What would change for Mexico? More resources? More value? Less problems...

What would change for Mexico? More resources? More value? Less problems? If Mexico concentrated its effort into populating its northern regions how would the culture be in those areas?

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They shouldn't have assassinated this man.


>If Mexico concentrated its effort into populating its northern regions how would the culture be in those areas?
60% Mexican, 30% black and 10% white, just like today

What would change for Mexico?

why would it be 30% black?

>What would change for Mexico?

Nothing. A small surge of gold mining from Cali thats it.

Its not the land that made Texas and California, its the people and the government. The biggest change would be having to walk further to get to the border.

I was just researching this when the whole DACA thing started blowing up on social media a few days ago.


>When two countries join, both almost always benefit economically from greater access to ideas, capital, and customers.
>Borders restrict the free flow of people, goods and ideas, confining small nations with relatively fewer resources or markets while benefiting large countries with access to greater pools of capital, ideas, and buyers.

>Fully integrating the United States and Mexico would have reduced U.S. growth .07 percent, while Mexico's growth would have increased by 1 percent a year. That's because the United States is so large that a merger with Mexico would matter a lot to Mexico but very little to the United States.
>Nations don't want to share institutions, lose their culture and values, or see their sovereignty dissolve. The calculations can't shed full light on why countries don't try more aggressively to eliminate borders, but they do explore the purely economic costs and benefits of doing so.

Culturally and politically we'd be fucked about 10x more than a game of civ could ever represent. Can't even begin to imagine the series of radicalized demagogues and hate crimes that would sprout up.

If this actually happened, all the beach-front property and trendy places in Mexico would be scooped up by rich whites.

Mexico is the way it is because of Mexicans and Mexican culture. A merger between Mexico and the US would be a net loss for the United States until 100+ years or greater when Mexican culture has been properly assimilated.

what kind of assumptions are they making about how governments would be merged? I can't see how combining nations and peoples would work without some serious redistribution of wealth, and definitely neither the mexican or american governments currently have any real interest in doing that.


that makes me want to vomit

They already do that

Alta California was the best part of Mexico, though no one knew it at the time. The humongous central valley fed by vast aquifers is any farmer's dream.

Then there's the biggest natural seaport in the world.

Then there's the weather that sent movie makers there in the early 20th century.

Forgot to mention more oil than Texas: La Brea Tar Pits.

This. Merging two cities is a giant shitshow.

Who do you think owns them right now? Mexico is not a poor or stupid country. They know exactly what they're doing, their opportunistic corruption has no bounds. They have oil, huge manufacturing/exports industry, MASSIVE media industry over Latin America, shitloads of ports, minerals, tourism, and they have violently/pretty intellegently maneuvered their way into having the largest narcotics trafficking industry to their number one client up north. They just don't distribute the wealth. If America doesn't start to change its ways, we will end up in the same situation. Hell, we pretty much already do have the corruption and wealth disparities that Mexico has. Fortunately, we are a much larger and wealthier country by default, or else the poverty in America (which is already epidemic, as well as everyone and their mother being heroin addicts) would degrade our dwindling middle and lower classes into severe poverty which still occurs in Mexico, which I wouldn't call a third world country by any means. The Mexican oligarchy just makes sure their citizens remain living below their means, furthering desperate opportunism to join the mafias and cartels to get rich or die trying and work for piss wages in agriculture or industry

I've always wondered what it would be like if we just merged Mexico and the US into a single country, but aside from everything else it sounds like a beauracratic nightmare.

On the plus side, the wall would have to be much shorter if we built it at mexico's southern border.

As if the US didn't already have racial problems, imagine adding 110 million Mexicans into the mix.

Jesus christ.

Mexico would have been far better off if Juarez would have accepted functioning as Prime Minster under the Emperor.

Given that Mexicans have little to non racial problems, maybe their culture could finally remove those racial problems?

Hispanics hate blacks. What world are you on?

Somewhat better in the long run, but that's simply because of the increase in barely populated natural resources.

The whites wouldn't integrate, I think a very large amount of them would simply emigrate to the US.


You have to go back, Polk.

Split fucking Coahuila from Texas. Keep the 1824 Constitution. Somehow convince the stupid slavers that it's cheaper to wageslave than actual slave.

Boom, Mexico has a lot more fucking oil, lot more gold, lots of uranium. No need for the Mexican revolution, also it probably changes US interference in Central/SA during the 20th century.

It would just be a northern Brazil: massive, resource-rich, but corrupt and ineffective. Yes, I know Portuguese and Spanish aren't the same thing, that doesn't somehow prove me wrong.

A shorter border to protect would be nice.