What are the worst anglo revisionism/propaganda out there?
I would say Napoleon was Hitler, but I think that one wasn't especially successful since Napoleon is still seen positivly by many people.
What are the worst anglo revisionism/propaganda out there?
I would say Napoleon was Hitler, but I think that one wasn't especially successful since Napoleon is still seen positivly by many people.
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>but I think that one wasn't especially successful since Napoleon is still seen positivly by many people.
Who the fuck sees Napoleon as anything other than Imperialist ego-maniac that was bent on conquering all of Europe?
The French
Ayayay mumma meia delte this porfovor
I thought most French viewed him negatively
What good did the fuck bring for France?
Probably the weird series of attempts to merge with Greek and Roman identity. Seeing Athena with the Union Jack on her shield always makes me cringe.
Why would the French view an Italian who spoke shit tier French got a large number of their people killed in a pointless war positively?
He was cool and handsome
Pic related is the Square of the French revolution, Slovenia, Ljubljana, used to be named Napoleon's square up until 1952 when it was renamed.
Everyone but anglos. Seriously. He's the good guy of his time in popular culture as well.
t. Italian
Better pic that includes the obelisk with Napoleon's bust on it.
Probably all of their "successes"
Literally anyone who had history in middle school
Pretty much all French like him and quite a few Poles
>Who the fuck sees Napoleon as anything other than an Imperialist ego-maniac
Literally everyone but the British
>Who the fuck sees the IRA as anything other than terrorists
Literally everyone but the British
>Who the fuck sees the Boer camps as anything but refugee centers
Literally everyone but the British
Hes the defender of the revolution, he fought against the reactionnary monarchs who feared for their thrones.
That part about the British Empire being huge and powerful in the 18th century (while it really started being so in the mid 19th century)
Although that's more American revisionism (to make their rebellion seem impressive) than British one, but I consider Americans as Anglos too
t. Swede.
>autistic manlet brings war to all of continental europe in pursuit of autistic ambitions
Sounds awfully familiar....hmmm
Burger education.
The French put Napoleon's son on the throne, then they put his grand son on the throne. They were called Napoleon II and Napoleon III respectively. The only basis for their rule was being decedents of Napoleon. They were amazingly shit leaders, Napoleon III fucked up the Franko-Prussian war so badly people stopped seeing France as thread and started worrying about Germany.
>got a large number of their people killed in a pointless war
I don't know how else to explain to you all that nationalism makes people support dumb shit. Mao killed tens of millions and he's still viewed positively by most Chinese.
Even in America we view Napoleon fondly.
To be honest I don't think he is even viewed particularly negatively in Britain.
He isn't viewed negatively here, this board is just dumb as rocks.
this. but le eternal twotun amirite guise xDDDDD
>upon losing the moral high ground, the British used their most cunning and perfidious plan: backpedaling and denial
I'm not even British and I can tell you're a frog.
Get lost Pierre
They think the bad thing about hitler was that he put up flags that weren't british
I am British and I have never heard anyone say such a thing IRL.
Nah they're upset he stole Anglo culture such as genocide, concentration camps and unreasonable hostility to all nations in Europe.
He basically did everything they did in the past 100 years in 4 years and it made them rather jealous.
Sure thing I believe you (((Nigel)))
>n-napoopy was a good boi he dindu nuffins!!
Screeched the frog as Napoopy destabilises Europe.
Napoleon II never once ruled France
Napoleon III was Napoleon's nephew, not grandson.
And if you can only summarise his rule to "he fucked up in 1870", you really do have burger education
The similarities really are striking. Including the short lived """"""empire""""""".
>so many people unironnically shitting on the Empereur ITT
Why dont you like the enlightened despot who fought until the end for the republican ideals ? To protect them against foreign monarchs that would declare countless wars on him, because they feared the power these ideals held ?
Calling Anglos "people" is a stretch.
This pleases me
The camps in the Boer War were holiday camps, the only reason anyone died in them is that the Allies bombed the supply lines,
>says the brit
AIDF is strong ITT.
Napoleon III was elected President before taking over. Besides, his rule isn't only summed up by the Franco Prussian war or Mexico, you seem to forget the success of the Crimean War and the assistance in Italy's unification ( Which proved crucial ), not to mention he rebuilt Paris and made it a beautiful modern city ( See Haussman architecture ), as well as building a shit ton of rail roads in France.
Underrated ruler.
>Fighting for Republican Ideals
>every despot is a diabolic maniac that only lives for rape and slaughter
Nappy III was crucial to France's industrialisation, it was lagging behind compared to other great powers.
kek this looks like an exact /pol/ thread except it's anglos instead of jews and napoleon instead of hitler
>everyone who doesn't suck off le empeuer is le aynglos
>napoleon dindu nuffins
>a-anglos aren't people!
pathetic desu.
Yes I am aware of this memery, but any claims it is legitimate are foolish. All despots are inherently awful.
That's why America is the Torchbearer of republicanism, not France.
(Britain can go fuck themselves, behead your monarch or stop claiming you're a liberal society you regressive fucks.)
Sick burn, absolutely savage
>brb have to go whip my slaves
>where was I?
[Attaturk] And what of your Haitians? [/Attaturk]
>the Irish famine was totally not genocide!!!! It was their only fault for only planting potatoes in tiny 0.01 acre plots to feed a large family and living in the poorest and most infertile quarter of the island!!!
