Does Veeky Forums actually believe in the Climate Theory of Civilization by Jared Diamond?

Does Veeky Forums actually believe in the Climate Theory of Civilization by Jared Diamond?


I think it's a part of the puzzle

How did China develop if they're surrounded by a desert, a mountain range, the Pacific Ocean, and Siberia?

shitty climates help foster technological development. Just look at Rome or Egypt.

Empire are wide, thus similar crops and live stock can be easily implemented.

If empires are long, they have to cross different environments ranging in temperature so some crops and livestock would not be able to thrive.

Whats not to get?

Yellow river.

Egypt was paradise on earth and they were quite arrogant about it, boasting about how middle eastern cucks cried for more rain while in the homeladnd the Nile provided plenty of food.

Honestly, this is one of the few parts of the book that I sort of agree with.

The exchange of goods, including food products, would act as a motivation to expand into different climates tho. See China or the Incas.

I think it's not entirely wrong.

Umm you know that crops can be grown in multiple climates and that temperatures can vary in the same climate?

Jared Diamond's problem is that he's far too reductive - he essentially tries to wrap up all of human history into geographical determinism, minimizing or eliminating all other factors. It's the same problem as the old "Great Man" theory of history popularized in the 19th century - all too myopic. Geography/Climate zones clearly played a role in why civilizations developed as they did and their ultimate fates, but so did countless other factors.

Diamond punches way above his weight class in popular history because he provided an alternative to the dumbfuck phrenology-tier racial theories of history at the right time, worked hard on popularizing his work outside of academia (seriously, not one citation in the entire fucking book) and the thesis is simple enough that your average knucklehead can grasp it. Explaining how it is inadequate requires a level of detail and sources you can't jam into a one hour History Channel special, and the "silver bullet" theories of history are what get popular book deals. .

The argumentin the book is that hotter, tropical climates don't provide for better civilizational growth. Brazil and parts of Southern Africa had similar climates and amount of arable land, but neither of those places succeeded in technological growth. Proving that his literally empirical study of civlizations is factually and cosmically wrong. Imagine if he were right, almost all of the western tradition of governmental theory would be wrong, when its not. Its further proven that hes wrong, because there is no skill as to how to use this theory to becoem more successful.

That's not his theory at all.

I don't think you've ever read his book, Gun Germs and Steel.

I have, he's talking about a number of factors including longitudinal directional spread of agriculture and technological advancements, the ecological pressures of seed producing grasses and seed sizes, the effects of disease on human and animal settlement and establishment amongst a number of other important and critical processes.

He just dumbed it down for people like you but you didn't even get it.

>He just dumbed it down for people like you but you didn't even get it.
everything you just posted is apologist drivel. He didn't dumb anything down he doesn't know what hes talkign about, and there is no skill that accompanies his idea. You retard, why dont you agree with Socrates three forms of government over this hack who can't convince a single government to use his ideas? Or is he too smart with his highschool-level vocabulary and his marxist (pressures, spread of agriculture, critical processes lmao) drivel for governments to understand too?

>everything you just posted is apologist drivel.
Apologizing for what?

user is basically upset I don't agree with white and Asian people being innately superior.

Hes re-writing the official history of why these people were poor, weak, and destroyed. They were impious and refused to accept God's laws. Not because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time

I figured that would be the case. These people seem to think they can practice dog whistle politics using a blowhorn.

keep talking shit you cave-dwelling marxist subhuman

Isn't it strange to see posts like this and think "these are really the kinds of people I'm having conversations with".

your nose is so high in the air if it were raining you'd drown

You literally think you're a judge of determining "God's law" your nose is pointed up above the celestials.

Lol u mad

I am, its why your shitty civilizations are still shit, and have been shit, for the last 3000 years. And tehy're descendants, wheverever they move to, are considered inferior to all others.
I bet you eat the shit out of a donkey's asshole if they told you it was an ethnic dish

Tbh you can talk all you want because you are not your "civilization". My family were chiefs of a mid-sized village a couple generations ago and now they and I are in a better place than most westerners.

But go on and on about some good pact you have that makes you so superior with nothing to show for it.

>My family were chiefs of a mid-sized village
chiefs where i come from are herded into land no-one wants to wait out their days until they relize the error of their ways. I am my civilization, the jewish civlization that formed the western tradition. I have the power of God, control of weather, and decades of art commemmorating my and my civlizations Glory. Whereas your people were always a humble, meek, and impious one. Fit only for annexation

Oh you're larping or trolling as an autist Ashkie, loser much

Ddi you people get kicked out by light drizzles or were they the ones that enslaved black people?


