What if?
>Zimmerman Telegram wasn't sent
USA didn't join WW1
>Austrungary Gives Italy new Territories
Italy joined the central Powers
Would it end in a stalemate?
What if?
>Zimmerman Telegram wasn't sent
USA didn't join WW1
>Austrungary Gives Italy new Territories
Italy joined the central Powers
Would it end in a stalemate?
I mean, without Italy, there is no Vittorio-Veneto and the collapse of Austria Hungary. And without the collapse of A-H, Germany has no real urgency to seek a surrender in the autumn of 1918, especially when there aren't a few million fresh American soliders across the border preparing a spring offensive.
Um, AH would have collapsed even if they won
>implying the British wouldn't find some other nefarious way to pull America into war
Not even close.
>And without the collapse of A-H, Germany has no real urgency to seek a surrender in the autumn of 1918
the blockade
Polish and Ukrainian wheat go a long way to alleviate that.
>Forgetting the war of 1812
Don't you understand that back then, America loathed the British?
Ntm the insane amount of German immigrants America had
>implying Poland existed
>Italy fails to advance through Alpine passes
>Germany still can't break through the Western front
>Italian colonies and Dodecanese are quickly occupied by allies
>Central Powers still suffering from the blockade
>Bulgaria still collapses in the end of 1918 due to exhaustion, at most only in early 1919
>Allies liberate Serbia, move into Thrace
>British enter Cicilia from the south
>Atatürk is killed in aerial bombardment
>Ottomans sign armistice
>Romania is liberated
>Sarajevo is occupied
>Austro-Hungary panics, begins making overtures for peace
>Italians get spooked, switch sides immediately
>Austro-Hungary surrenders unconditionally
>6th of June, 1919
>Germany, still occupying most of Belgium and large swathes of no-mans-land in Northern France, finds its situation untenable
>surrenders as famine rages throughout the land
>No Wilson at the table at Versailles
>Germany and Austria completely dismantled into small states
>Italy forced to give up all colonial holdings, as well as Sicily and Sardinia
>Bulgaria is split as IRL
>Turkey is carved up, Bosphorus is ceded to Greece
>Armenian state established in the east
>Allies defend Armenia against Soviet incursion
>Turkey collapses into anarchy for the next decade
>US utterly shamed, excluded from the new world order
>Soviets lose the civil war
>>Allies liberate Serbia, move into Thrace
>>British enter Cicilia from the south
>>Atatürk is killed in aerial bombardment
>>Romania is liberated
>>Sarajevo is occupied
Are you Forgetting that Russia surrenders in 1917?
>>>Allies liberate Serbia, move into Thrace>>British enter Cicilia from the south>>Atatürk is killed in aerial bombardment>>Romania is liberated>>Sarajevo is occupied
What is the Greco-French-Serbian-British force under Franchet-d'Esperey.
>He doesn't know about the Greek front
That the collapse of the empire was inevitable even without war is a meme propagated by the Entente and by various nationalist groups. Nationalism wasn't as big of a problem in Austria-Hungary as many people believe, and if it became a critical problem the country would just undergo federalization (basically the Ausgleich on steroids). The idea the war isn't what caused the breakup is completely unfeasible.
you forgot to put 4 kangz Diocletian
>Forgetting the war of 1812
>Forgetting that WWI starts 102 years later
>Forgetting that the UK and USA share cultural, linguistic, and economic ties
>Forgetting the great rapprochement that happens simultaneously to the deteriorating relations between Britain and Germany during the 1890's-1910's
>Forgetting the Spanish-American war where Britain backed the USA against a European Empire for the first time
wew lad
The USA and British Empire were destined to be friends since the former's conception. Both nations are founded on Anglo-Saxon principles of common law, intense individuality, and a strong base of liberalism. The USA would eventually have allied with Britain, they are just too culturally intertwined. Even the large first wave Irish demographic in the USA couldn't make the USA side with the Boers and that is when Britain was clearly the bad guys. The large German demographic were even less potent in WWI due to the German rape of Belgium and the atrocities they committed meaning Germany was less popular and often despised especially if you view WWI as democratic nations against Germany traditionalist monarchies, the USA clearly favoring the former.
>Being this stupid
I wouldn't be surprised if you think the Ottoman empire would survive if they had won the war
>>Forgetting the war of 1812
What I meant by that is that the British tried to force American troops to fight against Napoleon before, the plan started the war of 1812.
>the USA would eventually have allied with Britain, they are just too culturally intertwined.
Then why didn't the USA want to fight against Napoleon?
>What about the Greek Front?
Several Lusitania's get arranged and the USA enters anyway.
Woodrow knew America needed to be involved in European warfare in a way that the "founding fathers" could never understand in their limited understanding of the world.
I don't think a more accurate picture has ever been posted in Veeky Forums
What? There is more than one Luisitania?
No. I'm saying that more planted excuses would be staged to justify getting involved, and rightfully so.
>muh excuses
Reminder that unlike Hitler, the Kaiser never wanted America to be involved.
You are misunderstanding him, he's saying the US would have found some reason, any reason, to enter the war anyways.
You are right that the Kaiser and the military really, really did not want the US to enter the war but that doesn't matter.
>What if they joos didn't do a false flag to get america involved in war
gee, we're literally talking about a world without joos
>answer is a non-argument
redditor or GROSSGERMANIAutist
What the fuck are you even talking about
Than why the fucj did they enter in the very last year?
I don't see how you could pretend A-H would survive unless you also erase the entire Serbian crisis that started the war in the first place.
Poincaré assured Russia of France's assistance in case of war. He thus bears responsibility since Russia acted more boldly knowing that France would have their backs.
>Be from a post AH country
>Some amerilard tries to tell me how nationalism wasnt a problem
I fucking hate this site. Every country except for maybe hungary was preparing to overthrow AH
>Italy attempts to advance through the Alps
>they fuck up as Italians do but France diverts enough troops to stop them that they lose at the Marne
>Paris falls
>the BEF evacuates in disarray
>the French Army disintegrates a la 1870
>France signs peace agreeing to further territorial cessions
>Britain pitches a fit because they have occupied all of Germany's colonies but have still lost the main front
>eventually agree to white peace after a few years of pissy blockading
>British Century ends
>20 years later Le Hitler shows up
Would have been interesting desu
>implying Austria was
austria was the real master mind so ofc they didnt
So who wins?
The Jews
Yes, Austria didn't try to destroy the Austrungarian empire.
To let the Europeans totally exhaust and bankrupt themselves while simultaneously being able to have a strong hand in shaping the peace process.
Germany, but it wouldn't be a decisive victory because Britain was safe from invasion.
he is masturbating to ideas of marines defending europe from le ebil french.
The region did
Italy had just gotten wrecked by a bunch of literal African niggers. The reason they weren't promised territory is because they had nothing to offer militarily.
Because winners get seats at the negotiation table. America's elite funded a lot of the war and had a vested interest in dictating terms of how things ended up.
By that dumb logic, that would mean that America would join the central powers if Germany was winning.
Germany would have back France if it wasn't for the U.S.
While that certainly wasn't where most of the investment in the watr from America was going, it was still there. The smart bet was on Germany losing though. But if somehow Germany scored decisive win after decisive win and it looked like it was a sure thing for Kraut victory, what do you think would happen?
The us would have remained neutral,
And Germany would have captured Paris.