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About ironic as any religion that claims to be only about peace.
Buddhist terrorists have been around for lots of time. I still remember nu-atheists youtube-heads mentioning them in the mid '00s to prove that all religion can be interpreted violently.
Those muslims are doing a lot of shit but it's really stupid that people still buy in the whole "buddhist are all peaceful and practice their religion". It's like saying that medieval europe wasn't warlike because they were christian. I blame the new age retards.
t. Salman
Go fuck yourselves.
I sympathize with his desire to preserve his nation's Buddhist ethos and its predominance. People misinterpret Buddhism as being all about pacifism. Sometimes violence is needed to prevent the growth of adharma, which distorts your traditions. Neither Christians nor Muslims belong in predominantly Buddhist lands.
>a jew browsing /pol/
I know that you stupid faggot, that's why I said that it's retarded that people think buddhists are completely peaceful and aren't violent. That would be the Jain.
>Neither Christians nor Muslims belong in predominantly Buddhist lands.
To be fair, the Christians agree, which is why they've been fighting to become independent.
One man's terror is another man's retribution. Both sides murder each other.
>Literal terrorist group launch jihad and kill/attack buddhist
>buddhist defend themselves by fighting back
b-both sides are equal. b-both sides have good and bad people.
Liberals are retarded.
Its not strange since Buddhists' support of communists in China in 1920-1940s.
to be fair, communist back then meant "equal treatment of all" not "let me be a dictator and kill you fags"
>When your religion is so shit than even the buddhists try to kill you
Mudslimes should be exterminated honestly.
>Literal terrorist group launch jihad and kill/attack buddhist
The Buddhists were killing them long before they started a 'jihad'
And Christians and various other forms of ethnic minorities in Burma
>Buddhism is a very peaceful religion, you should study it and consider the possibility that Christianity is not really that correct
>WAIT, WHAT? THEY'RE KILLING OUR USEFUL IDIOTS! FUCK, okay so Buddhists are terrorists now don't associate with them
We seem to have forgotten the latter
>communist back them meant "equal treatment of all"
Have you forgotten fucking Soviet fucking Union existed already
It's not terrorism it's self defence, Islam is like a cancer, as the buddhists say do you expect them to sleep next to rabid dogs?
If you think Buddhist terrorism is a thing of modern times you don't know about the ikko ikki.
Muzzies breed like rats and they're trying to over take the Buddhists.
>all that leftist bullshit trying to show how superior and enlightened they are by pretending to be "buddhist"
>lisa simpson being a "buddhist"
Now Buddhism is an alt-right religion.
>Time Magazine and the Times of London are the same thing
Are you stupid, esl, or both?
I lost any and all sympathy for Muslims after Bataclan.
Bengali squatters should be removed from Myanmar at all costs.
>too autistic to recognize that an image doesn't have to be an exact fit to express a message
>implying he can read english
Lmao imagine the media suddenly wagging war against Buddhism and its new age minios just for the sake of shilling even more islam.
He could give peace to others...but not himself
Alright. Go out and go do it. Go to your nearest mosque or Muslim majority neighborhood and shoot them. Don't be a wimp. I want to see you on the news. Follow through on your promise. They should be exterminated? Well go do it then.
In what world do you live in if you think the media is shilling islam?
Oh wait you're a /pol/nigger
Ah the story of Dalai Llama the Wise
You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog.
I don't see the problem with this image. If I was a buddhist I'd want to read that too to know what they're saying about me.
Daily reminder that Burmese Buddhists are slaughtering Christians en masse and regularly burn churches, but you would still defend their atrocities because "fuck mudslimes xDD".
People reading Time in ironic circumstances has been a cliché for some time now.
Ironic because Einstein showed that all time is simultaneous?
>not "evangelizers"
were is my media outrage about that, user
I honestly believe that the Burmese should remain religiously unmolested.
Christians shouldn't take something so vital to their culture from them. Look at how religiously bland South Korea is compared to Japan.
I often wonder if the islam defenders here are butthurt Muslims or contrarian leftists
They are all butthurt contrarian Muslim leftists, just like anyone else who disagrees with you.
Are you forgetting that it wasn't until the Berlin airlift that America stopped looking favorably towards communism? Why is it ok for America to be ignorant of the true fact of communism for the 20s-40s but not the remote as fuck Buddhist people of Tibet? In America we had our media telling us how the communist russia was a paradise, and they even covered up atrocities like the holodomor to make communism look better. Even now you have plenty of people who defend communism and the USSR not only in America but even in the former warsaw pact countries which experienced the brutality of communism.
