What was this steppe niggas secret to completely btfoing the allies?

what was this steppe niggas secret to completely btfoing the allies?

He was a pretty underrated commander to be fair. That and he had great personal conviction and charisma to inspire his men.

wh*Tes are inherently weak compared to TÜRKs.

>Allies want to rape your shit
>realize that their armies are fucked by WWI
>"you and what army?"

>purposely blew WW1 and contribute an effort barely exceeding b*lgaria to preserve their country

nice 4.5D chess

He gloriously BTFO the greeks because they can't organise and also because they overextended their supply lines which Ataturk made use of.

Atat*rk is literally whiter than me and I'm a S*rb lmao.

you're a rapebaby
you're welcome, we raped you and we made you BLACKer

Was he an atheist?

Probably agnostic.

He was an anti-theist fedora-wearing proto-redditor

>have a perfectly fine writing system
>abandon it because muh yucky religious connections

That is some advanced fedora tipping that he had going on.

>using arabic

And now turkish is a mess full of ghülâghëlûl [insert i without ·]

It wasn't a fine writing system, it was terribly suited for the actual Turkish language. They've been trying to throw it out for like a century at that point.

>literally prohibited small red heats because Europeans weren't wearing them

He was exactly like those stupid American liberals from reddit and twitter who always say that we should mimmick Europeans in everything because they are so progressive and advanced.

*small red hats

"We are a proud Mongoloid people"
"We are free of Caucasoid, European blood"
"Pure steppe masterrace coming through"

Kamal was an albanian.

that guy is macedonian
you have to try harder wh*Te subhuman.

>steppe nigga
>is clearly a white man

Turkish is pretty easy to learn and speak though also who gives a shit if foreigners don't like it.

He did it to distance the turkish people from arabs.
It was necessary to develop a new identity.
But ofcourse you retards are here to meme anyway so go ahead.

He had a turkish name, spoke turkish and he was a turkish nationalist even if he was black it wouldn't matter.

Not all steppe niggers are like mongols.

He was a terrorist and a traitor

No you are.

>carved out a functioning country out of that rotting 3rd world shitstain that was the Ottoman empire
>Turks turn it back into a 3rd world shitstain after his death
You shitskins didn't deserve him

The TÜRK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.

Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of central asia, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The TÜRK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dogs)

The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The TÜRK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the TÜRK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent turkish seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the TÜRK man impregnates.

In total, the TÜRK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the TÜRK man is the epitome of masculinity.

>Turks are so pathetic they have to LARP as niggers
Yeah I agree that even niggers are superior to Turks. There's Michael Jordan, Obama, Tiger Woods, Louis Armstrong, but there is literally not a single notable Turk in all of history. So no wonder you look up to niggers, because you're far below them.

>Who is ataturk

A white man, not a Turk.

>LARP "aka live action roleplaying" on the internet
why are wh*Tes so dumb?

Fuck you wh*Te

Niggers like you prove faggots like him right.

Read a book from time to time faggot.
The reason america was found was because of the ottomans.

>Using "nigger" as an insult
the BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance, why should you even use nigger as an insult?


Not every black man is a nigger.

come at me sl*V(e) shit, i'll beat you just like how muslims beat you in Afghanistan and Grozny

Turkey is so shit that it always had to be ruled by the white man.
>capture white babies from the Balkans
>raise them to be basically a slave warrior caste
>they end up taking over the empire and ruling it and even imprisoning the Turd Sultan at one point
You are so much below whites that even a white SLAVE will eventually assert his dominance over your shitskin asses.



>Turks trying to associate with based Tajiks and Pashtuns
They're basically muslim Slavs.

Fuck off

>Poles are steppe nomads

How did those children get enslaved if we are so shit?
Shouldn't they have been succesfully protected?

nice haploretard map wh*Te subhuman (most likely a p*Le)


Ahhh, the little cockroach can't take the heat.

The user asked about his beliefs. Not his claims to knowledge about them.
It's a yes/no question.


the turk who raped your mom, how large was his cock?
did her screams made you hate turks?

Nobody know desu.
Some things he said seemed fedora but then he was seen praying and in his young years he was trained as an imam before going to military acaddemy..

>Mehmet on suicide watch

he also had quran translated to turkish when he was president

this guy translated quran to Turkish not ataturk

Literally Scythians.

Touchy much, Samefag. You might as well go down to the kitchen to make your own dinner, since your mother is chocking on Bulgarian cocks as of the moment.

t. seething Turkshit

Lol no

Please no, dont fucking LARP with that

Into the trash it goes


Did you sang byzantine anthems as he penetrated your mom?
Did you hold back tears in your eyes as you promised yourselves you will singlehandedly kill all turks on the planet?
Did you want to commit suicide when your mom blew a kiss after her turkish bull was done with her?

that's what i said m8

Nah mate, I just like shitposting and watching your mother shake her ass for cash.

Can you shake off the image of her getting penetrated everytime you see her?
Can you love her like you used to, like before a strong turkish man mounted her?
Do you hate yourself knowing that you failed her?
Do you listen to anti-muslim songs at night, all alone, with tears in your eyes?

Deist probably. Hated Islam and other (((revelations)))

>but there is literally not a single notable Turk in all of history
>american "educashyun"

Name a world famous Turk. Even Ataturk is pretty obscure.

>tfw the most notable turks are koksal baba and that singer in the 90s who made songs with kissing noises

>Name a world famous Turk
Mehmed II
Suleiman I
all worldwide known turks are anti wh*Te slayers MASHALLAH

Literally nobody knows who those are.