>tfw Brezhnev destroyed Soviet civilization
Tfw Brezhnev destroyed Soviet civilization
He let corruption reach new heights, but it could have been salvaged. Gorbi is the one who let Yeltsin fuck everything
>spends like half the countries GDP building a military
>invades fucking Afghanistan, graveyard of empires, instead of western Europe
i cri errytiem
>Invading western Europe
Great idea m8
>Realizes that going full retard on military spending is a bad idea in the age of nuclear weapons
>Realizes that the Soviet economy needs to be reformed if it's going to compete with the West
>Realizes that playing brinkmanship 24/7 isn't the best idea ever
He deserved a second chance.
But what the fuck was his deal with sweetcorns
Corn is a proletarian crop.
man was goofy as hell, at least in public
Russians look like bleached africans
>tfw we don't live in the timeline where Beria saved Europe
Khruschev wanted to be Ukrainian so bad that he started to turn into one
>Dreis the Aral sea
>Couldn't even write his own name
>pissing off the Warsaw Pact
>war in Afghanistan
>ending the 1965 economic reform
I agree.
>tfw no Rance game but instead of Rance,it's Beria raping his way across Europe
don't be memed with his childish looks, he was a merciless killer under Stalin
Implying Brezhnev wasn't the logical continuation to Krushchev's revisionism
eh, Gorbechev was only bad because Brezhnev fucked up so badly.
Yeltsin was a disaster.
I get what you are saying but he let yeltsin happen
Well, this so-called "civilization" can't possibly have started earlier than 1953, since there's no way we can call Stalinism a civilization, so I guess what you're saying is that Soviet civilization is synonymous with Khrushchev's era?
he seems so happy desu
>Since the 1940s, Khrushchev had advocated the cultivation of corn in the Soviet Union.
>Khrushchev gave a speech in which he advocated an Iowa-style corn belt in the Soviet Union
>he even sent a Soviet delegation visited the U.S.
>They warned the Soviets to grow the corn in the southern part of the country,
>he didn´t give a fuck and planted corn even in Siberia, and without the necessary chemicals.
>Khrushchev ven rebuked the farmers for no plant more corn
>Pass the time
>Some 70 to 80 per cent of the acreage planted died. Even in southern regions
>"as a result corn was discredited as a silage crop—and so was I" he said.
Soviet "civilization"
It was Kruschev. He took every single murican bait + fucked up the economy.
Brezhnev just inherited the clusterfuck and transformed it into an orderly, bureaucratized stagnant clusterfuck.
We could have had a liberal Western-style state. Instead we had Lenin, Stalin, and then this. Fucking Bolsheviks.
t. Russian
In a sense, you're lucky they gave your people such a hard time, or else you'd probably have 2 million Syrian "refugees" and the same number of Somali "economic migrants" by now.
Fun fact: the US incarcerates a similar proportion of its population as the Soviet Union when the GULAG still operated.
muh freedom
>I don't like it so it's not a civilisation
Russia has a ton of Muslim caucasians multiplying in the big cities and receives illegal immigrats from islamic Central-Asian countries. Furthermore, Putin spends a lot of money on Chechen warlord and has made criticizing islam a hate speech under his new religious laws.
Yeah but they don't work them to death or retarded projects solely to fuel the ego of whichever nutcase is currently in charge.
>mfw Andropov would of fixed everything
He appointed Gorby.
>a jew
We need to make that ourselves.
>helped destroy the Soviet Union
Does the US imprison hundreds of thousands for the sake of speaking out against the dictator currently in charge, or send them to Siberia to freeze and starve to death?
>delusional russians as usual
when will you learn that you wanted the USSR to be dissolved because you thought MUH RUSSIA will better than a network of client states
dumb fucking animals
Why does he always look so sickly green? What's up with that weird skin color?
Never seen it on any other person.
Human beings should spit on the grave of its giant prison state every day.
>5 kernels of corn have been added to your account
They didn't want the USSR dissolved, they wanted it reformed.
Yeah, let's have Bolsheviks buttfuck us for almost a century to avoid having to deal with immigration.
You dumb /pol/ nigger.
