ITT: Shit wehraboos say that pisses you off
>The Waffen SS was diverse that means it's good
>The Allies did bad stuff therefore Germany didn't
>Poland was oppressing ethnic Germans therefore it was justifiable for Germany to invade and enslave their entire population
>If not for winter Germany would've won
>Rape was illegal in the German army therefore it didn't happen
>Only the SS committed war crimes
>Operation Barbarossa was a preemptive strike
>Hitler wanted peace
>The Nazis had a good economy
>Hitler allowed the BEF to escape at Dunkirk out of the kindness of his heart
Other urls found in this thread:
>the Sudetenland should belong to Germany because it had an ethnic German majority
>ok, why did they annex the rest of it though?
>fuck off kike
every time
Sudetenland never even belonged to Germany, it belonged to Bohemia which was a part of Austria
>nazi economic miracle
>muh Dresden
>muh hamburg
>wermacht liberated eastern europe from communism
>if hitler did X he could have taken moscow/stalingrad
my point is that even if you accept that the Sudetenland is German, they can never explain why annexing the rest of Czechoslovakia was ok, which was literally one of the first things Hitler did
arguing with stormfags and /pol/tards is so fucking easy
when they reply to you with "fuck off kike" or "JIDF" you know you won by default since their little brains can't create a compelling argument
>The deaths in the camps were caused by Allied bombing of the supply lines
>Allied bombers went around rounding up and executing Jews in Eastern Europe
>Anne Frank died of typhus so that means no Jews got murdered
>You can't gas and cremate 6 million Jews
Some of them unironically believe that all Jews died in Auschwitz
>how could 6 million Jews have died if they originally overestimated how many Jews died at Auschwitz
this thread is giving me 'nam flashbacks
>That "this man is not German" image
>The image about how Auschwitz had a swimming pool and a rabbit breeding project for the Luftwaffe is proof that the Holocaust never happened
>'Redpill' JPG's that blatantly lie and misrepresent facts in order to mislead uninformed people
Whenever they post a quote with an actual source hoping that nobody will check it and expose their bullshit.
Fucking this. Also when they post fake quotes with incredibly vague sources (for example the name of a 500 page book but no page number)
There's another one with Churchill. If you have it saved post it here. They photoshoped a star of David on the guy next to Churchill. It has a bunch of quotes. First one is completely forged, the next one is from a German book from the 30s and there's some Irving thrown there for good measure.
>Americans had concentration camps where they would turn japanese prisoners into soap and weapon grease
>the Nuremberg trial blamed Katyn on the nazis (which isn't even true in the first place) so every mass grave in eastern Europe was the Soviets
>Attributing the post-depression German economic recovery to Nazism and not to Hjalmar Schacht
>Stab in the back bullshit
>"Jews" declared war on Germany first
>Auschwitz had a swimming pool this must mean the Holocaust was a lie
>>muh Dresden
>>muh hamburg
Discussing Allied atrocities doesn't make you a Wehraboo (though often it's them doing it, I'll give you that).
>>if hitler did X he could have taken moscow/stalingrad
Discussing WW2 and the ways the Wehrmacht could have done better doesn't automatically make you a Wehraboo. Arguably they could have taken Moscow and Stalingrad with different strategic decisions.
Well the Soviets tried this but other prosecutors declined. Goering was amused by it.
I find it pretty interesting when people dismiss the evidence for an event as documented as the Holocaust as either fake or inconclusive without applying those standards of evidence to the Holodomor for example.
Why do you post the picture of that woman?
a guy on /pol/ literally told me that Germans were hanged for Katyn, when even the Soviet delegation admitted that there was no evidence about who ordered it
>>Stab in the back bullshit
the Kiel sailors were Jewish communist terrorists and everyone in Germany was fine with starving and having their husbands die until they mutinied
The recent Churchill fake quote thread was a perfect example of this. Despite being repeatedly asked, the Stormfag was unable to provide a page number or even which volume of Churchill's book he was quoting from. Then someone downloaded all the volumes and searched for the quote volume by volume and found it in none of them.
The talking point then instantly changed to how ((((they))) must have removed it from the online versions.
