticks me like that "history" showing black romans and celts. REEEEEEEE
greeks ARE minoans