I'll just be leaving this here.
I'll just be leaving this here
Oh, I also had a meeting with Satoshi Nakamoto.
He is very impressed with your performance, but unfortunatly, he will sell all his BTC for buying himself some fresh young underage pussy from japan.
I once fucket my sister and so I know why he is into young pussy. Thats why I recommend you to buy young pussy. As young as possible. Not too young, but fuckable. Too young and they are only good for sucking, too old and you risk impregnating them.
any kind of proof? ANYTHING to make me believe this in the slightest...?
>he keeps shilling it
are you getting scared by the stagnation user?
I know right. I'm smellin a liiiiittle desperation here.
where is this from, 8gag?
>buy my bags
no, sorry. Accumulation phase is over and i've just sold my shit at a comfy profit. Not gonna fall victim to another sell the news meme.
what? you tellin me you don't believe everything you see on the internet???
we have segwit now. the scaling problem is over. no one needs ethereum and it's scam icos anymore. pretty soon bitcoin will have smart contracts and your shitcoin will be made redundant.
I don't get why people do this. If you're planning on selling the news then shilling on Veeky Forums isn't gonna increase your profits by more than 1%, and if you're not you're just going to cause an (even bigger) crash after the news comes out. If it were true and you weren't planning on selling you gain literally nothing because it would've pumped when the news came out anyway
looks legit
This is a good sell signal when this shit is being shilled as hard as it is
>i dont get why user wants to share information with the people he spends all day every day talking to
somehow people have convinced themselves that normal market rules and signals don't apply to OMG anymore. it's like, absolutely sick and disgusting hero worship at this point.
Vitalik likes OMG, so it can only go up.
Taiwan or thailand? This is important because taiwan sure as fuck isnt going to do anything of the sort. They have one of the most conservative financial systems in the world to protect from the mainland communists
Antshares was shilled like this during rebrand, and people made tonnes off that
ICOs registered with the SEC or other regulating bodies are the only way out for this to survive. Otherwise it'll be taken out.
OMG isn't ANS. And it never will be.
>close to billion transactions a second
This is fake news.
>the whole country running on plasma
Sure bro, something I heard back in 2013 with Auroracoin. Check out the charts :)
OmiseGo is the biggest scam of them all, worse than Bancor.
40% BTC
10% BCC (hedge my man)
40% ETH
10% XMR
is the patrician portfolio, anything else is a meme
Did Aurora coin have an all star stud team faggot?
I only have one of those because I feel like it's easier in the short-term to make money flipping other coins, but if I was just doing a long term investment I would certainly pick these four.