Does this image make a valid point? Have modern men been ruined by consumerism/capitalism?
Does this image make a valid point? Have modern men been ruined by consumerism/capitalism?
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Communism would have the same results, if there was enough consumer goods.
Also: What's wrong with bicycles?
enjoy your crushed ballsack
'To be content with little is difficult; to be content with much, impossible.'
Or homosexuality? Or Weed? Or something being unatural?
unironcially a combination of consumerist culture+third wave feminism and other faggy leftist type of stuff flooding the mainstream culture. The problem with capitalism is that these big companies are cowards who will bend to the will of any outraged group
'The meek may inherit the earth, but at the moment it belongs to the conceited. Like me.'
Interesting, never observed anything that would indicated so, more like on the contrary since cyclist tend to be quite fit. But I guess it's good thing I stopped cycling at 14, then.
Why didn't anybody developed more ballsack-friendly seat, though? Seems like it's the source of problem.
>The problem is that capitalists seek to maximize profits
Not even a commie, but come on...
Don't worry, Trump is going to restore the national character of america and american males will stop wasting their lives watching Anime and eating fast food, and instead will start a yeomanry farming tradition. libcucks BTFO. #MAGA
What point? It's just strawmaning.
not what I said, I said they were cowards who will bend to the will of any outraged meme mob on the internet. Most of the time, made up of people who dont even buy their product. That, or they are just blinded by ideology. Look at the guy who was fired from google.
Communism is completely fucking retarded, Im just pointing out problems with capitalism now
Not that user, but you are moaning about it being a bug when it is clearly a feature of capitalism. Also what do you mean by faggy leftist type of stuff
Why is this picture so obsessed with dudes' asses
>Not that user, but you are moaning about it being a bug when it is clearly a feature of capitalism
no it isnt user. When else in history have companies bent over backwards to appeal to left wing slacktavist on twitter? Never. And it isnt even them maximizing their profits, its them trying to navigate an outrage culture minefield created by the left wing.
> Also what do you mean by faggy leftist type of stuff
Its pretty obvious what I mean. feminization of males to their current cucked status in the social order.
You can't just 'criticize capitalism' without proposing an alternative. One of the biggest arguments that capitalists make is that capitalism is the most natural system that's inevitable, the inevitability of it being argued for why the Soviet Union failed.
So what do you propose they do? Again, criticizing without proposing a solution is just bitching.
It's a way to increase profits by marketing yourself as 'progressive'. It's basic pr
>I said they were cowards who will bend to the will of any outraged meme mob on the internet
Yes, because they think it will increase profit and give better public image to the company. It's quite simple equation.
>You can't just 'criticize capitalism' without proposing an alternative.
thats because I dont want an alternative, Im just pointing out a flaw in it. Once again, Im not a communist because communism is fucking retarded and 1000 times worse.
Again, they are cowards who will bend to the will of false outrage mobs. This is the criticism Im throwing at them. Having good PR isnt a bad thing in itself. A company seeking to have a good image by making a quality product and not fucking over their employees is one thing. A company firing one of their employees because some feminist got butthurt because he said the wonder woman movie sucked is another thing. Hence, its the leftist bullshit culture taking advantage of this weakness in capitalism. This is my whole argument
>That, or they are just blinded by ideology. Look at the guy who was fired from google.
You're right user, a company with an executive staff made of jews, females and indians should have just said fuck diversity race war now
>Oh man, if only people were made to think in only the correct ways, that will end political correctness and fix capitalism.
>Bent over backwards to geniune left wing activism ala unions and strikes
>pay lip service to left wing slacktavist
It doesn't cost them a goddamn thing and they get good brand recognition for it. Starbucks selling 'fairtrade' coffee is not mere virtue signalling when more people buy it.
>outrage culture minefield created by the left wing.
If anything it is the inverse, a commodification of values and dissent of the Left. Do you care about Third World economic exploitation? Starbucks is selling 'fairtrade' coffee that is exploitation with a human face! Virtue signal your dissent and enjoy the benefits!
>feminization of males to their current cucked status in the social order.
See above
>Again, they are cowards who will bend to the will of false outrage mobs.
What do you think motivates them to do so?
>Its pretty obvious what I mean. feminization of males to their current cucked status in the social order.
Sounds rather vague. What are some examples of this feminization you speak of?
>fuck diversity race war now
Theres no way you are actually this much of a brainlet. Thats not what his memo said at all. It wasnt even about race in the first place.