Just imagine being this delusional and blind. One wonders how such a creature even functions.
Korea is bland because their culture was put on hiatus for nearly a century as first they got fucked by the russians, then the japs, and then the marxist for the 20th century. Even South Korea was ruled by a brutal dictatorship that clamped down on artistic expression in order to emphasis national growth. The Christian minority of Korea is really the only thing that helps differentiate the country from the rest of the east asian countries.
this shows that Buddhism went off the moment Buddha died.
Omelette, eggs, etc
Funny I don't remember Time ever writing about Islamist terror.
>le irony post
Nnnnnope. No matter how many delusions you spout. You will never change your replacement, fate. Time to get extinct'd, subhuman.
There are schools of Buddhism that teach complete non violence. Just because some Buddhist use violence to protect others, doesn't mean every Buddhist is violent.
> Purging Christians
There's nothing wrong with protecting from Christianity. Look what they did to Roman empire. Fucking Christies.
>hurr one foreign prosletyzing internationalist religion is arbitrarily worse than the other
Christians should stay in Africa and Mexico where they belong
When the British were in charge, the Muslims had all the power. After the british left, the Rohingya launched a jihad to claim Arakan state as their own. They enlisted the help of Pakistan(Bangladesh) to annex Arakan as a muslim state. This failed as Pakistan wasn't interested in going on conquering spree and disrupting their neighbors.
The Jihad was launched first.
If you don't let me kill your and rape your Buddhist family, you're not a true buddhist.
Historically Buddhism was suppressed in Korea for different reasons, but in part because it was elitist and corrupt and monks who meddled with court politics in Seoul and fell out of favor there. Today their heartland is in a former South-eastern kingdom that didn't hate their guts (and could possibly be the birthplace of Zen), and it's practiced little outside of there. A side-note on Christianity, local shamanistic traditions seem to dovetail nicely with it and could be a factor in its growth there when compared with the anemic growth in Japan.
Onto Japan, at different points Buddhism was suppressed. Monks were seen as politically meddlesome and the capital city was moved from Nara to Kyoto to get away from them. During the Edo Period, temples became a defacto census that aided the Shogunate in keeping track of peasants and more importantly in taxing them heavily. Not surprisingly monks were persecuted and temples burned following the Meiji restoration, and there were talks of expelling the "foreign" religion. I should also point out the victors of the Meiji restoration were descended from the Christian daimyos who were forced to convert or die by the Shogunate.
Obviously different schools of Buddhism persist today and as the population ages, the monks keep busy taking in retired Yakuza and doing funeral services. Not to mention the Aum Shinrikyo group that used Buddhist texts to justify gassing the Tokyo subway system.
>Be such a repugnant and society destroying plague that Buddhists, who's entire endgame is to cease existing by not giving a fuck about anything, want to completely exterminate you
Really gets those synapses firing......
'You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog.'
Mephibosheth bowed respectfully and exclaimed, "Who is your servant, that you should show such kindness to a dead dog like me?"
citation needed
Are you retarded?
>literally supporting islam in favor of buddhism
why are you retarded?
I'd eat every Muslim child alive after their foreskins've been snapped just to prevent any more of those shitskinned mongrels to walk the face of earth.
Nothing about true face of islam.
Why are all these sites so unfamiliar? As in why do they seem fake?
Based Asian man. The only way you can deal with parasites is to exterminate them.
>I only use MSM as a source of news
I couldn't confirm the first story as it took place in 2011, but was reported in 2013, then I'm reading today in 2017.
The second link took me to the source as "christianpost" a evangelical christian related news site. The actual source for their news is a turkish news site. I checked out what the credibility of the site was. Found out a huge chunk of the journalist there resigned recently in 2016. Their grievance was "After the coup, it became very apparent that the channel had no intention of actually covering it properly, in a professional, international broadcast standard", aka it had become a wing of propaganda rather than journalism. Its no surprise as everyone in the west knows Turkey is becoming a islamic caliphite state and the president harbors dictatorial ambitions.
Couldn't be bothered to go on to verify the authenticity of your claims on the other links as those take too much time for me and the links aren;t clear.
tl;dr your fucking sources are garbage.
>illegal squat in another country
>spend the next 500 years murdering natives
>demand the rest of the country convert to islam or die
>genocidal rape happy burmese army stomps your shit in
>fuck send help we are being oppressed
i hate muslims they did the same shit in lebanon they did this same shit in egypt they did this same shit all over the middle east they grow then they war fuck em
So much for multiculturalism...