So, once we're all millionaires from crypto, we're gonna fuck off to the ocean away from normies and found Ancapistan right? I can see no better use of our money.
Welcome to Lamboland - rules: no normies.
So, once we're all millionaires from crypto...
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nah, i think i'll just rent an apartment and then never go outside ever again
>go to store
>get 14 grams of Koch Irradiated Milk Extract for .0000000001 bitcoin
>walk back to home
>part of sidewalk falls on neighbors property
>neighbor sees this and retaliates as this is a violation of NAP
>neighbor launches Chik-fil-A Tactical Nuke at my house and destroys it
>spent all my Guaranteed Minimum Wage on the IvankaCoin IPO
>cant afford any retaliatory sarin agents til the end of Trumptember
this is what 99% of Veeky Forums will do
Every1 will just live in comfy apts like shkreli
>started crypto with 13k in June
>still have 13k in September
W-we're all gonna make it guys, right?
Q4 is going to be big
have faith friend
Tbqh fampai, this sounds like the most comfy existence ever. Whip normie wage cucks to deliver my tendies and droogs at my every whim. Undocumented immigrant sex workers alleviate my fruitious loins on a daily basis. BTFO poorfags with my superior GPU architecture.
Not even memeing, we could finally leave humanity behind.
Deal me in, user!
Up up and away ... to ancapistan !
Land of the free, home of the brave
34 miles off the coast bros - can see all the starts at night
Well at least you didn't lose money. I only managed to double my shekels since June.
>this is what statists have resorted to
I tripled it for a while but fell for a shitload of scams. Lost a Bitcoin on XTD, a bitcoin and a half on YoYo, like 10 Eth on Bytom, and a fortune buying Walton high and selling low.
I may appear too trusting of chink scams but I 3x'd my money on BNB so really it's all a wash. But boy is it hard to see your Blockfolio drop from 34k to 14k in a few days.
>just a buncha bros chillin' on an island haha totally not gaylol
Yes thats the endgame
>I will finally have the time to play all the games gathering dust on my shelf and binge MH:World when it comes out
>I can buy a sex doll, afford hookers and trips to Thailand
>Will be able to buy a nice place up north with 40 acres and good internet
>Can watch all the moon movies I never had the time to
>Can order out relentlessly and never worry about costs
>Will be able to literally throw money at women to fuck them
Yeah, w-we'll surely make it bros
Same shit here, june and tripled
I could have made it 4x, but I made some dumb and panicked moves and lost some money
We're gonna make it
You will get shot by Jamal before you get to Lambocapistan.
Yes, though I don't want to be around you fuckers either, anyone coming on my island that hasn't been personally invited are going to be sharkbait.
10/10 kek
ye chilling in the apt, trolling people online, buying one of a kind albums to never release them, sounds pretty good to me
>guaranteed minimum wage
Please, at least check Wikipedia before posting.
Oh goodness no. We're gonna start the 4th Reich, sweetie.
If I were to ever become fabulously rich off of crypto (I won't), I'd probably work part-time to keep from getting exceedingly bored, and just live a normal life. Play vidya, lift and a few other physical activities. Maybe I'd go visit friends who've moved away more because I'll have the time and funds
Oh yeah also pay off my parents mortgage because it's the right thing to do
you....i like you
now thia is ancap
>work part time
lel just play more crypto you earn more, dont need to turn up on time and dont have to deal with normies
I wouldn't work for the money, I'd work to keep myself busy. Day trading crypto is too stressful to keep doing after you 'make it.' Plus I'd be working part-time as a nurse so I'd feel like I'm still doing something good with my life