ITT: Post your dreams of conquest
Here's mine:
>Unite south east asia through blood and steel
>Burn a fiery path through Asia and sack Beijing
>pic related
ITT: Post your dreams of conquest
Here's mine:
>Unite south east asia through blood and steel
>Burn a fiery path through Asia and sack Beijing
>pic related
unite them why?
isn't their culture just india-lite?
Not really, they differ in many ways from each other
>sack Beijing
Have the United States Congress dissolve the State of Oklahoma and have the unnamed territory added into the State of Arkansas.
Rightful clay being returned to the rightful owners.
Greater nusantao republic of sundaland now!
>Unite SEA through blood and steel
>Implying chinks, japs, and burgers won't carve you up during
Good luck Nugeyn
>Become President of France
>Conquer Spain
>Conquer Italy
>Nuke the rosbeef into oblivion
>Enslave the kraut into total servitude
>Take back Louisiana and our rightful african colonies
That's a good start, I feel.
I thought I was the only one here that likes SE Asia. I don't give a fuck about India, China, Japan or Korea, but the SEA civilizations are way more interesting to me. It helps that besides Vietnam, they aren't contaminated with Confucianism. But even Vietnam has its badass moments like kicking the shit out of the Chinese and Mongols.
And I fucking love the martial arts of SE Asia. Muay Thai, Pradal Seray, Bando, Lethwei, Kali, Escrima, and Arnis are legit as fuck.
>ywn learn about Polk fulfilling every single one of his electoral promises, including 54'40 or fight
>ywn hear about the Gadsden Purchase being about southern Coahuila
>ywn go on a domestic flight from Miami to Havana
>not attacking the UK
e-eternal ally?
>Nuke the rosbeef into oblibion
Unite Germany, Poland, and Russia into a single nation, with Polish being the dominate culture.
Win election in South Africa on a populist, egalitarian, militarist platform. Acquire emergency powers to purge corruption and restructure government. Incite unrest in Zimbabwean border villages. When the country is.looking like a true comparative paradise, hold a referendum overseen by all the most trustworthy international commissions in said border towns. They'll of course vote to join the glorious federal union of Southern Africa, and when the government of Zimbabwe tries to use its military to block the secession, vastly superior South African troops will prevent it from doing so, taking positions in towns that vote in favour of secession and above all looking like the good guys. Administration in new.territories will be swiftly reformed and services rapidly established. Everyone around will start to think that a united Southern Africa sounds pretty great. Rinse and repeat until all neighbours have been peacefully integrated into a single federal state. Keep peacefully annexing territory wherever possible, then wait till WW3 happens and use the confusion to conquer the rest of Africa. Strong, non corrupt, non racial central government over the whole of arguably the most resource rich continent
>be emperor of France
>Unite Europe under my rule
>Send non europeans back
>Free Europe from American ideologies and cancerous "culture"
>be elected chancellor of austria
>form defensive and economic agreement with hungary, slovenia, croatia, czechia, slovakia, and poland based on shared anxiety over russia and the refugee crisis
>reinstall the house of habsburg through referendum (probably won't even have to rig it)
>expand customs/defense union, eventually form Danubian Federation
Southeast Asia is this amazing blend of indigenous, Indian, and Chinese culture that fermented into what we have today. The Burmese-Siamese wars make the French-English sorties pale in comparison. I even think that Southeast Asia has way better architecture than India, China, and Japan.
>And I fucking love the martial arts of SE Asia. Muay Thai, Pradal Seray, Bando, Lethwei, Kali, Escrima, and Arnis are legit as fuck.
Currently train in Muay Thai and I concur. SEA fighting styles aren't as bullshido as the rest of Asia.
Go back in time and posses the body of Polish King Bolesław III Wrymouth and prevent him from fucking everything up, by implementing a strict “corporate” structure for the House of Piast, assuring unification of the family and smooth transition of power.
Then ban Jews from immigrating to Poland and instead, implement Islamic banking (i.e. profit / risk sharing) to encourage the nobility to invest in improvements throughout the country, while avoiding any issues over usury.
To counterbalance the nobility, build a up an urban middle class of skilled (and unionized) artisans and merchants, while the rights of the yeoman farmer class would be solidified and guaranteed by law.
Mandate basic schooling for all children, with better students getting scholarships to regional colleges and the best going to a central royal university.
Fortify the western border lands to discourage German interference and maintain a small but elite full time royal army to keep the nobility in line and act as the core of a national feudal militia, with a growing emphasis on horse archers (this will be particularly useful in a 100 years) and infantry pike & crossbow formations.
Mongolia to somehow become powerful enough to reconquer China and much of Russia, as well as much of the Middle East.
>UK gets nuked
>says it's not an attack
Is this the state of the city of England? Is it related to banning knifes to eat?
I take all North America and balkanize it. No more of that bullshit with three ugly blobs with straight lines for borders. Welcome cute borders and several countries, like in South America.