Isn't it funny that they can find obscure books about accounts of the holocaust and photograph and highlight the more bizarre claims to them wave around, but these quotes from world leaders or mainstream newspaper interviews are only ever presented as text...
>firebombing krauts
>an atrocity
they were asking for, and this image proves, are still asking for it
on your second point you are to an extent correct, but in thread of that kind i see a lot of /pol/lacks and wheraboos constructing their own fantasies about how the wheremacht 'amost won' often ignoring the obvious and fundamental flaws in operation barbarossa and general german prosecution of the war that make it incredibly difficult to imagine either Moscow or Stalingrad being taken or any other eventuality that could have resulted in soviet defeat.
>prisoners into soap and weapon grease
Not as amusing as seeing people who condemn holocaust denial go full /pol/lack mode with fake infographs, quotes from propagandists, and general it wasn't a genocide 'cuz the other side totes started it when Armenian genocide gets brought up.
This book was from the 50s and existed in two version but both lacked that quote. And I found that information on what looked like a holocaust denial forum of all places.
No it wasn't axis forum it was something else.
Yes, I agree with your second paragraph.
>>firebombing krauts
>>an atrocity
>they were asking for, and this image proves, are still asking for it
Get the fuck off Veeky Forums and spout your bullshit on or .
Because Rose makes every post better.
And it helps me to track my posts, I have a dynamic IP.
>The recent Churchill fake quote thread
Do you have the archive link of that thread?
Do you think Rose is cute? Is that why you think she makes every post better? I sure do find her cute.
>people will defend bomber harris
>the same people will also scream how lemay was a war criminal and that hiroshima&nagasaki were crimes against humanity
I fucking found it.
The Japs deserved far worse than that slap on the wrist.
Really makes you fucking think
>tfw uninformed
>tfw was swayed for a while
>tfw I actually checked the source of a quote it it was from a genocidal Polish communist but twisted a little bit
The holocaust happened. Denying history is wrong.
I'm still kinda anti-semitic though due to unrelated reasons.
First quote is completely fake.
After that I don't feel obliged to check the rest.
>liking bordergore
Indeed user. She's a 10/10 qt pie.
That's the problem with shitty infographics and the internet in general. Many people don't bother to check for sources or have no critical thinking skills and take things at face value. There's also the problem of echo chambers which happens a lot in places like /pol/ or even Facebook (which shows you more of the things you "liked"), people circlejerk each other seeking sources they already agree with rather than challenge their beliefs and question things.
>Order #428 is about killing of civilians in German uniform
>Czechs killed 3 trilion innocent Sudetenkrauts
>killing of them wasnt justified
See also, the thread about the glass ring with Islamic inscription thread. Dozens of anons blindly swallowed what the OP wrote without clicking on the actual article link. Simply having the link in the post was proof enough for them.
Either that or they were all pretending to be retards.
Not off hand but if you search for "Germanys only crime" it should come up. Was about a month ago.
>>Czechs killed 3 trilion innocent Sudetenkrauts
Obviously Stormfags overstate the numbers but the Czechs did murder thausands.
>>killing of them wasnt justified
It wasn't, they were civilians and there was no screening whether or not they were Nazi war criminals.
The Nazi war crimes were far worse ofc but there is no excuse for what the Czechs did either.
>It wasn't
Terrorism is enough to get you killed in most nations in the world
>Allies were the first to start bombings.
>It was German land 2000 years ago, so it should be now
They have a new line of defense for this.
>They are two editions of this book, and the quote was from another!
>X guys checked both
i think this applies to all
i've heard sovietfags saying that invading Finland is justified,that Vietnam was a totally good idea and expanding the war in Korea is going to be fine
>G*rmans chimp out
>end up getting killed
nazis were a mistake
Czechs bent over backwards to accommodate a minority that openly and massively collaborated with Nazi regime.
Tankies and stormfaggots are functionally same. Often they even overlap on some claims.
>look at this picture of a grey human shaped blob pointing a grey gun shaped blob at another human shaped blob, as you can clearly tell, he's wearing a Soviet uniform and holding an Mosin-Nagant, so the Holocaust never happened
It was, Soviets needed to secure Leningrad and wanted to give Finns twice as much territory.
