Why would a German and Austrian separate themselves from one another on fake arbitrary borders and muh GDP?
Is (((Nationalism))) just a Capitalist plot to make more productive workers?
They shouldn't however whites and blacks definitely should, because blacks are a nuisance.
Excuse me? How is that related to what I'm talking about?
I'm discussing the inherent paradoxes in (((Nationalism))) which seem to call for more Capitalism under the guise of rejuvenating a society and its culture or establishing old norms and traditions when in actual fact, such norms and traditions will break down as Capitalism produces technological and social progression.
It depends on the specific context. In the current world, capitalists h8 nationalism except for US military expansion.
>Excuse me? How is that related to what I'm talking about?
It's related in the fact that racial nationalism is good.
Racial (((Nationalism))) doesn't make sense for the reasons I stated. Why would Germans and Austrians separate themselves on the basis of artificial borders when they are of the same race and share the same language?
That suggests that you care more about culture than you do race.
>Racial (((Nationalism))) doesn't make sense for the reasons I stated
LOL. Wait a minute, are you saying that whites and blacks are natural allies and that the only reason why blacks are not performing is due to "capitalism"?
>Yeah, goy, you have more in common with a third world savage than the ebul bourgeois shopkeeper down the street
Ask the Cathocucks and the Eternal Habsburg
>Why would a German and Austrian separate themselves from one another on fake arbitrary borders and muh GDP?
There was once a silly man with an odd little mustache who felt the same way until the Jews hounded him to an early grave for coming between them and their shekels.
Racism is fueled by capitalism
Are you going to read what I'm posting or just strawman?
I am stating that if you want racial unity then Nationalism is not the answer as it creates arbitrary borders between a SINGLE race, Germanic or otherwise.
If you really believe in preserving your race, you wouldn't support Nationalism.
How so?
The leftycuck reveals his true colors. Cute how you tried to use the (((parentheses meme))), but really you're just a run of the mill commie (probably a Jew to boot!)
That's another poster, not me, moron.
I didn't say civic nationalism, I said racial nationalism.
>I said racial nationalism.
Again, what "Nation"? Why would you separate Germans and Austrians if they're the same race?
Because they have completely different histories and Germany as a concept is a relatively young idea?
>Because they have completely different histories and Germany as a concept is a relatively young idea?
That's not Racialism then. That's Civic Nationalism which is another (((Capitalist))) plot.
>Again, what "Nation"?
White people. Are you autistic?
Godamn, Che Guevara must have been some kind of ultra capitalist than. Maybe he was filled with "internalized capitalism" or some other bullshit.
It wouldn't be a nation then, it would span a continent.
I'm confused then because your question seems flawed from the start ? Racial superiority didn't really matter to the average European at the time, they probably never saw another race other then their own or perhaps another European one. With that being said it's understandable why they didn't want to be one people, Germany is an out growth of Prussia, which means those people had a long history of conflict with Austria for centuries, a lot of which was driven by religious differences which would drive a even further wedge into any friendly relations. They really didn't see each others as the same until after Austria had their empire striped from them.
A nation can span a continent, user.
Like the jews, right?
No, I was more thinking of China.
No, Jews span the globe, that's why they push for globalism.
Australia is a better example desu
China doesn't even cover half of Asia let alone the whole continent
It covers the vast majority of the East Asian landmass, with the exception of the Koreas. It is larger in size than what a united white europe would be.
Why are you arguing? What do you have against racial nationalism?
OP here.
All of you morons completely misinterpreted my original post as either being Pro-Liberal/Globalism, Anti-Borders (Multi-cultural) or just a general misunderstanding of my critique of Capitalism.
As a result, I will no longer come back to this board as it seems to be filled with puppets on both sides. Both of whom have no *real* understanding of the position I am advocating.
Leftycuck is triggered that his act of subversion failed pathetically.
The fact that it doesn't make sense, not to mention China isn't racial nationalism in the slightest, they hate other East Asians and have subjected them all throughout history, it's ethnic nationalism as only Hans are valued there. Not to mention saying most of east Asia is equal to a whole continent is like saying since California is most of the west coast it's basically all of North America.
>The fact that it doesn't make sense,
Why doesn't it make sense? Also I was just mentioning China as an example of a unified people over a large landmass.
German and Austrian nationalism is probably the worst example you could pick
>Austrian national identity was based on living under the Kaiser, which predates WW1
>German nationalists were usually pan-nationalists, who wanted to subsume Austria into a greater German nation
>The Allies were afraid of Germany annexing Austria after WWI due to shared cultural identity, so they put a clause in the Versailles Treaty forbidding it
>The Nazi Party, a bunch of German hyper-nationalists, were okay with an Austrian-born leader
But to answer your question, nationalism is probably the last thing that capitalism wants. If you dislike other people because they're across a border, then that means fewer options for you to trade with, which potentially means less profit. Why do you think globalism's become such a major trend in the last few decades?
t. the nazbol
>But to answer your question, nationalism is probably the last thing that capitalism wants. If you dislike other people because they're across a border, then that means fewer options for you to trade with, which potentially means less profit. Why do you think globalism's become such a major trend in the last few decades?
