a society that lets their women have a say in things will be dominated by a society whose men don't allow it.
A society that lets their women have a say in things will be dominated by a society whose men don't allow it
Think of the opposite of what you wrote.
Ok, but how is this history or humanities? Perhaps /r9k/ or /b/ is better for you.
Germanics are ugly, i see those pigs and only want to kill them
Fuck germanics
What sort of fantasy world do you live in?
*dominates 450 million people*
Nearly all cultures restricted womens power or influence, the question is why and where were the cultures promoting "equality" ?
that's a female orc, we're talking about humans here
one where a white population grows at 1% in 10 years while the rest grow significantly fas-
oh wait that's reality
OP is philosophy. fuck off
This might be true in warfare and economics, but with social issues and wellfare.
Men are more practical and competitive.
Women are more social and compassionate.
Thats just how it is.
It is already dead.
>telling me what to think
i wonder who's behind this post...
> implying Victoria had any say in anything ever.
Yes, that's why the west needs islam.
Where are these women from?
Didn't Israel dominated their Islamic neighbors quite a few times?
Yes, that's why muslims constantly bomb western countries and invade them for oil.
they're french.
>a society that does not let their women have a say in things will not be dominated by a society whose men do.
Ok, now what?
*Oversees the collapse of her inherited empire, the collapse of the faith she was appointed to defend, and the fall of her nation's capital to foreign hordes*
Are you talking about the western countries which have declared Muslims to be a protected class and ruthlessly suppress all acts of "intolerance" against Muslims, to the point where it is detrimental to the stabiliy and safety of the majority population?
Those western countries?
Every society is built for the benefit of women, it's just human nature. Men are disposable tools built to provide for them.
Women rule almost every society, objectively.
>women are the sexual selectors
>women decide which traits are worth reproducing
>if modern man is too beta, weak, stupid, lazy etc it's only because his female ancestors selected for those traits
Men are literally little more than mindless automatons, fucking robotic servants of the cunt. Men even have this innate instict to protect women first simply because women bred that instinct into them.
Is that Rich Evans???
>>women are the sexual selectors
>>women decide which traits are worth reproducing
If you are a high status male (as defined by evolution, not women) you will have your pick of women. There is no collective of women deciding which traits to pass on, only a rabble trying to fighting for the best men.
>If you are a high status male
Women decide which man is high status and low status. Alpha males aren't masters, they're still slaves, they just acquired a house nigger status because of the female's favor.
>as defined by evolution
Female sexual selection is what directs evolution.
So the fucking mudslimes are gonna come and rape our wives and daughters ;_; ??
Let's face it, ~90% of women are thots who will let their political views be determined by the most important male in their life.
>women take their opinions from dominant men
This meme again.
Women are not compassionate, they seek to control every aspect of a man's life by law.
>Women decide which man is high status and low status
100% wrong.
Women fake compassion, because there is no risk involved in faking it. It isn't virtue signaling as much as it is deception. The moment their proclaimed ideas are to be put into practice and they actually have to make some kind of sacrifice for others, all of their compassion vanishes in a whim.
>hey Chad why are you wearing that stupid faggot outfit?
>Btiches love it, it's a pussy magnet
Yes they do.
Refute it.
I'm not going to put the work into refuting something that isn't based on anything real.
Bitches love it because Chad wears it, not because it turns men into Chad. There's a reason why male fashion trends are so much less turbulent than female fashion, and it's not because it's trends are set by women.
Chad wears it because bitches love it.
Female compassion is in actuality a female display of status as it indicates she is desirable enough that men will waste their resources appeasing her sense of frivolity. It's basically the social equivalent of jewelry and and fancy voluminous gowns.
>tfw women are now married to the state and so the state wastes it's money on frivolity accordingly
Which society lets me eat ass?
Partially true, but really only partially. A woman will give 20 bucks to a starving child if she's sitting on millions, but she won't give the child 20 bucks if she earns 25k a year and is currently craving a pizza with garlic sauce. Claiming women to be the paragons of empathy is compassion is pure lel.
Cannibal society.
>caring what your tissues think
Chad doesn't care what women love user, that's why he's Chad.
>but she won't give the child 20 bucks if she earns 25k a year and is currently craving a pizza with garlic sauce.
Your mistake is that you're working from the assumption the 20 bucks is money she earned through her own labor, rather than the free surplus money above her own maintenance provided by a male figure.
Also you're not including the variable of whether or no anyone is waching. If no one is there to see, and no one will ever know, I'm sure the woman sitting on millions will spend the money on pizza as well.
Such a Chad only exists in the fantasy world, sadly. Once he truly arrives malekind can be finally elevated into ubermensch status.
>Your mistake is that you're working from the assumption the 20 bucks is money she earned through her own labor, rather than the free surplus money above her own maintenance provided by a male figure.
I'm not assuming either, because it's rather irrelevant to the problem. A woman won't spend her last 20 bucks of charity no matter how she got them herself.
>t. faggot
Is that why the US and UK were dominated by Germany with the power of kinder und kirche?
Well good for you because those women are actually Slavic.
i lol'd
Actually, matchmakers used to select the mates back in the day. They were usually women.
>A woman won't spend her last 20 bucks of charity no matter how she got them herself.
Well obviously as she clearly lacks the status to flaunt wealth in the first place.
We don't disagree, we're just quibbling over insignificant details.
They don't have to fight at all, they can all share him until he shows weakness.
Cause the US is being dominated by the Middle East? Kek. Societies that oppress their women are backwards shitholes that can't compete militarily, technologically, or economically with the West.
>Saudi Arabia funds the most devastating terror attack in US history and gets away with it to this very day
>The US is not being dominated by the Middle East
No society has ever oppressed women.
