How do Brits feel about being more Germanic than they are Celtic?
They seem to love their German monarchy
Would you?
Relieved. Celts (Irish, Welsh, Scots, Cornish) are subhuman.
Only the lowland Scots and English along the east coast are really that Germanic. Nationally only 1/3rd (I think), is germanic.
They all speak a germanic language as their mother tongue which makes them germanics.
They don't give a shit. It's not like the SAXONS coming from Saxony is some great shock or surprise.
brits are only 30% Anglo-Saxon at most though
>tfw I'm an Englishman with Blond hair, Blue eyes, an Anglo Saxon last name, a Anglo-Welsh forename, a Norman middle name, and my mother has a Celtic maiden name.
Is the UK proofs that multi kulti can work in the long run, or proofs that there truly is no such thing as a "British" ethnicity?
>Is the UK proofs that multi kulti can work
Yes but only if they're from a white European culture.
No one cares outside of imageboard autists
What is more amusing is how the English bang on about how they are true descendants of Celts despite having their entire culture and language GERMAN'D and their eternal rivals, the French, still have more Celtic in their language then they do.
Not as common as you might think: I've literally never met anyone like that. That said, I do live on the coast of the former Danelaw, so perhaps it's different elsewhere.
As a Scot i get annoyed at Celtic romanticism being considered some sort of continuation of ancient Celts rather than a recent reactionary art style.
Also 90% of Scots sadly dont know they speak English because of these fine fellows.
I don't think anyone says that outside maybe Cornwall
It's only cultural. 100,000 Saxons doesn't outbreed a population of 2,000,000 after all.
they're germanic speaking celts with a bit of germanic blood in the areas of the most saxon settlement
What is killing people?
Do you think they only settle and live peacefully with celtics?
They arent celts, celts werent pale and didnt have light features
Only germanics were known to have light features
You seem mad.
>celts werent pale and didnt have light features
>Only germanics were known to have light features
>mfw Brits are Roman rape babies
>mfw Brits are Anglo-Saxon rape babies
>mfw Brits are Nordic rape babies
>mfw Brits are Norman rape babies
>mfw Brits are Pakistani rape babies
Well, assuming that you're English, it looks like you're about half-subhuman, buddy. I'm so terribly sorry.
Where are you pulling this number from?
The French all speak a Romance language as their mother tongue, that doesn't make them Roman. Let's also not forget about the Welsh, Scottish, Irish, and Cornish languages.
The French are a mix of Romanized Gaulics and Germanics (Franks primarily) blanding it up. And technically speaking Latin nations are a pan-ethnic group comprised off the French, Spaniards, Portuguese, Romanians, and Italians.
Sure, but it certainly helped that the Anglo-Saxons probably killed a lot of male Celts and took multiple wives.
what a brainlet
The original Celts were probably some of the palest Europeans. I think the majority of them probably had brown or red hair. Look at how pale redheads almost always are.
sup t*rk
>average saxon
That's an migration period anglian nobleman
Seing how he got mad when me and another guy implied that MENA wasn't a thing, he is most likely a Egypsian or Mudghrebi
>If you point out the fact that Eupedia is trash you're t*rk!
Serious question, what are the problems with Eupedia? Besides Maciamo fetishizing Celts?
Maciamo always talks out of his ass and his sources are shady (probably because his sources are actually based on his ass)
>Maciamo fetishizing Celts?
he fetishizes Germanics
Maciamo is all about WE* WUZ FRANKS, WE** WUZ TRUE CELTSand he even made a map showing "Germanic" DNA
*Belgians, especially Wallons
** Belgians and West Germans
He fetishizes Celts even more. He claims that the Romans were genetically practically the same as Alpine Celts, and had a very similar culture to the Celts, and believes that Celts are genetically the most individualistic people in the world.
No surprise that he fetishizes both them and the Germans, as those are the groups he is descended from.
Different user, the estimate I've seen for the population of late Roman Britain was more like 3-7 million (according to Peter Heather in Empires and Barbarians, pg 269).
That same source does make a note about a Y-chromosome sequence found in 75% of Englishmen tested for some study that trace back to some continental population moving to southeast Britain around the time of the Saxon migration. That doesn't necessarily point to genocide or other forceful measures, but Heather suggests that it's likely the result of favorable conditions for those migrants. What little information we do have for that time points to a Saxon takeover of the region, and according to Heather, modeling shows that even minor favorable factors for the Saxon population over the locals (which you'd expect in this situation) would only require the original migrants to be about 10-15% of the population.