Does anyone really think Europe would drop a bomb and risk annihilating all of humanity instead of just swallowing their pride and let the russkies do whatever the fuck they think it is they want to do?
The Soviet Union is neither the Nazis nor North Korea. Everyone who grew up in Eastern Germany had a normal life. Poorer, yes but still everyone had a car and TV and there were no mass murders.
Hell if I was the boss of a European country and Russia invaded I wouldn't drop a fucking nuke. Russia is a joke and organize a damn thing. They would be incapable of occupying all of Europe simply because of their cultural limitations. Like a kid with a plastic knife trying to threaten an adult.
How the fuck is Stalin still popular in Russia?
Russian are masochists
Their source is Levada Center poll. Here is pic, according to Levada Center Stalin is most popular Soviet politican and only Putin has higher ratings.
>prison labor isn't used to enrich the powerful in the US
lmao is this real?
I bet they even the imprisoned the prisoners with their close families too. right?
>if I was the boss of a European country and Russia invaded I wouldn't drop a fucking nuke.
No, americans would drop a nuke on you. Like they planned to nuke Western Germany to stop russian armies during cold war. Gotta make a statement wothout nuking actual enemy clay and get nuked back home.
>be russian
>hydroelectrical station your family have built is privatized by "effective owner"
>he sells you electricity using your river and your station
>station explodes killing 60 workers because capitalist savd small money on avoiding routine checks and fixes
>but hey at least damb did not break this time
>state pays for recovery from your tax money
>what jail time it was an accident comra ahem we mean mister)))
>capitalist tells you on tv how Stalin was ebil and a mistake and how things are perfect now
>you realize Stalin would execute him in a blink of an eye among with all people that support him
But they did
The USSR didn't have the 3 generations rule like North Korea. Spouses could get in trouble if their spouse was imprisoned, but they wouldn't automatically be jailed.
>sending people to do forced labour is wrong
>your country does it
>sending people to do forced labour AND THEIR FAMILIES is wrong
>We could have had a liberal Western-style state
fucking how? your country is basically a colonial empire that never fully fell apart
so long as you survived his rule he was pretty good
>The Nazino affair was the mass deportation of 6,000 people, 4,000 of whom died, on Nazino Island (Russian: ocтpoв Haзинo) in the Soviet Union in 1933. The small, isolated Western Siberian island is located about 800 km north of Tomsk, in Alexandrovsky District, Tomsk Oblast near the confluence of the Ob and Nazina Rivers.
>It is called "Death Island" (Russian: Ocтpoв Cмepти, Ostrov Smerti) or "Cannibal Island" because about 4,000 out of 6,000 Soviet "special settlers" died there during the summer of 1933, after being abandoned with only flour for food, few tools and little clothing or shelter.[1][2]
>On May 21 the three health officers counted 70 new deaths, with signs of cannibalism observed in five cases. Over the next month about 50 people were arrested for cannibalism.
Uma delicia
The soviets didnt do that, thats just North Korea
Nice moving the goalpost
Why? forced labour is not wrong when you are do it in good conditions and not as
>implying the US prison system, however heinous, is in anyway comparable to the system of the USSR
Read The Gulag Archipelago you double-nigger.
When you start noticing that almost everything around you worth your while was made under his rule, you start asking questions about the narrative
>The French historian Nicolas Werth, who earlier co-authored The Black Book of Communism, published the book Cannibal Island about the affair in 2006.
tfw he makes for 2/3 of the sources
So It didn't happen, maybe can you use ((())) for the next time you find another questionable source?
What was the differences between Gorbachev's and Deng's reforms?
How come one led the Soviet Union to its collapse and the other transformed the PRC in the world's second largest economy?
The fundamental difference is the reaction to demands for liberalization, The Soviet higher ups had plenty of people who were unwilling to use force to save the USSR, so they opposed the hardliner coup and let the dissolution happen. You can essentially think of it as willingly committing suicide. In China on the other hand the hardliners sidelined the moderates during Tiananmen square, and forcefully repressed dissent.
That sounds familiar ;__;
>lose culture to oppressive commie state or lose culture to mass migration
Sounds like Russia loses either way tbqh
Don't be fucking Delusional.