Nationalism and Globalism are both Capitalist plots. It just depends on the Capitalism and the corporation they run (which sector they work in and how trade deals affect their profits). Isolationism can profit certain companies, especially when it's advocated under the banner of Nationalism but free trade between nation states.
It doesn't make sense because a race is a very broad category of people most of whom have conflicting interests, especially in the example you and OP mentioned. I get civic but racial nationalism is asinine
Damn, those porkies are so overpower. how we can stop their trickery?
If there is free trade, there's not really isolationism, is there? Also, nationalism isn't only about the economy, your materialism is showing.
Go post porky memes, you dumb commie.
>/leftypol/ memes
>Why would Germans and Austrians separate themselves on the basis of artificial borders
They didn't, they were separated by foreign powers. German Austria wanted to unify with Germany post world war 1.
>radio all shows and TV personalities
>conducive to nationalism
how out of touch can you be
In what way is Capitalism tied up with raycism and sexism today? Capitalism "supports" the view of the majority of people and popular morality because not doing so would probably be adverse to profit-making, which is why today they're "anti-racist" and support all that LGBTQLMXYZ bollocks.
>directing that question at a communist likely from the middle or upper class in some western liberal democracy attending university whose experience with any actual working class is scoffing at them on the streets or calling them racist.
>implying this board isnt entirely inhabited by Nigerian dockworkers
But most nationalist movements in Germany were pan German anyway. You picked a shitty example.
This is true. I'd wholeheartedly support a mutual defense and trade pact with Canada.
You're thinking of neoliberalism, which is anti-national sovereignty and borders, so they can replace you with brown foreigners for a fraction of your wage, and make you come begging in line with the immigrants for a single grain of rice. It's pretty amazing, the modern world. How to keep the peasants from rebelling? bring in more peasants!
If nationalism is just a capitalist plot, why is that every single major corporation supports internationalism?
>Why would Germans and Austrians separate themselves on the basis of artificial borders when they are of the same race and share the same language?
That's literally due to communism
Warehouse prole, here. Every leftist I know and have met was an upper-middle class student from an all-white suburb, who even if moving out of their parent's house (rare) was completely provided for, and worked a faux-job at a coffee shop or clothing store, a few hours a week.
Idpol is poison, a distraction to the class struggle.
>said the identity politicker
Corporations want multiculturalism and for everyone to be the same (except being able to pay the new brown people less and then as a result pay everyone else less too)
neither capitalism, not right wing as a whole is compatibile with nationalism, nationalism can be applied only in left wing societies
You're not winning anyone over, identity politics are inherently marxist and don't differ from the class based system except that the "class" is not defined by economics.
Marxism gave use identity politics.
>ultra-leftist horseshoe theory
When I first saw this I thought it was a parody of mainstream centrism but apparently this is what leftypol actually believes.
Hahahahaha! All these communists think Veeky Forums is a lefty board!
Communism has never worked. It goes against all of man's worst points. It ignores them. Capitalism takes man's greed and turns it into a competition. Capitalism gives humans a reason to live. Communism forces people to slave away without any chance of getting anything good in life. It doesn't allow people to become lazy. It doesn't allow people to indulge in their fantasies. It forces people away behind a wall of political correctness.
Fuck communism.
Capitalism is innefective and non-moral economy model, it supports alienism which always results in economy crysis and peopleĀ“s suffering. I have no idea why do cucks love it so much, when Fascism exists.
>takes man's greed and turns it into competition
That is not a good thing.
Competition produces progress. Communism produces stagnation.
>competition produces progress.
It does. Though not with greed as basis.
I don't know but it probably does keep the public perpetually poor and focused on mundane things rather than their own advancement and thereby increasing "productivity".
How historically illiterate do you have to be to think Austria and Germany are divided because of capitalism? Did you literally not have history classes in high school?
All competition is inherently born out of greed.
I guess the question should be rephrased is it an elite plot since pro free market capitalists would probably want to be allowed to do business with other countries.
I sincerely doubt your statement.
>want to hire a black guy based on merit to make more money
>racists get mad and boycott you forcing you to hire a white guy instead
>capitalism is to blame
you people really stretch to blame everything on capitalism
>Is (((Nationalism))) just a Capitalist plot to make more productive workers?
Capitalist, socialist, or whatever; what's wrong with making workers more productive? Isn't increasing productivity ideal in any system?
>Marx's theory leads to intersectional thinking
>make a shit ton of food
>throw near half of it away cause they're non-marketable
>kill and burn surplus animals and crops to raise prices
>planned obscelence
Peak broken window economy