/pol/ is always right
/pol/ is always right
Other urls found in this thread:
>/pol/ in charge of what makes a coin valuable
The only thing that's right is what the whales want to happen.
All things crypto = deep state
That /pol/ tard is wrong.
I agree. Ethereum already won.
Pol is never right, bunch of butthurt cucks
fact: most cross posters of Veeky Forums and /pol/ are either manchildren or actual children
Who do you think the beggars are? /pol/.
/pol/ is never right about bitcoin, they've been saying it would crash for years now just like the typical nocoiner faggots.
pol is ALWAYS right. Oh yeah I really cant stand beaners btw
Fuck technology its not about tech or some mcd facepay shit. its about popularity and investment like gold, and btc will hit 100k DEAL WITH IT
wrong. We're virile Nazi chads here to pee in the ancap/lolbertarian neetcoin pool.
Btc is just slow at adapting because it's big. But it is adapting. That means the devs are doing their job. Bch, on the other hand, will slowly fade into irrelevancy. Eth is not even a currency per se.
if /pol/ doesn't like BTC, then I am even more bullish on BTC. thanks
Does this mean the flippening is back on?
I expect another bitcoin dip but I'm worried that Ethereum's security issues will be the end of it, people keep having their ICOs hacked so as soon as bitcoin dips I'm getting my money the hell out of Ethereum. I guess I might put more money into Tezos, put one bitcoin into the ICO, Weev has spoken warmly about it and he knows a thing or two about a thing or two.
smart move, dude. eth is pretty much done at this point.
Yeah wrong. Oldest coin, most proven and trustable.
>most Veeky Forums posters are either manchildren or actual children
You don't deserve a response but I just hate to see someone as stupid as you not be called stupid. You big stupid.