The Church of England still exists

>The Church of England still exists

Hi pope

>Eternal Anglicanism
>The religion of the eternal Anglo
Absolutely perfidious.

>The proportion of self-describing Anglicans in Britain has more than halved, from 40 per cent in 1983, down to 17 per cent in 2015.

Soon, brothers.

That's actually pretty sad

exists, yea but in what state?

That's fantastic, you filthy heretic!

It's not like they're becoming Catholic, you dumb cunt. The best case scenario is that they're being replaced by Taigs from Ireland or Poland, with Atheism as the largest likely scenario. Worst case scenario is Islam

Islam is an Abrahamic religion which accepts Jesus as a prophet, which makes it infinitely superior to atheism from the standpoint of Christianity.


Not wrong

British atheists would still be stooped in cultural manners and moral beliefs based upon Christian theology though. They would be far easier to reconvert than a saracen.

>tfw you have hundreds of millions of colonials bending over to you
>tfw Cathocucks are still bending over to a bunch of old Italian pedophile druggies

>It's not like they're becoming Catholic
No, they're becoming Agnostic or Atheist. Catholics aren't growing in numbers, only Islam.

>creating an anti-pope, destroying all your monestaries, and throwing your country into centuries of chaos
>all for a meme religion

>not just converting to Orthodoxy and getting permission to create the Anglican patriarch

What the fuck? Can any Brit tell me why it collapsed so quickly?

I seriously doubt that people who enthusiastically support the most sinful and hedonistic lifestyles imaginable and consider Biblical morality to be archaic are "stooped in cultural manners and moral beliefs based upon Christian theology". It would certainly be much easier to convert to Christianity someone who believes in one and only God, in heaven and hell, in Adam and Eve, in the Ten Commandments, in the existence of angels and recognizes all the prophets that are recognized in Christianity than someone who does none of these things.

1. State Christianity gets bullied by the incumbent parliament too hard.

2. Around 70% of young people are generally atheist unfortunately.

>I seriously doubt that people who enthusiastically support the most sinful and hedonistic lifestyles imaginable and consider Biblical morality to be archaic
Only your projecting that onto every single atheist. In fact even the most progressive leftist is stooped in Christian moralism. Humanism and liberalism descend from Christian theology you brainlet.

Question. Do Anglos and Murridumb think England was the first protestant kingdom in Europe? Sometimes you get that impression. England was pretty late to the game tbqh


>implying it wouldn't still be the church of England even if it went back to being fully Catholic

>Only your projecting that onto every single atheist

Yeah, it's not like the average British atheist thinks that lust and gluttony are perfectly fine and that devout Christians are "backward", is it?

Holy hell, even Catholicism is doing better than that, I had no idea Anglicism has collapsed so quickly

Was it the Female priests?

>implying they won't choose Orthodoxy instead

What's the point in taking stock in Anglicanism, spending your Sunday there, when the government (that you may not agree with) essentially dictates their every move? It would be like the Italian government forcing Catholicism into accepting homosexual marriage because it is governmental policy.

State-sanctioned religions are not sustainable. I'm not at all Christian, but it's fascinating to see how anglicanism is an example of how not to sustain your belief system.

Well considering I always considered Anglicanism to be a meme due to its origin, I certainly can't disagree with your point on that

>Brits actually wanted my ancestor to convert to their failed meme religion

It had potential (as far as an xtian church goes), and they were fairly close to communion with Orthodoxy iirc at one point. But a 'state-church' cannot by nature be divorced of politics.

African Anglicans have more self-respect.

>they choose this over communion with Orthodoxy


Considering Orthodoxy has the exact same origin as Catholicism, they wasted their one chance to not be a meme religion

Stands for absolutely nothing and hasn't in centuries. Was a thing that people did to be respectable, but that's no longer required. So there's no reason to go.


It's times like this I am proud that my ancestors were Irish

The church martyred Enoch Powell, a man who could read the biblical texts in their original languages, an unequaled genius and one of the most remarkable soldiers in British military history.
They made the creed, the state religion, ANGLICANISM ffs, completely irreconcilable with patriotism and we all hate them for it.

I'm pretty sure the catholic church has a special program that speeds conversion from anglicanism to catholicism. happened after or just before the ordination of women. Next big thing will be a furore over the necessity of CoE schools and funding, just wait and see.

It's honestly a meme religion, but most xtian churches will end up like this in europe eventually either slef inflicted or state inflicted, interesting times.

>church only founded so that some king could marry a new bitch
>wonder why it collapsed like a house of cards in a hurricane

The better question would be why that heresy even last as long as it did.

>500 years old
>not sustainable

If you asked around people would probably give you confused looks or assume they're catholic.
For that matter nobody here thinks about the UK at all.

For what purpose anyway?

literally alienated much of their vassals who were of Norman descent who didn't go native in Ireland, and only added another reason to make the English more foreign to the Irish

Anglicanism today is barely even recognizable next to what it was in Henry VIII's time. The institution was preserved, but the belief system was not.

Trips of truth

u mad?

Soon to be 'The Mosque of England'