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I remember learning about Fukushima and Huntington back in the first year of my polisci studies.
I knew right from the getgo that this stupid Jap was talking bullshit, and yet he was presented as a valid alternative to my homeboy Sam.
A buddy of mine bought into it, too.
He now regrets being an idiot.
>implying huntington and fukashima aren't both bullshit
>implying Huntington was not right about EVERYTHING
>"islamic" civilization intensifies
but you're not Hegel
literally has NEVER been refuted
based fukushima BTFO fag historians
>Civilizational historiography
>triumphantly declare he's in the winner's camp
>turns out he was wrong
this episode is always entertaining
DId Fuku later admit his original ideas were BS?
everyone is calling him fukushima ironically right
yep, he came to the conclusion that bio-genetics of all things would cause a shitload of ethical questions in our society and might destabilize it into eventually failing as a civilization.
Remember when the Great War happened and we all realized how *bad* war is? And never did it again for 30 years.
ITT, plebs that misunderstood and never read Fukuyama.
He never said it wad "the end of history" in the literal sense, but in a moral sense. Liberal democracy had proven to be the best form of government to provide the best living standards. Communism and fascism still existed when he said that, but they have been defeated on the moral sense.
Even if we were to dissappear as a species tomorrow or succumb to tyranny, alien archeologists studying our civilization would agree the post-war up to the 1990s was our golden age.
>Fukuyama became a nuclear power plant
Well 1991 was the end of a long saga that started in 1914 which resulted with so many revolutions in Europe. And that's about it.
So his book was a feel good zeitgeist opinion piece that said ''our system is the best, even if it fails''
Our system led to the era of the highest global prosperity ever recorded. Living conditions have never been higher(primitivefags gtfo) and overall development has led to the greatest human marvels so far.
firsht, let me be the firsht to admit it, ve were all, i think, fukuyamizts at one point
I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed.
fucking bullshit. science and technology attributed to all of that. get the fuck out of here.
Yeah and that totally would have happened under communism too, right?
Lenin, Gorbachev and Deng Xiaoping had to welcome foreign investment into their countries because of the stagnation and technological backwardness caused by the communist command economy.
Pure genius
>ever recorded
>so far
>therefore the end of history
that's retarded
Futatsu is frequently much maligned and misunderstood. People just look at the title of his book and read a regurgitated oversimplification of its thesis (that capitalist democracies have triumphed over all other competing ideologies and that this effectively spelled an end of a recurring pattern of history of competing systems).
Instead he said that what this system brought the end to was Megalothymia, a word he coined meaning a sort of egotistical, tyrannical need for social domination which motivates most historical conflicts.
But he also thought that people in prosperous liberal democracies would literally get bored or lose patience with its platitiudes and there would be no more sense of motion in society until populist uprising occured.
>yep, he came to the conclusion that bio-genetics of all things would cause a shitload of ethical questions in our society and might destabilize it into eventually failing as a civilization.
you know this is a good point.
so is this: the "end of history" is simply a sense that "a chapter has ended" as far as the political focus of a country is concerned.
9/11 was an end of history (or arguably the end of the "End of History"), it was the conclusion of the "post cold-war" chapter of history, and the beginning of a "post-post cold war"/"global war on terrorism" chapter of history.