What are some other epic beat-downs in history?
What are some other epic beat-downs in history?
How's Rhodesia doing these days my /pol/ shitposting friend
MUGABE fucked you hard you wh*Te subhuman
MUGABE is Ataturk of Africa, he fucked wh*Tes up
>T-take that whitey!!
He lead Zimbabwe into a nosedive from which there is no recovery. His pride has doomed his nation.
seriously, how did the good guys lose this one?
(((American)))-led sanctions
Israel was one of their only supporters though
Ahh the '70s, what a time. I'm having a tough time pointing to Rhodesia on a map in 2017 though, it's the weirdest thing.
I don't understand your veneration of Mugabe. He's an international laughing stock, and Zimbabwe is a poverty stricken hellhole.
>Still being this mad
You were made enough to make this thread about a battle that happened 40 years ago.
How's that hyper inflated dollar and self made famine goin' Robby Moogabbee?
Exactly like Ataturk did with Turkey desu so the comparison is accurate.
>Implying I'm OP
>white people
You're defending his shit thread
And yet despite this white women still choose black men, so who really won here in the end?
white women don't choose black men. White bois do tho.
just a reminder that operation Eland had predominantly black troops and was almost compromised when one white soldier's gloves/masks didn't cover his wrists and neck properly.
Mugabe unironically killed more blacks than whites.
He's a Turk who constantly posts about black bulls and shit, chronic shitposter
Israel also supported South Africa under Apartheid.
They were the last country to publicly condemn the regime in the 1980s and they covertly supported its nuclear weapons programme.
I know these facts and I STILL roleplay as a retarded Nazi conspiracy theorist on /pol/.
Turns out when you piss off everyone except Portugal, South Africa, Israel and Iran it becomes hard to run a country
He's a falseflagger user. No Turk would put so much effort into making themselves look bad, let alone compare themselves to sub-Saharan Africans.
>israel use them to get nukes
>the second they have them they do a complete 180° and turn on the regime they've supported for so long because they got shat they wanted
Isn't this the exact definition of the /pol/ stereotype though?
>He's a falseflagger user.
Oh sweet child no.
what did they do to piss everyone off other than not letting uneducated and angry black people communist take over their country?
Israel didn't use them to get nukes. You don't (((use))) a country to get nukes by donating them uranium, scientists, and technology. Israel practically handed them a lego set for nukes, and all the south africans had to do was put it together.
You're right user, he's an actual photo he posted of himself
Considering how insufferable they are on boards with flags I'd believe it
Unilaterally broke from Britain, had a shit propaganda apparatus compared to the ZANU, the chemical warfare thing
wait what were you saying there, Ja'mal?
Fyi that's not him. The main guy (Berkay) is Circassian.
They're all just chimping out because they're one of the most bullied posters on the chinz.
why would they do that though?
Is there any pics of Berkay floating around?
I want to photoshop into a painting of Genghis Kahn
They thought it would be funny
South Africans had gold. As we all know, Israelis are Jews and Jews are reptilians that need 100% pure elemental gold (most likely to be found in South Africa since Johannesburg has ~1/2 of the world's unmined gold ATM) to survive. Also just generally because they need a solid route to the Asian markets, and you know, Israel is closed off from the Suez for obvious reasons. Furthermore, Vorster was a really good friend of the Israelis, even though he'd been a Nazi in his younger years.
then why did they turn on SA? :/
South African Nazis are weird though, they basically see them and Israel as in similar circumstances of being besieged by sub-human inferior beings in their promised land
They saw the way the wind was blowing
the """"""international community""""" literally stacked the deck against Rhodesia
>international jews against Rhodesia
>only ally is the Israelis
history is pretty fucking funny sometimes
Pressure from American and British (((allies))) and the UN. If you're the only one supporting a regime, you're probably not going to do much. If you read up on it, you can see how Jews in SA had to change the people they held up as heroes due to threats that came in from the new government and (((liberated))) blacks.
>thread about a battle that happened 40 years ago
this is Veeky Forums after all, the fuck else we going to post about? current events, like we're fucking animals?
I'm not fucking Berkay you fucking Amerimutt Chicano subhuman
you're a fucking imbecile.
i'm Turkish, don't believe me? check your mother's bedroom, i'm in there with your mother. i'm honestly tired of explaining low iq amerimutt subhumans the basic facts.
amına koduğumun geri zekalı beyinsiz amerimuttı seni
also the reason why we're posting black bulls is wh*Tes are subhumans and we dedicated ourselves to the way of the BULL. on /int/ we were successful on /pol we managed to make lots of people bugurt, on Veeky Forums we're still working to ruin this shitty board
Stop LARPing
you cannot "larp" on the internet.
god i really want to teleport to your home, beat the shit out of you and stick your keyboard up your ass. this is what i feel when an amerimutt replies to me. i hope one day KARA BOĞA (Allah) gives me the ability to teleport to whereever i want.
>you cannot "larp" on the internet.
But you are doing it right now
>w-we never lost vietnam
>m-muh rhodesia
here's the proof that i'm turk
see that fucking ID amerimutt subhuman? see it? print this pic, roll it and stick it up your ass. you're a subhuman mutt of 60 peoples, you should not even be allowed to reply to me or be able to post on this board. when will i get to behead a fucking amerimutt already.
Who is this picture meant to portray?
>LARPing so hard you forge Turkish identity papers
I don't know whether to be impressed or embarrassed for you
nice argument retarded faggot
if i were really that skilled i'd not argue with your subhuman kind here, i'd fucking find you and kill you. but i'm afraid i'm not that skilled.
>sticking around in the shithole that is Turkey
>not """""""losing""""""" your papers and going to Germany to rape and pillage with the rest of the muzzies
baka desu senpai
>I-I'd totally kill you, but I can't
Sounds to me like you fear the white warrior
Amerimutts are not wh*Te
you're a subhuman sperm coctail of 60 peoples
>white men rating asian women the highest
fucking white guys
Someone sounds cranky, did you not get to rape your schoolgirl today, mohammad
shoo amerimutt. don't ever reply to my posts until i tell you to post
Imagine LARPing this hard
>shallow gene pools are a good thing
imagine having an irl conversation about your family history and some sweaty autist pops in and goes "h-hah m-MONGREL you're not racially pure 'm-muh heritage' XD"
I'd imagine things would get pretty uncomfortable from the smell alone
if you're a mutt of literally everyone i have every right to mock your mongrel kind.
t. projecting roach
now, let's talk about your mother. Was she a greek euromutt or an arabic euromutt? How do you feel about being a rape baby?
*breathes in*
dont confuse my mother with your whore mother, you should team up with Brazil and create the muttistan.
assuming you're not baiting, let me just say that I understand being a meme-spouting autist. I knew quite a few in high school. trust me when you turn 17 you'll look back and say "wow what an embarrassing twerp I was I'm glad I stepped away from the computer for a while and got a grip"
this WILL be my last reply
Shaming white people the new cool meme?
In /pol/? yes
blacks can't even feed themselves, and they mock Whites
wh*Tes are not """"""people""""". you're Yakub's spawns. You're not even organic you're artifical.
can't beat that perfect smooth skin man
too bad it's all in the diet in the end
literally any country would do that