>That same source does make a note about a Y-chromosome sequence found in 75% of Englishmen tested for some study that trace back to some continental population moving to southeast Britain around the time of the Saxon migration.
No geneticians claim that
The "Anglo-Saxon Question" was solved several years ago, samples from Roman Britain and Saxon Britain showed that Native Britons were R1b and J2, while Saxons were I1.
English are 15% I1 and around 70% R1b + J2
Thats the joke.
since larpers always use the sutton hoo helm....
this one is better.
pretty nice but i always found the ocular helmets more threatening
Don't modern English not give a rat's ass about their Anglo-Saxon heritage? It's always about the Brythonic roots, Roman Britain, Angle-Saxons were just barbarians living in hunts, and then the glorious Normans and Plantagenets civilized England despite the fact that a lot of the foundation was built by Anglo-Saxon Kings like based Alfred the Great and his grandson Aethelstan.
Normans were germanic, just like Anglo-Saxons and Danes.
Tolkien was a huge Angloboo and he is a touchstone of modern British culture so there's that. Anyone who likes LoTR is an Angloboo whether they know it or not seeing as how it is based off their folklore and history.
Yeah Normans were Germanic, but basically invented the concept of modern "French" nationalism, so they were still French culturally.
Yeah, like 20-30% at best. They've integrated into Northern French identity so much that Rollo's grandson Richard the Fearless had to go to Bayeux and learn the Norse tongue.
Oh I know that. I'm an avid Anglo-Saxon fan myself despite not having a drop of English blood. It's criminal that fucking Arthur, a fairy tale king supposedly based on a Romano-Brythonic nobleman has multiple screen treatments in TV and film yet Anglo-Saxon kings barely get any depiction.
I mean, the invasions of England in 1066 have so much drama involved that it's surprising we don't get a mini-series. The only thing they ever did was that 2-part dramedy a couple years back.
I think you should complain more about how modern British cinema in the last 30-40 years to now has basically vilified Anglo-Saxons and Jute invaders.
I think the lack of Anglo-Saxon media portrayals stems from the fact that English identity is considered racist in contemporary Britain and the (((people who run the media))) don't want to do anything that could spark an interest in that period of history. It's sad really.
Have you seen the Last Kingdom?
Oh I do.
I do think that there's justification to hate on the early Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians because they overtook Brythonic culture. From the POV of 5th century Britain, the Germanic invaders were a virus that contaminated their ancestral homeland.
However, by the time the Anglo-Saxons became Christian and civilized, there's a lot to admire and respect. Northumbria was a great center of learning and arts. Wessex was the last kingdom to stem the Viking assault and preserved English identity.
Is there a specific reason why British cinema likes to hate on the Anglo-Saxons so much?
>they cast a swarthy actor to play Alfred and have him wear a crown with a fleur-de-lis on it
my autism was thoroughly triggered
>Is there a specific reason why British cinema likes to hate on the Anglo-Saxons so much?
I imagine without memery, its because of "modern sensibilities" about Anglo-Saxon roots being ignored for romanticizing the British Isle's earlier Celtic inhabitants and trying to ignore Germanic conquests.
swarthy? the guy is whiter than 70% of french
Yes and I've read the books by Cornwell. I also watched the 1969 Alfred the Great movie.
I like how my man Alfred is finally get more exposure to the mainstream, but it's not enough in my opinion.
So what if a non-English person wants to depict the Anglo-Saxons? Both the good and the bad sides of their civilization. The one thing I truly can't forgive the Anglo-Saxons for is their bondage slavery and systematically absorbing the Brythonic peoples of sub-Roman Britain. But I also admire how they codified their laws, their visual arts, and their stoic warrior ethics.
I get that, but it's woefully ignorant and downright disrespectful to their ancestors if they do that. You can embrace Britain's Celtic roots AND its Germanic influences equally.
The guy that played Ubba is intimidating. That's not how average Sven looks like.
>dark hair and dark eyes
>not swarthy
that's dark brown hair and blue eyes. that's not swarthy. if you think that everyone is platinum blonde in "germanic" countries then you're wrong.
david dawson has brown eyes lad he looks more like a spaniard than an saxon monarch
>david dawson has brown eyes
are you blind? pic related are your average anglos anyway
He has blue eyes in that pic.
>posts britons
>calls them anglo
why are you even on the history board?
Well a bubonic plague depopulating the land before flooding forcing Germanic mass migration certainly leaves an impact
oh, right. sorry. pic related are Anglos.
