*blocks path*
*blocks path*
*partitions you*
Nothin personal, kid
fuck off with your garbage bin austria lmao what a joke
shouldve been lebensraumed by prussia and russia
*crushes your commonwealth with no survivors*
Nothin personnel... lyakh...
*creates Duchy*
*abolishes Duchy*
*creates Kingdom*
*creates a state after collapse of three biggest European dynasties*
>In actuality came late to the party, planned to throw their lot not with France and Britain but with Entente, and later claimed this achievement of others for himself
Endecja was a mistake.
Serious question, is God's Playground a good book about Polish history?
shit, it just came to me, not only did poland regain it's independence in WW1 but the guys that partitioned it - Hohenzollerns, Hapsburgs and Romanovs - all collapsed
was this Polands best day ever, or what
it is
it was actually the groundwork laid by polish activists and workers. they seized the perfect moment.
*takes podolia*
It's more than that. It was a texbook example of how to regain independence. Poland got perfect revenge.
Basically major politicians of all factions did their job. One created legions to serve as the first official independent army, one was the representant during the Paris Peace Conference, someone else took care of the peasantry so they would have national identity and as a result they became one of the most patriotic social groups. All politicians were adapting their plans to the situations. Piłsudski favored the central countries for example but he changed sides and Poland ended WWI independent and on the winning side.
lol ok calm down guys, no need to turn this in some mythical "le polank stronk singlehandedly destroyed russia-austria-germany" lunacy, they were destroyed by commies(germany-russia) and nationalists(austro-hungary), poland got lucky and got it's independence in the opportune moment
seriously calm your tits
>poland got lucky and got it's independence in the opportune moment
But...that literally how good leaders work?
Like if Polan was run by lunatic morons like now they'd still be Russia/Germany, instead they had actual fucking politicians and actual fucking leaders that actually did their fucking job right.
It is worth noting that. You can get lucky and still fuck up and not use the advantage of it if your leader is a moron.
Tell that to Lemko Republic.
Either you do it perfectly or you end up with a feeble state that can't justify its existence and dies after 2 years.
Or you end up with a revolution because Bolsheviks.
*blocks your hussars*
The TÜRK man is superior to the wh*Te P*lish man
turks have smaller dicks than polacks
*forces you to take refugees*
nichts persöhnliches, kind
*forces you to pay reparations*
nic personalnego, dzieciak
I'm never gonna get this "Germany force nations to take immigrants" meme.