"Taking advantage" of something is specifically encouraged by the system
'I am a deeply superficial person. I love Los Angeles. I love Hollywood. They're beautiful. Everybody's plastic, but I love plastic. I want to be plastic. Fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting. The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet. What's great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want to own. Andy Warhol: I think everybody should like everybody. Gene Swenson: Is that what Pop Art is all about? Andy Warhol: Yes, it's liking things.'
They think it will affect their earnings when it wont. Its an illusion. Its a bunch of people saying "WE WONT BUY YOUR PRODUCT UNTIL YOU FIRE THIS PERSON!" when they most likely dont even buy the product in the first place. For every 10 leftist who get butthurt, there are 100 regular people who dont give a shit. It also creates this werido witch hunt culture
Christ this image has a hardon against cycling. There's a few valid points, but grooming and not smelling bad is somehow not good?
I guarantee whoever drew this is pretty far from the ubermensch they think they are.
lol do you really not know the world infamous terrorist who drew this?
>losing 9% of your sales
Pretty bad
>Its an illusion
According to your ideology. Those who make decisions that will affect profits have different opinion. If their opinions are correct, they will make profit. if you are wrong then they will not make profit and will be forced seek alternative options.
>Sounds rather vague
Did you not see the OP that goes into full detail about these examples? Why do you think so many boys are put on dope to make them calm down? Why are they brainwashed with misandrist based ideologies about things like male privilege? why do so many boys kill themselves?
If your balls get squashed when you're riding a bike then you aren't sitting on it properly
Because high testosterone levels are incompatible with most modern forms of existence. Very few men work with their hands anymore
THEY DONT BUY THE PRODUCT IN THE FIRST PLACE. What part of this dont you understand user? why are you choosing to be this deliberately stubborn? Why do you think Mass Effect Diversity failed so horribly that it shut down the studio? They appealed to diversity, why did their product fail?
They don't know for sure and you don't too for that matter. I genuinely can't believe a right winger is whining about capitalistic cooperation doing things he doesn't like for profit. The irony is rich
>Because high testosterone levels are incompatible with most modern forms of existence.
youre retarded, never mind.
The author seems obsessed with homosexuality in general. Really fires up that thinkerator.
Maybe coz it had a lot of bugs and was underfunded? Call me when something like Far Cry 5 fails
>I genuinely can't believe a right winger is whining about capitalistic cooperation doing things he doesn't like for profit. The irony is rich
Im simply addressing OPs point with the correct answer. You are upset by this reality and are lashing out at me because you are trying and failing to articulate any actual counter argument. Its okay to be upset user.
>Why do you think so many boys are put on dope to make them calm down?
Same reason why people were getting drunk throughout western history.
>Why are they brainwashed with misandrist based ideologies about things like male privilege?
Do they in your country?
>Why do so many boys kill themselves?
Considering Russia is a leader in suicide it definitly has nothing to do with the mentioned meems.
It's literally true. Traditionally male activities like fighting and farming are mostly marginal in modern society, so boys have too much energy for their tasks.
>Maybe coz it had a lot of bugs and was underfunded?
hmmm, so it seems all their appeal to "muh diversity!" counted for jack shit. Its almost as if no one who actually purchases their product gives a shit about any of that ideological horseshit and just want a quality product. Its almost as if the outrage mobs who ranted and raved for something like that have no desire to purchase the product in the first place!
I am not the one typing in caps and providing non-arguments user. Calm down senpai, expressing impotent rage over a corporation that does something you don't like for profit doesn't change it.
Maybe not for some vidya, but for a company like Starbucks or Whole Foods? They get a lot out of that pr
>Traditionally male activities like fighting and farming are mostly marginal in modern society
Is that why UFC and sports are hugely popular user? Also, you speak of the school systems as if they arent a huge fucking failure and as if they are doing just fine.
'Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. Art is what you can get away with. Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art. They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches. An artist is someone who produces things that people don't need to have but that he - for some reason - thinks it would be a good idea to give them. I never think that people die. They just go to department stores. Dying is the most embarrassing thing that can ever happen to you, because someone's got to take care of all your details. Land really is the best art.'
>providing non-arguments user.
That is literally what you are doing user. Im very obviously putting forth my argument, it upsets you, and you cant think of any actual counter argument, which is why you are now shitposting. I wont respond to you again until you actually articulate a point. Im honestly surprised at how upset you guys are at this very obvious point
>is that why...
clearly. But unfortunately, 20 minutes of running around won't quite cut it.
>why are you....