Indeed he does and it begs the question if his mom was a Brythonic concubine to a Germanic war chieftain.
in the actual series his are his natural color
Well Britons were being raped by everyone at the time by
>Nordic farmers fleeing flooding
>Irish sea raiders
>Pictish raiders
>Undefined other "gaels" raping
It's actually quite interesting to read the interaction between Northumbria and Collumkill
Actually reading about early Christian Ireland by itself is fun as fuck, they were absolute madmen who got from Iceland to fucking Scandinavia
The "German" R1B arrived with Belgae and Germans 100s of years before Anglo Saxons. R1B-L21 moved eastward into Britain, from Ireland, originally coming from Brittany.
They aren't.
Anglos are the perfect mix of Celtic, Germanic, and Romance genes.
We conquered your Island and enslaved you, deal with it cucks
>A few French Vikings conquered the land that was once Brittania and eventually became the number one world power
History is a meme
I think the Romance contribution was pretty negligible. Celtic, Germanic, and Romance sounds more like France.
>French Vikings
It's because there's no lasting monuments like the Normans and Plantagenets left behind. There's only a handful of stone churches that the Anglo-Saxons built. They preferred building out of wood which doesn't last too long.
The 2 things that the Normans had over the Anglo-Saxons was proper cavalry and castles. If the Anglo-Saxons had destriers and knew how to fight on horseback as well as master the art of stone fortification, there's no way in hell William the Bastard and his descendants would've conquered the English.
this. White people are the race of peace.
Im inclined to believe that it's mostly Celtic with a sizable German percentage that increases as you go southeast. Also plenty of family likely never mixed, which is why you have some Britons who look like absolute mongrels and other British who look rather handsome.
The idea that Germanics slaughtered everyone in modern-day England is nonsense. Genetics show that many if not most English people have a lot of Celtic ancestry, thus Britons assimilated to the Anglo-Saxon elite. There's also heavy Norse sprinkling in the northeast thanks to the Danelaw, but hardly any Norman and other French-based DNA. Remember, the Normans only replaced the nobility and royalty, the majority of English didn't intermix with the French-speakers.
>Norman and other French-based DNA. Remember, the Normans only replaced the nobility and royalty, the majority of English didn't intermix with the French-speakers.
there he goes again with his Normans = French!!1111
The Britbong genetics thing is a meme. An island with 60 million doesn't have problems with that. I think it's more a combination of diet, lack of sunlight, and non-cosmetic dentistry that contributes to the reputation of Brits as ugly. Many of the most popular Hollywood actors and actresses are of British descent.
Normans are a sub-sect of French culture. Their ancestors were indeed Vikings, but they married the local women so much that by 1066, their blood only had a fraction of Scandinavian.
Pretty much what you said, though I think Justinian's plunge depopulated Briton enough to allow the Anglo-Saxons to leave a genetic foot print in the first place.
Otherwise I would say there should be evidence of mass displacement and battles, or the Britons would truely have to be the biggest cucks in history
Also around the same time Justanians plague happened there is evidence of mass flooding on the Jutland peninsula were entire regions were depopulated, so there is how you get your Germanic population
She isnt part of the Royal family bi birth tho
So she isnt German
u mad, britboi ?
Genetically only a few are truly Germanic.
It's proof that a very strong, warlike culture can completely take over a society and assimililate the larger mass of natives into their own relatively small elite ethnicity.
Which is what's gonna happen in France, Britain, Germany and Sweden within the next 100-150 years.
Depends on the area, I would certainly say East Angelica is majority Germanic
Northumbria on the other hand....
They are also Celtic rapebabies(original population was neolithic).
I have bad news user, the early Germanic were farmers fleeing flooding; Meanwhile in England Justinian's plague killed almost fucking everyone
Basically Britons got Native American'd
It's only a few centuries latter that the first Anglo-Saxon kings rewrite their history they wuz always kangz, though certainly once they are established they fight amongst themselves with vigor
>Which is what's gonna happen in France, Britain, Germany
shitskins living out of wellfare and being protected can't be described as warlike
They can onlu live there because they are backed by the (((states)))
What is with Frenchies and integrating people?
The Franks lost most of their language and culture quick as fuck too.
Oh yeah Briton got passed around by everyone, the slut
>don't forget she took it from both sides by the Gaels and Germanic refugees at the same time
>mfw Brits are Pakistani rape babies
Pork rinds are for true aryans only. It's what separates the wheat from the chaff.