Leave EU.
Trade & free movement with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Plebiscite on union with NZ. (Most likely to accept)
Plebiscite on union with Australia.
Plebiscite on union with Canada.
Offer benevolent economic help to Africa.
Propose direct administration of Africa, for more efficient bureaucracy, with them retaining autonomy.
Side with India in Indo-Pakistan conflict.
Say Pakistan are Islamist terrorists.
Force Pakistani regime to step down or risk invasion, knowing if they use their nukes they'll only hit India, which is overpopulated anyway, because they can't reach Britain.
Overthrow Pakistani regime, set up direct rule, "to defend against terrorism."
Empire restored.
Nigger what.
Half are Austronesian, the other half are Asiatic. The Philippines are predominantly Catholic, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei are predominantly Muslim, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam are predominantly Buddhist. The only thing they have in common are similar economies and regional proximity.
Great Lakes Despotate reporting in.
Yet their countries now are famous for being Islamic oil money shitholes or havens for sexpats or mail order brides. Yes, they have truly proven themselves to be the superior civilization.
Storming Constantinople, fighting from building to building in the old roman streets, slaughtering the turks like roaches, and taking liberties of course before waving the eight pointed cross from the haiga sophia
>No Germans allowed
>No Celts allowed
>Muslims and niggers moved to north Africa
>Modern Latin revival as national language
Depending on how willing the Pope os to play nice strict Roman Catholicism or if he wants to be difficult we'll LARP as Hellenics until people stop laughing.
Stop being catholic
>implying your brown asses wouldn't freeze in the winter
My dream is for Ireland to conquer England. It would literally be the most justified invasion of all time.
Nguyen wont need luck against chink and gi
Now we're talking.
Stop being the dog of a catholic cardinal first, Gus.
>Irish pirates raid Roman Britain despite being left alone
>Irish raiders raid Anglo-Saxon England despite being left alone
>Irish pirates raid Wales despite being left alone
>They even become Christian because one of their slaves becomes a missionary (St. Patrick)
>Irish pirates raid and conquer the Picts despite being left alone
>England and Scotland become powerful Kingdom
>England and Scotland start raiding Ireland back
>Reeeee we dindu nuffins stahp oppressins us
Kangz n Qwayns
In jungle home turf, uniting the rest of SEA and the way to Beijing isn't jungle home turf
haha good luck fighting back the africans who suddenly don't like you
Too bad the International Community has a fetish for independent nation states and will never let something like this happen.
>Go back in time to the Falklands war and avoid that stupid internal struggle enters the branches of the army and repair/expand the fucking airport in the islands.
>Win the war
>Comply with Peru and invade Chile jointly
>Annex the Chilean Patagonia
>With all the prestige gained make a refendum for anschluss Uruguay
>When the government of Brazil falls along with the Soviet Union intervene in Paraguay and provoke a separatist movement in Rio Grande do Sul.
>Las Provincias Unidas del Rio de la Plata reunited and their survival guaranteed
Pls conquer us too ;_;
1806 was a mistake
Would have made a great Dominion desu
What could have been...
My favorite timeline
I want to unite all Slavic nations under the Russian flag
>People just kinda forgot Papuan exist again.
terraformed Mars
Rightful clay
Go back in time and start the war of 1812 in the middle of nappys big day out
Get all of canada
When spain is getting raped start a war over the carribean
Get all of the carribean but let the phillipeans go free for now
Hope this all adds up to france winning
If they still lose start building a fuck huge navy to defend us and prepare for a british attack
vietnam is more like china-lite
yeah, because you can just spam a world tier navy, guessing why Napoleon didnt do it
It's oceania, not SEA
>Unite south east asia
I wish someday we'll be like EU.
>knowing if they use their nukes they'll only hit India,
Or you. Or themselves, nullifying any chance of invasion.
Fuck no
The rest of poor SEA will just move to Malaysia and Singapore and ruin it
Is picture this from 2008?
I simply wish for a Catholic/Orthodox empire with the capital in Constantinople and a mass relocation of muslims from Europe/Middle East.
>stage military coup in France
>defeat my enemies at the gates of Paris as Europe unites to try and topple my regime
>split up Germany, take the Saarland and form a buffer state on the Rhine
>Take Lombardy in Italy and make Italy my vassal
>take Navarra from Spain and balkanize them too
>split up Bongistan and have the Scots as my eternal ally
>annex French Swiss Cantons and Wallonia
>take back Algeria and then start trying to take back the French colonial empire
>wait until the collapse of the US to stage a military coup in Delaware, my home state
>stage a great military campaign to take the Delmarva peninsula and Delaware County, PA, and unite all ethnic Delawareans
>start a colonial empire by buying some crappy dime a dozen Russian corvette and forcefully take over a tiny Caribbean island
Both would be fun
>inb4 "ouiaboo"
Vietnam is the exception tho
> Uruguay under porteño's rule
First dead.
