HHahhaahHAhahaha hHAhah HAh hahahahaHHAHAHAhaahahHA HHAHAhAhahahah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HHahhaahHAhahaha hHAhah HAh hahahahaHHAHAHAhaahahHA HHAHAhAhahahah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Go ahead. Laugh.
But we will have the last one. Oh yes. ANS / NEO always wins in the end.
ooo does this mean we don't have to type our private key in every time now? that's cool.
hahha hahah ahah ahhahaha hahahaa hahaa
neofags poor forever
Don't laugh pls it hurts
Wtf. I bought a whole bunch and now im down 100 bucks. Is this going to moon or not?
fucking lol'd. let this be a lesson newfags.
When a coin is being hyped to death and has mooned you better wait for that 60% drop.
>mfw neofags didnt sell at 1.2m
Cant wait to get back in at 350k
you'll be waiting awhile
Haha hahahahaha it just keeps dropping
I don't know about you fags, but I'm riding the waves and building up my NEO stack.
same. Our boy Neo Money Man is in this for all the right reasons and it has been open knowledge that he has been working with the chinese government within regulations since December.
NEO isn't going anywhere and the plans for the "smart economy" and using NEO to manage the super complex chinese supply chain are just getting started. I am doubling down in this dip with some OMG profits. Godspeed.
I'm buying back in and loving it.
NEO is here to stay, and once China chills the fuck out it will rocket again.
>being so emotionally attached to a shitcoin that you defend it like the girlfriend you've never had.
There is no way it goes that low. What else could possibly go wrong at this point that would send it spiraling down that low? Delisted from more exchanges? Unlikely.
Dude what's going to be the turning point? The entire hype around NEO is built around chinks
Chinks are delisting everything, it's OVER
name one relevant exchange it's been delisted from
So you're trying to tell me a bunch of retards on Veeky Forums fell for the scam of the year and ACTUALLY thought a coin with a cartoon ant on it would be the future of cryptocurrency? And retards like think it's going to recover AND then double on top of that... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
I can't wait to say I told you so when it moons AGAIN (holding since $5). Your fud attempt is embarrassing. Even if this news was actually bad like you seem to believe, WHY in the holy fuck is it still stable at its current price? This "crash" has led me to 400%+ gains, the absolute horror. I have no sympathy for the retards who actually believe this crap. Learn how to not buy at the ATH.
How mad are you that you were too stupid to sell at 10x?
>What else could possibly go wrong at this point
I know right. NEO has suffered ALL the slings and arrows the world could possibly throw at it. What more could POSSIBLY happen? I want to know.
Personal attacks don't prove any point. Let me borrow your crystal ball that times the market perfectly. Also, kill yourself.
So pretty mad, huh? Next time don't let yourself get carried away jerking off to Stephanie posts and realize when it's time to say enough is enough.
We're not mad at all. We didn't get into NEO for some paltry 10x gains. We are here for the lambos and that's what we're gonna get. That said, I did sell a small fraction at the top, so there's no need for any "i told u sos"
this is OMGfags fate in 2 weeks
especially after their news turns out to be nothing
>I did sell a small fraction at the top
Whew. That's good. I don't want you to starve.
about to moon get in
Why would I be mad that I will make 100x within the next year? Don't be jealous.
Neo has literally just been used by the chinese to steal money off westeners since its inception. It's all just hype and manipulation.
go back to /pol/
we trust Da Hongfei. he is our friend.
>I will make
Delusion is not healthy.
yeah that's what you said at $5 ANS.
when will you admit that you're just wrong, bro
Newcoiners take a look at this post. This is why you shouldn't get emotionally attached to coins. Look what it does to you.
You can't give a single LEGITIMATE reason why. You are PATHETIC
makes you lots of money, yes :)