It wasn't really Brezhnev's fault.
His eyebrows have an insatiable hunger.
This. Should be required reading for humanities / law. at least the law citation and trial sections.
Those are called trustees. They apply to be let out of prison to do a job more fulfilling than sitting inside a grey tank, to briefly be let out into a concrete courtyard to pace around and play basketball.
Not exactly comparable to being forced to Siberia to build a canal for some party member's pet project, in sub-zero temperatures, with inadequate clothing, food and medical supplies. All this, because your friend's boss was denounced for removing a bust of Stalin from his office, and was then arrested, tortured, forced to name names, named your friend who was also arrested, tortured, named you, and then you were arrested, tortured, and now you're all freezing to death in the Taiga.
He industrialized Russia and turned them into a superpower, while (being credited with) defending the country and defeating Germany. He was also a petty squirt that imprisoned millions of people, deliberately starved others and declared the existence of entire (necessary) groups of people to be "inexpedient". He probably had a higher Russian kill count than Hitler, all said.
Russia literally has the biggest muslim population our of all "European" countries and Moscow has the biggest most extravagant mosque in all of Europe.
You're just a dumb /pol/ nigger who fell for the "le Russian white ethno state XDDD" meme
>or lose culture to mass migration
>m-muh white cristians
Do the dumb American niggers even know anything about Russia except "evil commies/based Putin" ?
>Brezhnev era
>literally the peak of communist success
>fantastic films, music, animations, and art
>amazing youth culture full of disco clubs and comradeships
>women are modest and beautiful
tfw everything went right in the 70's and I wasn't there to experience it
he was a heavy drinker even by soviet standards and he was a chronic smoker. no surprise his liver was probably dead
actually this. from what little i've read, a new historical consensus is emerging that the Brezhnev era was actually pretty great as it was stable, it was delivering new and wider variety of consumer goods than before and the ordinary people felt they were getting more prosperous. The problem is that this new consumer mentality also contained within it the kernel that would lead to the death of the regime as it couldn't deliver as progress on this front fast enough in the 80s.
>economic stagnation
>bread, for the first time since Stalin, becoming a commodity vulnerable to shortage, despite even higher levels of grain importation than under Khrushchev
Funny way of spelling Khrushchev.
The problem was mostly that it came at a cost of an increasing trade deficit, which could not be expressed in roubles. Khrushchev limited imports as much as he could to just grain, because the Soviet Union could not survive as it was without grain imports (it could have survived by other means, but that's a different story), but it could survive without pepsi.
The soviets had no control over their currency, which was actually the GBP and the USD.
I mean this guy said that Lenin was a jew so he would actually be the kind of guy that puts parentheses everywhere
Well, Lenin has indeed jewish roots but this don't turn him in a /pol/ merchant meme. he was anti religious after all.
He could have actually saved the Soviet Union had he not been disposed of.
>Soviet Union is neither Nazi Germany nor North Korea
"Jewish roots" is vague and is not the same thing as being born to jewish parents and raised in the jewish religion. Its not remotely the same thing as stating the blunt trith that lenin was a fourth jewish that fourth being a highly assimilated jew who converted to orthodoxy and whom lenin never knew was jewish
You can say the same thing with marx, but still you can't deny both had at least jewish ancestors. Obviously this is not a big deal unless you are an antisemite.
I'm not a communist, far from it, but from what I know about Russian history, Brezhnev was their golden age. There was no better time to live in Russia than during his "stagnation".
>>T.Commie apologist
France and Britain would, the US would a million times over.
Better dead then red you shitbag.
>be a soviet soldier
>not allowed to have a bullet vest of any kind
>how dare a communist soldier not be ready to take a bulet for the glory of future communism?!?
>what do you mean our army is apathetic and has low morale?!?
The high oil prices are the only thing that prevented that shithole from collapse in the sixties.
Nope, hence why modern usa is filled with all sorts of anti patriotic dissidents/undesirables starting with far left leaning liberal degenerates and ending with hordes of illegal immigrants that don't even associate themselves with the state.