I'm not? I haven't said a thing about schools
Thats a false equivilancy though. To make my point, why does Starbucks not bend to the will of outraged small town christians when they bitch about their lack of a christmas cup during christmas season? Thats literally whats happening now.
The product failed due to its low quality, not to its appeals to muh diversity. As someone has already told you, it is good PR and good PR can only get you so far in sales
Because they don't consume that much of their products?
I already did by saying they (and you) can't be sure if the outrage have substance hence will fold as their profits are on the line. You ignored that first line to make a non-argument reply to my second sentence
>thats because I dont want an alternative, Im just pointing out a flaw in it.
And no fixes to the problem anywhere in your posts. Until you do we can only assume that the way things currently are are indeed the ways things are supposed to be.
>Im not a communist because communism is fucking retarded and 1000 times worse.
At least communists have agency and an idea of what they want.
No. Artists love thinking they are above the masses for not engaging in consumerism (even though they still do).
>The product failed due to its low quality, not to its appeals to muh diversity
exactly, because no one gives a shit about diversity, which is my entire point. So when someone makes a quality product, and a group of upset leftist on the internet say "PUT DIVERSITY IN YOUR PRODUCT OR I WONT BUY IT!" its obviously a paper tiger.
On the opposite side of that, the maker of the game Kingdom Come faced just that, to put diversity in his medieval europe game dedicated to being as historically accurate as possible, and he just told them to fuck off and ended up gaining more support. Again, my point is that the outraged mobs are exploiting a weakness in companies, the need to have good PR, but at the end of the day, their threats are meaningless because not only will they not purchase the product in the first place, the actual customers of the company dont give a shit.
So far, this is dumbest statement ITT.
You need testosteron more than ever, without it you are nothing but a deppressed underachiever. Or do you seriously think Chad Thundercock is having a bad time as we speak?
So why should a company bend to the will of a group who doesnt consume their product on the opposite side of ideology? When a group bitches because there wasnt a black muslim transexual in their add, why dont they tell them "well tough shit, deal with it"
>You can't just 'criticize capitalism' without proposing an alternative
But you can. No system is perfect. You just have to accept the lesser evil at the end of the day.
Conservatives don't drink that much Starbucks. Liberals do
But people do give a shit, it is just that it plays second fiddle to quality (or at least). Take the new Mad Max movie's success, /tv/'s outrage that it was doing well was hilarious.
>ended up gaining more support.
Due to counter virtue signalling by people from the other side. Mere spectacles of slackactivism of liberals and conservatives. As I said earlier, a commodification of dissent and values
>but at the end of the day, their threats are meaningless because not only will they not purchase the product in the first place, the actual customers of the company dont give a shit.
And at the end of the day, the profit motive will always force the company to do otherwise as what you said. Moralizing the rational response under this system does not help your arguments and just makes you a whiner
Chas is popular because he is handsome, but generally isn't that successful academically.
>Take the new Mad Max movie's success, /tv/'s outrage that it was doing well was hilarious.
I don't know anything about this movie nor browse /tv/, what happened?
Again, thats my point. So why should a company listen to liberals when liberals dont purchase their product?
No one has said they should, just given explanations for why they have done so.
>muh feminism
>/tv/ flips out (but really it is just /pol/fags whining)
>It does well and is critically acclaimed
>/tv/ pretends it like the movie from the start and it was all /pol/ astroturfing
You will see the exact same trend in the upcoming Wolfenstein in /v/
>Take the new Mad Max movie's success
Yeah because it was a good movie, not because feminism. Otherwise, why did the new ghostbusters fail? What point of this arent you getting? NO ONE gives a shit about diversity or feminism or any other leftist ideology, they only care about a quality product. So if someone does make a quality movie for example, and then a group of people come along and say "I WONT SEE THIS MOVIE BECAUSE IT HAS NO DIVERSITY!" its obviously an empty threat.
Look at Dunkirk. leftist were shitting themselves because it was so successful and it didnt have forced diversity
>Chas is popular because he is handsome
What is reason for man's attractiveness? Testosteron and social status.
>but generally isn't that successful academically
High test also helps in academia. You can force yourself into grants, make better presentations (since you are charismatic, funny and self-conscious) and have friends who will do you favours.
It's too bad that a potentially interesting topic like this is instantly flooded with mongoloids and their 2-cent opinions.
Coz liberals may buy their product to virtue signal?
It's not capitalism in itself, but the unprecedented prosperity it brought. An entire generation of manchildren has resulted from the lack of hardship and discipline.
