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1 trillion market cap in 10 minutes

Back to 3$ quite soon, then who knows?

no projection for short time but definitely it is a long term HODL.

The runway is clear. Might have some mild turbulence ahead (or may not), but pretty much all set for a comfy take off.

I regret this purchase. I only have 12 Waltons though.

Won't the Chinese government screw this over?

I bought into the FOMO around $1.50-$2.20, but still have a great feeling about this project. The team is full of geniuses, and they're bridging the gap between tokens, RFID, and IOT. If anything this will be huge in China.

his name

I'd be happy with $5, but I know this is a $30+ coin.

and his name is John Walton


Not just China bruh, Korea too. They collaborate and in Korean news and tv. Next month will be listed on a Korean exchange too

We have to be brave and have some patience anons, keep in touch with their team, see what they are doing! Those guys are working hard and have a clear path of implementation. Just the fact they post regularly updates is such a good sign. Any scamcoin disappears from sight soon they get enough money... Lets hodl that shit.

i will try to accumulate more on those dips but unfortunately all whales buying this coin almost for free because of panic sale.

wtf why did you even bother buying?

Thank you guys, I might go all in this if it's stay cheap

i wish i have more money to invest into this but i am already all in with high cost. Hopefully it will go up soon.

Can't stop the Waltinators

When is binance going to be back up? It's been a while

Initial thoughts, just your usual biz scam coin. Then i did research, and bought some WTC

i think $5-$10 by the end of this month depending on what news/updates they can throw out

long term if they do what they are saying they well then i have no idea.. looking at insane price

Binance will be up soon. They just tweet that they are testing the update.

i'm never selling this fucking coin. even if it drops to 10 sats for a month.

t. future bag holder


This better be a good update, what is it about?

They found out that 85% of their userbase are westerners, so they are adding more things to suit us. I think more coins will be added as well

Nvm they are removing some coins
I guess the chink gov didnt like the idea of decentralized social media like YOYO


scoop some up at close to ico price when the chinese dump

Bagholding since $1.48

Wow, dodged a bulled with YOYO

I'm in but man, this shaky coin together with yoyo and looprang are fuking my balance up right now.

Binance is back lots selling their walts

tell me again, user. I'm exactly in the same position.

Don't know if I should sell at a 70% loss or just forget about them and check back in a few months.

wtf are you talking about

i'm in the same boat and I'm just gonna ride it out.

Nobody is selling.

I haven't seen any trades take place yet; they're all from before the site went down.

What nobody is trading? something wrong?

Tried selling 1 coin; it said "Outside Trading Time"

Walton will announce new exchanges soon. Verified on Slack. Bittrex is the main suspect.

You'd be a fucking idiot to sell with all the positive news coming up and chinamen actively looking for a new reputable exchange to buy WTC on.

My friends grandfather owns a company that builds equipment for factories.

He goes to China on the reg. He said next time he is in China, he is going to ask ask China factory owners if they have ever heard of it.

He loves the idea, he just wants to see it in action before he invests.

He is a whale too. I think he is worth 9 figures.

i just tried to sell 1 wtc and it gave me an error.

Walton is also taking ICO refunds, and are burning all refunded tokens which means reduced supply, which means higher value per token.

trading will start again in 10mins time.

Source on they will burn?

No source on this, but they're obviously not going to redistribute it so it's as good as burned.

>tfw spent 2 btc on yoyo coin


kill me

i deserve death

unless this shit goes to $10 i will never get back all the money i lost on this shit chink site


Because scam coins still get pumped

We would be at $10 right now if it weren't for China/CNBC fud

Nah, maybe a more stable $3 - we won't get past $5-$10 (if we're very lucky) on Binance only.


Cheap sell orders bout to get CRUSHED

Then CHINA will wake up


We're gonna make it folks.

trades open now. i don't see any heavy dumping






where is the volume

where is muh whales

the chinese are waking up

...it's just not the same i'm going back to bittrex

BNB is mooning now. Volume will follow.

was up like 20% then i went to bed and have cried everyday since

So much noise
for nothing.

the price is still being suppressed, we are nowhere near breaking resistance.

Price hasn't even moved. Actually, it dipped. Dead coin confirmed.

im with you, i was up 1000s,
then i went to sleep and bad things happend when i was sleep.

give some days at least. it is just a new coin. it will definitely will go up. just be patient. There is a team and company behind this coin. it is not high school kids with copy past github code.

It's not going to get the volume to break out now that most of the Chinese whales are out of the picture without some big news. In other words Bittrex soon???

In other news, what the fuck is Bittrex's problem? What was the last coin they even added?

bittrex is smart and doesnt want to clog their exchange with another shitcoin, they are very picky about the coins they choose to ad.

I HIGHLY doubt WTC will be added to bittrex any time soon unless they come out with some kind of news that they are partnering with retail/factory giants to SOMEHOW use RFID with WTC.

has a single person explained how RFID can be incorporated into a cryptocurrency?

DO you realize why all the whales sold? because they got the ICO for next to nothing, and are selling into all the false hype of this coin.

I suspect whales still have substantial holdings because they are dumb enough to hold on for the hype as well, but if this thing keeps flatlining you can be sure they will cash out for around 100-200. sending this

>all the whales sold
Wow I didn't realize one whale overreacting to China news and selling everything at once like a dumbass was actually all the whales.


mind telling me the top 10 wallets and what the WTC coin is going to be used for within the blockchain?


oh.. weird, thought for a moment there you wasnt a jealous faggot that didnt get in sub 100

what wallets can store wtc?

Yeah ok except the ICO price was 160 you fucking retard.

Also I could name fucking 100 coins on Bittrex that are bigger shitcoins than WTC if I cared enough. Bittrex hasn't added anything in fucking months.