It's funny how little they know about German uniforms and equipment yet try to act like experts on the subject in order to try and pin it on the Soviets.
Why do retards on Veeky Forums use "wehraboo" as a synonym for neo-nazi or Holocaust denier?
A "wehraboo' is some guy who thinks AK-47 was simply a copy of the StG-44 or that Poles only had cavalry during WWII.
Basically a guy that overestimates the technical and military competence of WWII Germany and underestimated the other.
Most of these are normalfags who would accept German atrocities but still go for the WWII "aesthetics".
Actual Neo-Nazis are different and go much further.
someone pls post my OC about "those are not Soviet soldiers over Reichtag"
>Czechs bent over backwards to accommodate a minority that openly and massively collaborated with Nazi regime.
(1) Collective punishment is never justifiable, no matter what for.
(2) If you're talking about the Sudeten Germans they weren't a minority, but a majority in their own territories, which should have been autonomous or given to Austria or Germany after WW1 due to the same reason Czechia became independent of Austria-Hungary, the right to Self-determination.
The Nazi-organised terror groups in Czechoslovakia before the Munich Agreement were obviously not tolerable and the way the Nazis conducted the incorporation of the Sudetenland wasn't legitimate, but the people there had a right to Self-determination.
I gotchu senpai
how could the Finns take the soviet word for it?
they recently annexed Poland on the basis of 'protecting their interest there' and made overtures on the Baltic state to build bases
It wasnt collective punishment, those that were loyaly, like pic related Republikanisches wehr could stay if they wanted to.
>Germans they weren't a minority, but a majority in their own territories, which should have been autonomous
Beneš offered them autonomy during the talks before Munich, they refused even when it was their original demand.
Soviets never told Poland to give them lets say Lwow and did not attacked them afterwards.
they've set up sphere of influences beforehand with the Germany
it's pretty clear they had designs on Eastern Europe,it's very naive for you to say that they dindu nuffin
Because it's helps their argument to misrepresent their opponents.
>Beneš offered them autonomy during the talks before Munich, they refused even when it was their original demand.
Who refused? I suspect it was either the Nazis themselves or Nazi puppets in Sudetenland...
Also massacres like Prerau/Prerov or Aussig were just blind hatred and malice and had nothing to do with justified punishments, these atrocities are still not recognized properly by Czechs.
The guy responsible for Prerov was a huge piece of shit. Apparently he was a Nazi collaborator during the war.
My favorite is: Polish bolsheviks massacred ethnic Germans in Danzig.
It's probably the dumbest and most ignorant statement I've read on Veeky Forums.
this is the most cucked thread I have ever soon, all of you please kys
Go back to your containment board.
>this is the most cucked thread I have ever soon, all of you please kys
>bomber Harris was a war criminal
Keep crying.
>Who refused? I suspect it was either the Nazis themselves or Nazi puppets in Sudetenland...
One part was loyal to the Czechoslovak government, the second one shilled for Hitler, quess whcih one caused all the problems.
>Also massacres like Prerau/Prerov or Aussig were just blind hatred and malice and had nothing to do with justified punishments
It was perfectly legal according to the Beneš´s decrees, 3 of my ancestors took part in it, one as a member of the I. Czechoslovak Corps and 2 as members of the RG, there was legal trial before they were shot.
>It was perfectly legal according to the Beneš´s decrees, 3 of my ancestors took part in it, one as a member of the I. Czechoslovak Corps and 2 as members of the RG, there was legal trial before they were shot.
Your ancestors are cold blooded murderers then, the same kind as the SS:
>On June 18–19, 1945, Slovak Germans from Dobšiná village were passing through Přerov while being transported back to Slovakia. Here they were taken out of the train by Slovakian soldiers, taken outside the city to a hill Švédské šance, where they were forced to dig their own graves and all were shot (71 men, 120 women and 74 children).[1]
>Your ancestors are cold blooded murderers then, the same kind as the SS
One of them is war hero from the Eastern Front, 2 are former Wehrmacht soldiers.
We werent harsh enough against the Krauts, we should have gave them to the Stalin to send them to Siberia as a gift for liberation.
>We werent harsh enough against the Krauts, we should have gave them to the Stalin to send them to Siberia as a gift for liberation.
