Does Donald Trump prove the Great Man Theory?
Does Donald Trump prove the Great Man Theory?
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On the contrary. Trump is merely one representative of a historical trend, namely the backlash against the globalist left and return to nationalism, and if anything he's performing below the expectations that the Trump movement had for him.
>For some strange reason, it’s a tradition in America that a certain number of people each year will cast a write-in vote for Mickey Mouse on their ballot. This is regarded as the ultimate protest vote – a vote for Mickey is a vote against the establishment. So it should be no surprise that when he arrived on the electoral scene in June 2015, his support base was already waiting for him – Trump was their 70 year old, 6 foot 3 inch, 236 lbs Mickey Mouse
I don't get the Trump meme. He's a fucking idiot, and that could be seen long before he actually got elected. I initially even thought that if he got elected then he might show himself to be a secret mastermind like Macron, but no. Why are the conservatives so proud and supportive of this guy? He may think like them but he's simply not cut out for his current job.
This. Americans have always dreamed of "some guy getting up there and telling those politicians how it REALLY is"
Of course by the time it happened, people had failed to realise that the vast majority of visible politics is a social justice circle jerk, and suddenly the idea of someone mouthing off at them was abhorrent
He's literally the incarnation of Nietzsche's Blonde Beasts
>A guy with enough gravitas can change the political landscape of a country at will
Or is it
>The political landscape of a country changes it's leader at will, if the right leader will step up at the right time
I hate this guy so much. I'm a right wing conservative and the amount of ammunition he has given the left is beyond ridiculous.
>I'm smarter than a billionaire turned reality TV star turned president of the United States because CNN tells me so
Maybe he does prove the theory, I mean his gravitas turns his opponents into whining man babies. If that isnt one man permenantly influencing and directing the will of the people, I don't know what is.
>I'm a conservative
*Liberal from 20 years ago too afraid of being called a racist to have any actual opinions that matter
I have no idea what the hell you are on about, but I'm sure in your mind it is great, really great, really, really great, really, really, really, really great.
He may be an idiot but at least he's saying what a lot of people were already thinking. He's a breath of fresh air compared to the leftist rhetoric or the impotent neo-cons of the last 2 decades.
Sounds like he's calling you a liberal.
Triggered. Proves you were an SJW all along
>He may be an idiot
>I'm smarter than a billionaire because uuummmm
>clearly doesn't know what I mean by blonde beast
>you have to be smart to be successful
>specially as a reality TV host that inherited a shit ton of money
You dumb fuck, he didn't play 4d chess, but being a C-rate celebrity he had an advantage knowing how to be on TV and what attracted views. The election was nothing more than a popularity vote. Americans have been treating their presidential votes since JFK like they treat voting for the king of prom night. The coolest guy has to win.
How can you hear him talk and not think he is either an idiot or suffering early dementia?
>He's a fucking idiot
Yeah man you must be retarded to become a billionaire business man that managed to become the president of the United States even though he was opposed by virtually the entire establishment and media.
I'm not going to refute your second point but his wealth is inherited. All he had to do was make some investments.
He greatly multiplied the wealth he inherited. Why aren't you making some investments and becoming vastly more wealthy than you are now?
Not that guy, but I did and I'm a millionaire now.
Not even trolling, this shit is retard easy.
Index funds + bonds as a shock absorber and you can count on a reliable 5-7% ROI indefinitely.
If you aren't full of shit I sincerely congratulate you on your success. Nonetheless Donald Trump managed to increase his wealth by roughly that amount while simultaneously spending insane amounts of cash on frivolous shit like his own damn airplane.
>t. wage cuck, that has to pretend that rich people are smarter to than him to justify his own lack of economic achievement
Elaborate please. Tell me your secrets.