As terrible as it was for Eastern Europe I think the Cold War was a good thing for the West, as it kept the worst vices of consumerism and reckless government spending in check, and kept everyone on their toes.
Rather than result in smaller, more efficient government, the 1990s peace dividend was simply used to divert money from the military and space exploration to mantain an unsustainable welfare state and rack up debt.
>No one has said they should
Thats my point user. When a group of people try to force their ideology on a product by exploiting the fear that they will lose money if they dont, the company should just tell them to fuck off because it wont make a difference
>What is reason for man's attractiveness? Testosteron and social status.
Also getting good genes and wealth
>High test also helps in academia.
Perhaps, but less so than actually being intelligent.
I don't think you have very good reading comprehension
They've been ruined by (((((((((((estrogen))))))))))) from everyday products such as plasticizers and drinking water.
>leftist were shitting themselves because it was so successful and it didnt have forced diversity
But really you are not countering my argument. Regardless of whether it is an empty threat or not, some companies cannot afford to take the risk as they are driven by profit. Not everyone is a staunch auteur like Nolan.
>Also getting good genes and wealth
Which increases your test
>Perhaps, but less so than actually being intelligent.
I have different experience, but I agree that's generally true. However the original point was that testosteron is a detriment in modern world which is absolute and utter bullshit.
Does that mean riding horses isn't manly? The Mongols and john Wayne are gonna be pissed
>which increases your test
> However the original point was that testosteron is a detriment in modern world which is absolute and utter bullshit.
Maybe I used the wrong wording. It's not a detriment but it's far less important now
>But really you are not countering my argument.
Are you retarded? You are making my point for me and Im agreeing with you. No one cares about diversity, otherwise ghostbusters and the new mass effect would be smash hits instead of complete failures. I think you are just arguing for the sake of it at this point
>An entire generation of manchildren has resulted from the lack of hardship and discipline.
Can you expand on this?
Everyone on this board
Whatever satisfies the soul is truth. And your very flesh shall be a great poem. Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss that which insults your soul.
...the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse. I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity. I see great things in baseball. It's our game - the American game.
Hard times make hard men, you can be safe and comfortable or you can be tough. Everyone, especially people who grew up in hard times, will choose safety and comfort if they can.
OK, sure. But OP is giving us no choice but to say this to him because he is offering no solutions. All he is saying is 'companies should stop catering to leftists' and that 'men shouldn't be so feminine'.
Maybe if he said 'we should have laws to force certyain behaviors onto companies and men' we would have more things to say. But it sounds like OP wants a hugbox and not a debate. He is probably some /v/ kid and this is a stealth gamergate thread.
What would you define as 'hardship' and 'discipline' that was present in previous societies/decades but is lacking in ours?
That clown isn't the OP.
Not having Veeky Forums to post >tfw no gf on every day
literally "women will never understand" tier
>But my main issue with Dunkirk is that it's so clearly designed for men to man-out over.
> the fact that there are only a couple of women and no lead actors of color may rub some the wrong way.
British society has never been cleansed of the filth of imperialism. We live in a world that is filled with filth and sleaze, a world that reeks of evil. You cannot afford that filthy poison to touch you. Stay away from it. Avoid it. When the soul, through its own fault... becomes rooted in a pool of pitch-black, evil smelling water, it produces nothing but misery and filth.
I think you have really bad reading comprehension like said
Diversity + Quality like Mad Max = confirmed great sales coz virtue signalling
No Diversity + Quality like Dunkrik = don't know if there will be great sales coz no virtue signalling
Diversity + No Quality like Ghostbusters = Shit sales but good PR
No Diversity + No Quality like most stuff = Shit sales
Now if you want to maximize profits, what you choose? The one where there is a chance where you can make more sales than you are probably gonna make or the one where there is no chance?
>It's not a detriment but it's far less important now
How? Everything is "social", you need constantly to assert yourself now and risk of deppression is also much greater than before.
It's common knowledge.
John Wayne was gay as fuck
Because traditionally masculine activities like fighting and farming are far less profitable. Being a good cubicle worker requires little testosterone. It ultimately depends on how you define success though
Stunning insight.
Kill yourself.
oh look, the only thing that leads to profit in your equation is quality and not diversity, which is literally my point this entire thread. Its pretty clear you realize Im right, agree with me, and are just arguing to argue at this point.
'maximizing profits' means 'disregarding everything else'
That means killing everything to make money that cannot be taken to the grave, and will not matter to those who remain.