If so, they're only getting away with it because powerful people in the US want them to get away with it. Obviously the US could steamroll Saudi Arabia if it came to any sort of conflict.
See Notice that everywhere when some shit happens, the instinct of almost every male is "WE MUST SAVE WOMEN AND CHILDREN!" AKA the masters and their prized assets, men be damned, since they're just disposable slaves. Women are a protected, ruling class in every society ever.
Protected? Yes.
Ruling? No.
They didn't even get the vote until the last 100 years.
Them not directly voting is not really relevant since they voted through their husbands. That said, voting hardly makes a difference anyway.
>Them not directly voting is not really relevant since they voted through their husbands.
Now, is this really true or are you just assuming it?
Secondly: how is having to vote through your husband not being oppressed? I'd rather vote directly, that's for sure.
>how is having to vote through your husband not being oppressed?
>how is using a vacuum cleaner instead of picking filth up by hand not being oppressed?
The vacuum cleaner will do what you want it to every time, unless it breaks.
The husband will do what you want it to if he agrees with doing it, and hell, he might hit you upside the head if he gets a few beers in him and gets angry, while he's at it.
>t. definitely not a Chad
women are definately civilization destroyers.
the uterus is a resource that must be carefully managed.
or women will destroy everything
t. an absolute virgin
"Chads" are the biggest slaves to pussy of all, second only to pua.
True! Their ugly, freckled skin doesn't age as gracefully as brown skin.
Her blue eyes sure aren't making her seem attractive!
True. But it's a critical mistake to hate them for it, making Chads and other men into mutual antagonists is something the cunt wants. She wants us to be divided, don't play her game
Looks like hitlerdick trannyfag has found xirself a new fixation.
Who are those models? I just managed to find the photographer's name.
>the uterus is a resource that must be carefully managed
But I don't have a f***ing uterus anymore, you MORON!!!
I also never had the ability to create a "white" child when I did because I am mixed.
F*** the white race and your f***ing "civilization," pig!
I have never been White Men's property because my father was never white and his own father certainly wasn't! So I have absolutely no reason to care if "white" civilization, especially Aryan, is destroyed and may even laugh when it happens, muahahahahahahahah!!!
I SIDE WITH THE JEWS, the Chosen Ones,
If they want to destroy the "white" race, they can BE MY GUEST!!!
I may not have been officially born Jewish, but I would gladly trade my Christmas tree for a menorah if I could have Testosterone injections and a double mastectomy for converting to Judaism.
There should be absolutely NOTHING wrong with me dating a sexy black man like this because you know what??
We would also have the same color eyes, which is where the main race line actually should be drawn. Not by skin color because that even varies within the same human being, on different body parts and throughout the year. You can have a literal white ass on a brown person.
[Gulf war intensifies]
I see no reason in the world why a light-skinned black, Asian, Hispanic or Native American should be off-limits to a BROWN-eyed, brunette, legally "white" woman like me! I also find it hypocritical when the parents of such "white" kids don't want them dating other races, but would be delighted for them to marry a BLUE-eyed spouse!
It's a lot easier to bleach your skin and hair, not that you should, than to change the actual color of your eyes. And it's a lot harder to breed out the genes for dark brown eyes than it is to have a light-skinned child with a brown parent. Some mixed kids are white like snow after just 1 generation, and that's when they're part black. Remember Madeline on North & South?
Just look at how much more common it is to meet a fair-skinned, though "black" eyed person than vice versa, to see what I mean. I'll bet there aren't many naturally blue-eyed people with a skin tone higher than 5 on the Fitzpatrick scale.
I am one of them, and Asia is busting at the seams with such women. It's actually a typical look worldwide.
I've also never met a black person with blue eyes that weren't contacts. The dark genes for eye color are the strongest, because the eyes need the most protection from sunlight. There's a whole sunglasses industry to prove it.
>that reddit spacing
Looks like you wrote "Veeky Forums" into google instead of "reddit"
Yes, that's why muslim countries are the pinnacle of technological invention and economic wealth while the emancipated West rots in war and poverty.
Meanwhile massive demographic changes ongoing in the west are leading western society down the same path. You can already observe it.
Which would only further disprove OP.
>Reddit spacing
I have no idea what this is but it means you have to go back.
It's true. My gf went from tumblr to 14/88. My last was a neoliberal professor and admitted they'll have to throw all the Muslims in her country into the sea, before long.
This shit is why women were never allowed political action equal to men. Their attitudes change 70% based on the last emotional memory they have. If I had been a Muslim immigrant, they'd be shilling for diversity.
lol, I doubt you ever spoke to a woman, let alone have on as a gf.
This isn't r9k.
Not true. A black, mixed or otherwise non-white woman with BROWN eyes will NEVER be on board with what the extreme white nationalists are promoting. Never will we ever be okay with an ideology that says people are inferior based on immutable characteristics that actually PROTECT them from the sun, and never will we believe that Jews should be killed or persecuted. They are our friends, because without them there would be no women's lib. And we certainly cannot accept the idea that we are baby machines...especially when we no longer have a uterus, ffs
Hitler may have been attractive in his early days, despite his hypospadias and missing ball. But we do not respect his legacy or the people who continue his beliefs today. It wasn't his ideology that made him attractive, but rather his immutable PHYSICAL characteristics that made him unique. And we cannot stand to see people, not even Hitler, being condemned or persecuted for that which they cannot physically change about themselves.
The one that went full 1488 is Portuguese, so I don't know what you're on about.
Anyone that gets around blacks and SJW's and the groups SJW's drone on about learns to hate them all pretty quickly.
t. guy who hasn't been outside in 6 months and imagines the world based on his /pol/-fantasies.