You just had to stop being autistic with BsAs and make the capital entre rios fucked our future
>lead a mass migration of black Americans to Liberia
>take power through a populist coup and restructure nation into a regional power as benevolent dictator
>hostile takeover of neighboring countries in Manifest Destiny: Back as Black
>lead consolidated territories into golden age of prosperity, nationalize natural resources to fund development of infrastructure and home industry
>form a first world African nation and model for the rest of the continent, lead a new political bloc and act as a stabilizing force
>instill values of civic nationalism and slap the shit out of tribals attempting to chimp out
Tajikistan kill all turks in Central Asia and make Central Asia Hindo-European again!
Only the Philippines is the outcast and frankly should not be included
Vietnam at least is within the Asian. Sphere of culture
The civil war wasn't about where the capital must be, was a struggle between the federalism and centralism like in the US.
Also based Rosas, Urguiza was a traitor who allied with the brazilians and did not have the balls to support his sucessor againts Mitre so all was for nothing and Artigas was a childish warlord
I dont know you. But I love you already. Mongolia needs a Great Khan ASAP
soon brother
but they are turks themselve
they all look more mongoloid than caucasian
or just return restore Oklahoma into being the Indian Territory again
Now listen those are my lakes sunny
>poor SEA will just move to Malaysia and Singapore
A united SEA is good though to prevent America and Chinese overbearing influcene. Of course Singapore should be its Brussels :^)
Yes please. Expulse yogurts and ching-ping-pongs from the Tarim too.
Why don't you simply not create Pakistan to begin with so there's no conflict, stupid bong?
>Why don't you simply not create Pakistan to begin with so there's no conflict
Then there'd be a holy war.
>Czech Republic and Slovakia become Czechoslovakia
>Acquire pre wwii "tail" from Ukraine
>proceed to go apeshit on Poland, capture Krakow
>Expand more into ukraine and into krautsville with Russian support because they beat up Ukraine.
That is a fucking hideous tumor
>Annex New Zealand into Australia where it rightfully belongs
>Australian East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere
>Oceania 'Tis for Thee
One more try, but it has to be back then
I don't even care about the future after the war, I just want to know 'what if'.
no you dont split up Bavaria
>Rule Bavaria
>Secede from Prussian scum
>Unite with Austria
>Unite with German Switzerland
>Reclaim Südtirol from Italy
>Get parts Bohemia like Karlsbad back
>Be filthy rich
>Let southern parts of Baden-Württemberg
>Literally mountains of cash
>just south of rostov on don
>that soviet border with romania
this is unironically the worst map i've ever seen
germany should have won world war one
and then lost world war two
>implying you'll be doing the annexing
We've already infiltrated your government Bruce, it's purely a matter of time.
>HRE led by the Habsburgs presides over the western hemisphere of the world
>Gargantuan Christian Chinese Empire led by the jointed house of Yamato-Habsburg (After Japan accepts conversion to Catholicism and a subsequent restoration of the Emperor with European support it begins a non-genocidial crusade west) that claims a mandate of heaven more evocative of the European notion of the divine right of kings, presides over the eastern hemisphere
No, there will be just internal disputes that already existed anyways.
>unite Southeast Asia
>with Philippines
Philippines is the Albania of Asia so there'd be no point taking it
That was what kind of what Franz Ferdinand had in mind before he was shot
my favorite ITT
>commies are not capitalist liberal scum
have a (You)
>Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
You are thinking of Kyrgys
>Unearth 3000 year old Zoroastrian texts.
>Conquer Iran under a Zoroastrian militia
>Spread Zoroasters teachings from Pakistan to Turkey to Khazakstan
>Create a Neo-Zoroastrian Empire that cucks the Arabs back into the desert
>proceed to marry cousin/sister/wife
One day Veeky Forums, one day
That map shows that the US has annexed at least 80% of Canada's population, they might as well take the whole thing.
>Become Chancellor of Germany
>Begin political integration within EU
>Agree to forgive debts of countries that agree to a moderate form of annexation (they keep government and institutions but are officially part of Germany)
>Get Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Italy this way
>Claim Austria is German, cite their anti-immigrant policies as justification for dissolving their government
>take in refugees, force them to attend mosques with state-approved imams
>Use mutual distrust of Russia to build ties with Poland
>Adopt Nordic-School economics, possibly integrate with Nordic countries but they don't matter much
>Benelux agrees to give up political autonomy in exchange for being a tax haven
>Declare a brief war with Russia, take Konigsburg and immediately try negotiating
>Probably have to wait for Putin to die first
>Offer Turkey membership in European Empire
The only problem is France. They won't want to integrate, but a war against a nuclear power is a bad idea. Probably just threaten them with expulsion from EU.
>Philippines is the outcast and frankly should not be included