What the perpetrators of these massacres did was literally the same thing the SS did. The victims were civilians who were not proven to be affiliated to Nazi crimes in any way. If you seriously believe that is just or something to be proud of, you should be ashamed. How would you think of Germans if the deeds of the SS were celebrated today?
>Muh multi-racial SS!
>German-Muslim alliance against Jewry!
>The Netherlands and Belgium were conspiring with the Allies!
>George Patton was /ourguy/
>Auschwitz swimming lessons
>everyone who opposes National Socialism is a Jew, a Communist, or both!
>Zyklon B isn't dangerous for human consumption at all!
>Anne Frank used a ballpoint pen!
>Anne Frank was a lesbian!
>You're a kike shill if you like pregnant Anne Frank pics!
>Poland was the start of aggression
>Germany was just defending itself
>Operation Barbarossa was a preemptive strike
This one is kind of true. It seems like war between Germany and the USSR was an inevitability by the start of the war. If the SU attacked Germany first it also would have been a preemptive strike.
Yes, they were, there was a trial where local Czechoslovak population confirmed that they were war criminals, terrorists and traitors.
There is literally not a single proof of Stalin ever wanting to strike first.
Was that story true about the one German soldier who deserted and went to Stalin to tell him about the invasion plans? Then got killed?
I read about those Soviet tanks that apparently were made for the type of terrain that was in the west. And how his armies were located close to the German border.
But then again apparently Stalin was very surprised to learn about German attack.
>There is literally not a single proof of Stalin ever wanting to strike first.
Except SU building up offensive equipment and not giving a shit about defense.
Are you telling me the Molotov line was deploying Offensive pillboxes?
>were made for the type of terrain that was in the west
What type of tanks senpai, Soviet tanks were well known for huge track so they were useful for muddy terrain except for early tanks in 30´s like T-26 that were still best of their class in the world.
>And how his armies were located close to the German border.
They werent you nigger, they were in 3 lines that were meant to be defensive.
>Except SU building up offensive equipment
war isnt android turn based game, there is no such a thing as "offensive euipment", there is only defensive equipment, aka fortresses, which is a thing Soviets had
Whether or not Stalin planned an attack before Hitler has got to be the most uselss academic discussion of WWII. And I like Suvorov.
Bumping this thread to keep Turk BBC posts off page one
>Americans/Brits would have sided if they could see the future
-Uncle who fought in WW2 when I told him about that
Yeah they show pictures of Europe in the 30s (or sometimes a peaceful looking scene from German occupation) then juxtapose it next to photos from present day and wonder if those veterans regret "siding with the jews" and not having their countries invaded.
>Yes, they were, there was a trial where local Czechoslovak population confirmed that they were war criminals, terrorists and traitors.
Even those 74 children?
Give me a break and just accept the fact that those relative of yours were monsters.
Ffs, I can understand killing Nazi operators, but burying alive 70+ children is absolutely unjustifiable.
I showed him a few of those memes, his response was the folks who make those memes should try walking through a burnt out city and smelling the dead and pulverized cement before they start complaining.
shit bearaboos say
>lol germany deserved the wave of rape lol THATS WAHT U GET LOL XDDDDDDDDDDDD
>burying alive 70+ children
t. Jacob Gobbelberg
Youngest were 14 years old terrorists from Hitlerjugend
The war was over and those traumatized kids could have been reeducated (which is what happened with, you know, all the other German kids who survived).
Stop trying to justify mob mentality and the act of mass murdering children ffs
>it wasnt ok to hang those Hitlerite criminals because they could have been reeducated
They were terrorist bandits that fought against the Czechoslovak government and people, they deserved to die
>when you have nothing to argue so you need to have a safe space thread where you circle jerk with other moron who keep get BTFO in every thread
Awwwwww does the little babby need a playmate?
>Everything that disagrees with me a is LIE
The absolute state of liberals
>falling for /pol/ inphographics that can be debunked after like 2 minutes on internet
>Believing the first google result you see and falling for the ad verecundium fallacy so easily
If google told you tomorrow that the Holocaust never happened you'd believe it and think nothing more of it like the sheepish infant you are