>I want to be yours forever, user. I'll do anything for you, always. You know how much I love you. Please give me the private key for your wallet in case there is ever an emergency. You can always trust me.
I want to be yours forever, user. I'll do anything for you, always. You know how much I love you...
idk, gave my brother the keys while I was in prison, still called the shots but he clicked the mouse. walked out with 6 figs. Wouldn't trust any hole with my money though, what's your issue man
what were you in for?
guns, whatever, got away with so much else it put me at peace. just did a lot of reading
If something happens, I'll have it in a smart contract that will release the private keys to you (assuming marriage).
my gf knows where to find my internet money and I'm not worried about it at all. you guys think you have the world figured out, but you'd be surprised how women treat you when you actually can offer them a happy life.
sounds pretty comfy user
did you do prison workout and get mad swole?
did you join a nazi gang?
until you cant anymore
I could understand a wife, but even then I wouldn't let them know exactly how much I own.
>you'd be surprised how women treat you when you actually can offer them a happy life.
this triggers the butthurt mra
What are you doing here roastie? Get the fuck out of my house.
>sure baby, I'll give you the private keys of my espers wallet, it is my most valuable possession.
>You can always trust me
fully trusting a woman. ANY woman; How about : NO.
redpilled. this user is.
jail sucks, prison mad /comfy/
no Nazis, it was a youth prison(18-21 yrs)
made some friends, lost some. never really got into too much trouble inside. but I lost a gf of two years over it, broke up with her cause she deserves better than a felon. cause of the internet I will never be able to escape my past, getting a job is a big lol. was in the Hartford courant, so my whole local community has their opinions of me. Brought some plastic wire in with me in empty ChapStick up my ass, used it a few times to stay afloat but never had huge beef. All in all, people exaggerate prison. Super dramatic, basically high school with people who can't read. Met some very smart guys in there, the system has locked up a surprising amount of potential genius. Read more there than I have in years, gave me some time to calibrate myself as I was heading into some deep waters. Time is time, I don't feel like I missed anything. 2 years
We've been dating for over 10 years, so she's de facto my wife.
Nah man I'm not some perfect Chad, you could have the relationship I have. Just gotta play the numbers game and find the right girl.
Yeah maybe, but I don't waste time entertaining hypotheticals like this. I make her incredibly happy right now and I'll continue to for a long time. Besides I know her well enough to know if she became bored and unhappy in our relationship she would just cheat on me, but she would never take money from me unless I cheated on her a lot or she was under major duress by some third party. Either way I'm ok opening myself up to risk, because that's what love is all about man, and sure we get burned a lot in life when we make ourselves vulnerable but I'd rather die than go through life closing myself off to everyone around me because I'm so afraid of them taking advantage of me or hurting me.
what did you read about?
>We've been dating for over 10 years, so she's de facto my wife.
If you're still just dating it clearly means that you're both enjoying the freedom of not being chained together.
She can take your coins and GTFO and you won't be able to do anything. She clearly doesn't trust you if she's still just DATING you.
You'll get it in my will
Psychology, also tried to make my way through some classic fiction. I also read some auto's like Steve jobs and others. Library is very limited and there are a number of banned books/topics
Nice, got anymore to expand upon? Enjoy reading these where humans become better and surpass their old selves even.
It's so scary how right the things you're saying are. And you're coming at it with almost no knowledge, so of course I trust your opinion on this.
big time homes. but don't tell everybody else.