Is it ethical to breed if you don't posses any Chad qualities what so ever? The quality of life of a male offapring is thus greatly diminished, making him go through life bitter and resentful.
Is it ethical to breed if you don't posses any Chad qualities what so ever...
Just don't breed with a womanlet faglord.
That's what I'm doing.
I'm 5'6" and my gf is 6'0".
I literally have to get on my tippy toes to kiss her. But if we ever have babies they are going to be 6'0" Aryan Gods. Her entire family is tall.
If you can breed, why not breed?
Just breed with a hot woman
Why do you think we're attracted to beautiful women and not uggos?
If you're uggo and choose the easy path, marrying an uggo, your offspring will of course be subhumans
But if you choose a qt they might grow up to be alphas
Can you even get a hot woman if you yourself are bad looking? Modern dating seems to be primarily looks focused.
Yes, if you develop a little something called a personality
There are no ethics when it comes to breeding aside from rape in this time period, only the rules of nature, the strong and all that. If you as an ugly person manage to breed with a woman then that is achieved by lucky circumstances or your own prowess. In today's world, anyone can gain most of the physical qualities associated with "Chad' i.e. a healthy body, broad shoulders etc. A Chad mindset is also obtainable through practice and environment. If you as an ugly person fail to stimulate your son's confidence then he's likely to not become Chad.
These should be the rules for procreation:
>= 130 IQ
>= 6 inches dick
>=6' feet tall
>=8/10 on tinder
Thick hair and 0 recession
For females:
>=120 IQ (Since they are dumber on average)
>=8/10 on tinder
> Good body proportions (large hips, etc)
>=5'5 tall
i get that most of you folks at r9k are manlets but jeez
For females
>is it ethical to breed
It is if you pass this test
What will you do if they all end up short like you and she and her entire family hate you for making more manlets?
cleary user but the optimal height for a woman is 5'8 to 5'11
short woman only give a chance for offspring to be short which defeats the point of this autism
Ok maybe I was a bit to lenient with the weak gender
I'd say >= 5'7 settles it
>Is it ethical to breed if you don't posses any Chad qualities what so ever?
If you are a chad you have the right of seizing the means of reproduction
that will happen only if they don't eat and sleep right, that's how shorties are created
a kid that is raised right ends up taller than parents
so you don't necessarily need to breed with someone tall to have tall children, a 5'6'' man and a 5'3'' woman can have a 5'8'' son for example
And everyone who is not allowed to procreate should slaughter all the ones who are
good luck to the select ~10 million? fighting off billions
Attractivity is relative, is you put every Chads and Stacies in an island and wait enough time only a portion of them will be considered attractive.
>being this much of a brainlet while promoting iq based eugenics
If the minimal male height becomes 6 feet then 6 feet will be short you tard, height is only a perk when you are tall relative to other males.
You are litteraly just crating a back pain civilization.
male sam looks pretty cool, female danny and tucker are cancer
Society doesn't run just on Chads. You need a whole bunch of other types for things to run properly. Plenty of autistic virgins have contributed to humanity intellectually. Look at Tesla.
The fact that you're asking makes me think you'll never have to deal with this particular ethical dilemma.
I'm 5ft7, that's hardly short.
>(Since they are dumber on average)
Males and females actually have the same average IQ but males have greater variabity/ people on both ends of the spectrum. Men have more idiots and more geniuses whereas more women tend to cluster towards average. Also, women tend to be interested in different things because of brain/hormonal differences but that doesnt make them dumber when controlling for IQ.
>because of brain/hormonal differences but that doesnt make them dumber
it does
>he doesn't know about hypergamy
Not in terms of IQ.
>being this delusional
>being this much of a brainlet
don't pretend to be me faggot
Not him but my mom is 5'3, my father is 5'7 and I'm 6'3
my das is 5'6, mother is 5'4. i'm 5'10
did my mother fuck someone else?
My dad is 5'7 and my mom is 5'0 and I'm 5'10. They also grew up in ethiopia so I definitely have better nutrition than they did.
Can you link any actual study?
If not you consider them dumber only because muh redpill.
I'm 5'0 that's average
> 130 IQ
So, basically regular Ashkanazi Jews and only high tier Whites and Asians?
t. brainlet-wannabe manlet
He's not your real father.
I don't think I need to explain.
Average Ashkenazi's IQ is 115
>He's not your real father.
Fuck off
there are no female serial killers :)
>Ashkanazi Jews
nope, must have 6''+ penis, and 6'+ tall
You're polluting her genes. I bet her dad is ashamed.
That's a lot of blue eyes
Did I touch a nerve?
The sooner you accept it the less it will hurt.
If you're not taller than your dad you're a failure.