Exactly, Hittites had to ship wheat from Egypt because they were starving despite all the dams they built


>well thougt out and well voiced opinion
That's not what this website is for! Get out!

He is wrong. Incas were superior to europeans due to their higher development rate.

Yes, in general, broad terms it is correct.
Civilization developed in specific termperate climates that allowed for large scale agriculture: The Fertile Crescent, the Nile delta, China, the Central Mexico Valley, the Andes.

From there it spread to the rest of the world.

European colonialism, later on, sought to settle and develop the temperate regions of the world for large scale industrial agriculture, while using tropical colonies only for resource extraction and cash crops.

This, and not retarded /pol/ theories, explains why today the world's developed countries are populated by either Whites or East Asians and are located in the temperate and cold regions of the world.

Settler colonies received more investment, more educated (mostly white) immigrants, and were allowed self-rule earlier and in an orderly fashion.
Natives were mostly genocided.

Plantation colonies received very little investment or immigration, and there natives were either used as slave labour or replaced by Black slaves or Pajeet coolies. The investment in education or infraestructure was minimal and colonization was chaotic and disorderly.

It's climate and colonialism, not race.
But I don't expect uneducated people to understand how colonialism adopted different forms depending on the region it existed.

Compare the above map with this one that shows levels of development, mostly concentrated in the temperate and cold regions.


Europeans also stole the best soils in the world for industrial agriculture

A geographical ecological biological anthropology professor and ornithologist was giving a lecture on all of world history,known large and complicated subject.
"Before the, um, lecture begins,you must all,um, get on your hind legs and,um, worship geography as the greatest force on history the world has ever known,even greater than culture or,um, genetics!"
At this moment a brave young field anthropologist who had surveyed over 1500 traditional and indigenous people stood up and held up a box of precious cargo.
"how long have people been living in cities,egghead?"
The polite professor shuffled about slightly Bostonically and reasonably replied "People,um,lived as hunter-gatherers all over the world until yesterday"
"Wrong. it's been 12,000 years since civilization started,if it had only started yesterday, as you claim, then my shipments of cargo from the amazon wouldn't have arrived,via Amazon yet"
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his gall bladder and his pulitzer prize. He walked calmly out of the room crying those chimpanzee tears.There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had pulled himself up from a hunter gatherer lifestyle instead of merely having the good luck to be born in a western nation. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he had not yet forged one by hand out of steel!
The students all subscribed to National Geographic and went home in pairs that day,and figured out whether sex was fun,a question that had long baffled anthropology majors.
A Zebra called "Mercator projection" walked onto the quad and plowed it in the shape of the American flag.
The professor quit his job voluntarily because he got a book and television deal the next day but sadly died of the western plague of smallpox and his society collapsed for all eternity.

>Shitty Climate

Egypt is one of the cradles of civilization. It has the best possible climate.

Rome has good climate and is next to a huge river, Not to mention it was near Greeks and Etruscan and Phoenicians, The best position possible in W Europe at the time

Opinion fucking discarded

Tbh though, I like how he conveniently ignores SEAsia in his argument, though he might have a point that no indigenous civilization existed their just civilizations exported from either India or China

>central Mexican valley
Olmecs were jungle tier desu

So according to this theory, is East Asia the luckiest or most fucked continent in the world?

The most fucked continent in the world is North America. Civilizational developing area is constrained to a narrow chokepoint with not that much opportunity to trade with other civiliations among similar climate zones. EAsia, being situated somewhat isolated in Eurasia was able to still engage in trade but was still isolated enough that it was enable to develop it's own unique civilization. (Confucian vs Abrahamic religions, Logographic script vs alphabetic script)

this Jared takes a correct premise, that geography and environment played an overwhelming role in shaping civilization and go a long way to explaining their fortunes, then he shits all over it. He just takes it and drops a fat dooky on it then smears it all over it, himself and the walls and gets an eye infection.

In the few instances he isn't factually wrong he takes irrelevant things and blows them out of proportion or oversimplifies them. Then of course if you dare criticize any of this his leftist fanboys who think they are sacred warriors fighting racism trip over each other to accuse you of being a white supremacist who disagrees with the central premise.

>>East Asia
Good one.

Lmao. Nope. Keep reaching, you mad faggot.

How did Britain and Japan develop if they're surrounded by water on all sides?

If you actually followed SJW nonsense instead of yelling at boogiemen you'd know they literally called Diamond a closet white supremacist himself and accused him of whitewashing imperialism.
Jared Diamond tends to resonate more with liberal centrist beige types, hence his Pulitzer.

Eastern Med