No we fucking don't
We fought him in a war.
My mind still cant comprehend that there was a guy who pushed "muh Laissez-faire" so far that he thought Britain shouldnt helped the Irish during an agricultural disaster
I'm not the one taking the moral high ground, you are.
When you are using the army to guard convoys of food exports travelling to the ports and rifle butting starving people out of the way I think it goes a bit beyond free market economics
What? It would take years to sail from America to Europe
> Confronted by widespread crop failure in November 1845, Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel purchased £100,000 worth of maize and cornmeal secretly from America
Hes talking about the Quasi war which was more of a diplomatic conflict
> In October 1845, Peel moved to repeal the Corn Laws—tariffs on grain which kept the price of bread artificially high
> He resigned the premiership in December
> In March, Peel set up a programme of public works in Ireland
> the repeal of the Corn Laws in that year did little to help the starving Irish; the measure split the Conservative Party, leading to the fall of Peel's ministry
Then the Whigs got in.
Literally the only wrong thing he did was fucking Venice up. Otherwise he was a nice dude.
>fucking Venice up
>a bad thing
>Souperism was a phenomenon of the Irish Potato Famine. Protestant Bible societies set up schools in which starving children were fed, on the condition of receiving Protestant based religious instruction at the same time. Its practitioners were reviled by the Catholic families who had to choose between apostasy and starvation. People who converted for food were known as soupers, a derogatory epithet that continued to be applied and featured in the press well into the 1870s. In the words of their peers, they "took the soup"
>I would say Napoleon was Hitler
What about Kaiser Wilhelm being Hitler? Or Hitler being Hitler?
>I'm not the one taking the moral high ground, you are.
Look, we both fucked up, but as ... questionable as Trump is, and as fucked up as FDR was, we still haven't lost our republicanism to a monarch.
Polish anthem mentions Napoleon. He is seen as an ally there.
Deled dis
>I would say Napoleon was Hitler, but I think that one wasn't especially successful since Napoleon is still seen positivly by many people.
I find this funny, since Napoleon actually was a guy out to conquer the whole world, unlike Hitler, even though that's what he is portrayed to be. Sure Hitler wanted some Lebensraum, but even after absolutely wrecking the French, he made no attempt to annex anything besides Alsace-Lorraine, as is the tradition in any Franco-German war.
Napoleon annexed less land than Hitler, Most of the land annexed to France during the Napoleonic period, like the Rhineland and Illyrian provinces were gained in the Revolutionary Wars, Napoleon just changed the maps by making client states like the Duchy of Warsaw and having the HRE reformed into the Confederation of the Rhine.
Anglos are basically Jews though
>I find this funny, since Napoleon actually was a guy out to conquer the whole world
That's wrong tho
Napoleon mostly fought on self defense and only annexed lands that were between France and his enemies mainland (mostly Austrian possessions like Italy, Germany or Belgium) in hope they'd stop attacking him
Meanwhile, Hitler was a muh lebenstraum austist
everyone who isnt an anglo realizes he was the good guy
>but even after absolutely wrecking the French, he made no attempt to annex anything besides Alsace-Lorraine, as is the tradition in any Franco-German war.
And you think it makes him kind or something?
No one ever annex an entire enemy nation after defeating it, especially a big major country like France
Napoleon defeated Austria and took Vienna three times during the Napoleonic Wars
Yet, never did he annex Austrian mainland
He was french not italian
Spanish inquisition.
t. Pole
In Spain we hate them. He destroyed the empire and killed the 10% of iberian spaniards also looted the whole peninsula.
t. Argie
Not really.
get over Antonio, Napoleon was the last hope of Spain to being relevant and you fucked it up with guerrilla warfare
This is how Napoleon is seen in Japan
the invasion in the Iberian peninsula helped a lot to the Independentist cause in Latin America
t. Argentine
It happened multiple times in India.
Was there even an independentist cause before that?
For what I know, Spanish colonies decided to become independent upon seeing what a weak cuck nation Spain had become
That is meme history teached in school, the invasion of the peninsula did nothing to the independentist cause, in fact all the El Deseado propaganda hit pretty hard in America reforzing the royalist potition
>t. I don't know anything about India
Lindybeige isn't the entirety of Britain, thank fucking god
When you think about, Lindybeige is basically just every british person, right guys?
He's not black enough
Shut up retard.
>t. I don't know anything about India and now I'm lashing out
>All these butthurt frogs ITT
How does it feel knowing that you lost to us even with all of Europe on your side?
>anyone who likes Napoleon is French
Lmao the level of British delusion
>with all of Europe on your side
You're mistaking them with Britain
probably one of the countless nations that still use the napoleonic code as the basis for their constitutions, i.e. netherlands, portugal, spain, belgium, etc
I'm British, Napoleon was great, and the liberal revolution he sparked across europe didn't affect us one bit because we had already killed a king and gotten it out of our collective system.
made me kek
>anime is retarded
What's new under the sunnu
>French view an Italian
Napoleon was greek.
>Who the fuck sees Napoleon as anything other than Imperialist ego-maniac that was bent on conquering all of Europe?
I do , for one.
If it wasn't for Perfidious Albion, Nappy would have inaugurated a golden age in Europe and this would have spread world wide.