Height is based upon your parents height with the addition of how much nutrition you received in your childhood.
I remember hearing something about the amount of nutrition your grandma received makes a difference, something with "livsmor..."(danish)
Btw, I was 6ft at 14, manlet
If you have a lot of money. Or if you can make women laugh.
Otherwise, get plastic surgery or just fuck a whore every once in a while.
The problem is that looks is the primary "gateway" that women decide is open or closed. If you're good looking enough, that gateway opens and they're just looking for an excuse to fuck you.
If you're ugly, that gateway doesn't even open. You are out of the game unless you have massive amounts of money.
>Btw, I was 6ft at 14, manlet
My dad was 5'5" and I'm 6'2". Apparently my mom's side of the family has tall people.
>my lack of a face when 49.5% Ashkenazi
>my lack of a face when 10% black
>6'2" and 6.5 penis
Unfortunately for the most part, I'm the "outcasts' outcast".
& Humanities was a mistake. This entire board was a mistake. moot was right.
I know this a joke but serial killers are like the dumbest fucking murderers if you exclude people who do contract killings for like the mafia and governments (because that's their profession and not a weird psychological thing). Like, killing the exact same people in the exact same way in the same area makes it so much more easy for police to find you. A serial killer is not going to be Hannibal Lecter, he's gonna be like some overweight asshole who got neglected as a child.
The naturalist view of the good is both shallow and useless, if all that matters is the ability to breed, why get consent? Why not just rape massively at gunpoint?
You would certainly be able to have sex with more women than those that don't, in a shorter time period.
Evaluating your „value“ on looks (...according to which standards?) and superficial charm as being „Chad“ or „beta“ is a massively flawed outlook on life. But even assuming that to be true, which it isn't:
Let's divide YOU into two essences, namely body and spirit. Both are malleable to an extent, but spirit is fully malleable.
Body: To which extent is the body malleable? You cannot change your skeleton or born in diseases, that's pretty much it.
You can get in fantastic shape, get a nice haircut, use acne cream and so on. Assuming this is done „perfectly“ (according to bullshit fashion and beauty standards), you're halfway there.
As for spirit, unless you have some mental retardation, you can become the most charming person ever by becoming a good conversationalist, learning to focus attention and intrigue, and most importantly building up your knowledge of interesting shit. If you are a political conservative just drop that shit, only stupid people do that, get deep into philosophy and social critique and know how to hijack philosophy/social critique points and drop them in conversation.
Now you have built yourself up to become ascendant artiste sociale like me, disattached from the social dogma and above and beyond the loser chads still dreaming of petit bourgeois status, enveloped within mating call capitalist ideology, you will now literally attract women to hit on YOU at the bar while you drink your white Russian because you're just so mysterious, bohemian and exciting. You will then take them home for repeated sex sessions with blunt smoking and wine drinking during and between, as I do.
You are welcome user, just remember that commies bone, nazis stay alone.
Most of the people who society considers "chad" are actually genetic trash. We're the real superior ones they just can't see it.
>Thick hair and 0 recession
Fuck, so close.
Let god sort it out
If you are able to breed, you are fit to breed. You are either smart, charismatic, rich, or strong, all things we need in society.
Protip for kiddies: average looking overweight Bible thumping college drop outs in fly over states produce the most chikdren
Nice spook you got there
is that fucking danny phantom
>brainlet cuck projecting his cuck fantasies
>I'm 5ft7, that's hardly short
yeah bro, it's all about being deep and mysterious bro, it's what i do, never fails
Being a numale is a surprisingly efficient mating strategy.
>getting cucked
>mating strategy
well I suppose it is in a way
what is their secret damn it? numales always have qt alt gfs, im more jealous of them than i am of Chads
The only thing that guy is mating with is her strap on
>my gf
"When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts."
i fuck chads in the ass and piss on them
> 6 inches dick
> only 6 inches
That man you deem as "Chad" is married to an uggo
Is slick bald a nice haircut?
>Is it ethical to breed
>hurrrrrrrrrrr height has nothing to do with genetics outside of your immediate parental lineage durrrrrrrr
pathetic. apply yourself
My family have all being 5'2 humanlets since the early 20th century from the pictures I've seen
>tfw no giantess 6'+ gf to breed it away
This but unironically.
The human mindset when it comes to breeding is primitive as fuck and is clearly shit for a modern society.
yeah bro, just become a commie dudebreh, really works for me
strangers that don't know me and can't possibly know my political beliefs or personality approach me all the time for sex, im telling ya, it's all about personality
le manlet meme.
If height defines who you are, YOU'RE NOT WORTHY THE HEIGHTS, NOT WORTH GLORY.