dumb fagget here with a bag of shit coins, started with $500 7 months ago (i know, i sell evrtime i see green way too early, fucking dumb i know). Former neet but conned some pajeets to pay me to travel the world with a camera (fucking idiots lol). My problem is I have the easiest job in the world but it requires me to wake up early once and a while to telecommute into a fucking conference call when id rather be rapping and looking at block folio. How do i make this crypto grow? thx
Fuck me help
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Buy more shitcoins. ESP is the perfect candidate.
Why do you love shitcoins so much? That's your #1 and only problem
What in the absolute fuck have you done?
What's at the bottom. I'm pretty bad at math but I think that's not very close to .84
How the hell did you get so many meme coins
>conned some pajeets to pay me to travel the world with a camera (fucking idiots lol).
explain urself :D
i've never seen shitcoins so numerous. op is insane
Put all of it in xrl for a cozy life
Literally only redeeming token is XRL
Really dude I dont want to be mean but of all my bookmarks of coins I check daily for price changes noone is in your portfolio. I thought I fucked up going from 2.4 btc to 0.6 but you gave me some hope. Pro tip, sell everything.
This the memes are only like 10% of his folio
You are at a profit if you started with $500.. even if your gains over half a year are pretty shit they are still gains..
So sell all that shit and start your portfolio over again..
0.7 BTC in solid holders that you dont have to even have in blockfolio or check every da..
Then fuck around with 0.1 BTC and maybe catch a nice x5 or even just make 10% gains here and there
good point actually
inb4 theres 2 more coins and both are bitbean
>conned some pajeets to pay me to travel the world with a camera (fucking idiots lol).
Im a fucking savant with a camera and my fucking awkwardness impresses the fuck out of rich people who own fancy hotels, i seriously don't know how i got into this mess of a glorious career but thats besides the point, i just want to quit and make 1 mill (f course after taxes faggots)
yeah wth is your job,
inb4 national geographic photographer
>How the hell did you get so many meme coins
these are all fucking coins you fuckers in Veeky Forums shill the fuck out of the past 3 months, god damn does anyone here has some real fucking advice. I'm fucking drunk on the $100 mini champagne bottles from the mini fridge in my comped room on the highest floor
you take classes in photography, like is it a legit career? howd you network and get noticed by rich fags?
buy MBRS its a legit coin and its cheap right now.
i shoot literally shoot bullshit for instagram for luxury hotels, i shit you not
thats actually fucking awesome, you get to travel and stay in hotels for your job?! what the hell i work and pay to do that
fuck school, i just bought a fucking cheap camera and learned how to make shit look good nah I'm here faggot
Congratulations, OP. I used to work for a photographer and it's a good way to go.
its fucking awesome for what it is but id rather NOT work at all and fapp and trade crypto all day.
TO make shit even more crazy for your neet headz, i fucking collect points overtime i travel for work. I also have a fuck load of AA & United miles so i travel first class on the reg, for free.
Chicks want to bone me on the reg, even the ladies I work with, again tho, I just want to get rich on crypto... maybe I can help you get a cool job and you help me get crypto rich... capeeeeesh?
me too
oh well
Please elaborate on your career path for a fellow user with no degree
user, want to know my career path? You probably won't believe it...
>be a neet
>want money but not want "work"
>take photography class at moorpark college
>drop out cuz its fucking dumb as fuck
>take better pictures than the teacher
>everyone loves you because "you get it"
>still a neet
>learn to take advantage of weird photographic abilities (aka understand aesthetics aka know what looks good and what looks fucking gay)
>google photographers u like
>google BTS photos of photographers u like
>reverse engineer their setup, gear, lighting
>copy their style
>great, your talented now
>tweak style into your own
>gain confidence now that you can make good images
>people start to like your work
>don't turn down any opportunity even if scared you will fail
>repeat last step over and over again
> congrats, you are now a photographer
u no what is more better?
crypto rich, i want this, badly
i need it more badly than anything in fact I need enough money to say fuck you to a few people who will only feel hurt if I throw some paper fiat in their face and shit on their front door and then wipe my ass with more money and leave it their knowing they will pick it up and use it and really feel bad for fucking with me in highschool
> What's at the bottom. I'm pretty bad at math but I think that's not very close to .84
I have 10 LTC, 2 ETH some BTC and some more fucking retarded crypto monies.