just went all in on verge... how fuck am i?
How fucked am i?
Shouldve bought Monero.
buy high sell low
i know... fuck
Not that fucked fellow astronaut, they just tweeted this
Verge has been doing a lot lately.
It'll probably come back down to 100ish
Verge is just a bitcoin clone with Tor.
Monero is ring signatures and building an integrated Korvi w C++ (Better than Tor & application specific).
Wait for it to pump and quit buying shit user.
The amount of fucking fud is crazy. Don't worry user you will be rich especially with the wraith protocol being released this month.
Speculations were for 1000 satoshi by end of year by the verge team. If they really want to hit that target they will have to deliver and market until that time.
The time to buy was 8 hours ago. Use MACD to help you find good times to buy.
This will shut their lying mouths.
Monero transactions from the year '14 until January of this year were linkable, which means if you used Monero during that time period, chances are high that your transactions are linked! You can check at Monerolink.com. Monero's privacy features still need to be fully fleshed out and monero is not even close to being a true competitor with pivx or verge.
I saw anons months ago saying "Non Vergins will kill themselves by December". This is looking to be more and more the case all the time.
People should have mined Verge when it was at 3 satoshis earlier this year instead of trying to buy it now.
Just studied heavily all week on Developer activity of top 100 coins. No surprisingly, many are lazy pot smoking fedoras. Turns out my studies and charts showed verge developers to be hardest workers and most consistent on delivering om schedule. I just sold everything I had profits on and went all in on verge. Also, another deciding factor was it survived the last crash better than anything else in the top 100.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand down goes Monero.
Nothing wrong with buying it now when its going to 300 sat over night.
The time to buy is actually any time any price in the Month of September.
I felt that they would've fell into the first camp (weeded bums).
I've been lurking their channels for the last week or so and I have to say that they are very productive
>muh active community
They actually have the most active community that I've ever seen in any coin slack/telegram/discord.
They have people organized and they're getting things accomplished.
Strictly from a marketing perspective, the stuff from the last week is mind blowing. If they can keep up the release of this sort of promo media, and associated tech advancements, they will carve out a comfy share and keep it.
You have no idea what you've done
>year is 2095
>Your descendants walk the wreckage of the earth
>one of the few who can live comfy because of great grandpappy's XVG investment
>All of them ponder upon your portraits and statues of you fucking your smoking hot money-wife with your massive sculpted green candle dick as they travel down the halls of their mansions, hoping to one day live up to your legacy
>They will never know you were just an idiot who got lucky
>you can never let them know so you can keep the air of mystery about you and you can go down in history as grandpappy ironhands
Moonshot incoming.
Btw, this is not a typical cheap botyke rocket 10 secind flight to +30%, and then an immediate crash back to Earth. This is a purposeful, planned, organized amd well piblicized Mission to the Moon over several months. There is absolutely no need to rush to buy like the ten second moonshots. You have time. Think it over, read up on it, then make your decision, yea or nay.
With Binance, HTC-BTC, discord stuff and Wraith Protocol all happening around the same time, it really does seem coordinated. We see it now on these forums, they are becoming the talk of the crypto community.
>a chat bot
Go ahead, shill monero noW. Oh wait ITS TANKING.
Literally a bot anyone with basic coding skills could make in a day. Is this a "hyped" feature? If I was still holding Verge I'd be looking to sell before it comes tumbling back down like it always does.
I threw down for 5k around 110 sats. Most of my portfolio is tied up in OMG, but I really like what Verge is doing. Wouldn't mind seeing 100x returns on this in a year.
Volitility in crypto is the rule, not the exception.
> like it always does. ; Check chart-----> Nope jpg.
Trash coin. Will get dumped hard, guaranteed.
After the pump comes the dump, sell while you still have the chance user
5 sat has been added to your account, Goldman Sachs shill. Run along upstairs, Mum has tendies ready.
And no, we are not selling off so you can get onboard on the cheap, shill. Ship done left. Sorry.
ur live is over