Why are the Byzantines so fucking cool?
Why are the Byzantines so fucking cool?
Because they were Greek AND Roman. Plus they had a kickass capital and a dank double eagle stanard
If u said the pic was Sassanid I would've believed it.
2/12 low quality b8
Seriously I wish they were talked about more. The post Roman, last bastion of hope feel about them is mystical. 10/10 aesthetics too.
Norse raiders and Germanic warriors recruited to form an elite bodyguard unit for the Roman Emperor.
Varangian Guard is fucking OG.
They're the real-life version of the lost, ancient civlization thats been fighting against an unstoppable army for hudnreds of years in animes and videogames
>Seriously I wish they were talked about more.
Talking about Constantinople brings up too many inconvenient historical details for mainstream narrative establishment.
>defies the Christianity destroyed Rome narrative
>defies the Crusades were a righteous defense against Islam narrative
>defies the Muslims dindu nuffin narrative
>raises the uncomfortable question of where exactly did all those Greeks in Turkey go, and how come no one noticed.
So everyont just kind of pretends it doesn't exist
One of them got killed by a lady.
That's how I feel about them too. A real life fantasy civilization. I mean fucking Greek fire too tho.
Yeah but still, theres so much content in their history. At least make a movie about Justinian or something, c'mon now.
>raises the uncomfortable question of where exactly did all those Greeks in Turkey go
That ones easy, they didnt go anywhere. They just changed language and culture, their descendants are modern turks
>That ones easy, they didnt go anywhere. They just changed language and culture, their descendants are modern turks
epic meme
why do wh*Tes always try to say we're Greek (European)?
are wh*Tes mentally retarded? or are they pretending to be retarded?
also byzaboo subhuman
he literally singlehandedly crushed your """""""""""""""cool"""""""""""""""""" empire LMAO
What data is that chart even showing? What does each axis mean?
populations in that chart represent your mother's bulls
left: people who more fucked your mother more often
right: people who fucked your mother less
also africa is not included because it would be unfair considering how your mother is a fan of black men
Do you have an honest answer or not?
It's you who claim that we're Greeks LMAO. But don't worry like every retard you're not an exception, you're also dumb. I'll explain
right axis: mongoloidness
north axis: swarthiness
south axis: wh*Teness
left axis: caucasoidness
was it really that hard to understand my sweet retarded kid?
also let's go over with your retarded conversion bullshit
turks and greeks from the same city turk: 22% mongoloid
greek average: 3% mongoloid
greek: 50%+ caucasian because pontic greeks are actually caucasian
turk: 30% caucasian
the difference is greater than 50% aka enough to debunk your retarded hypothesis.
I'm not that OP, I am a different person thatwas just asking a question about the picture.
That explanation doesn't make sense. For one thing, there are only two axis. They also go from negative numbers to numbers below one.
Am I correct in assuming you have no idea what those numbers actually mean?
oh my fucking god you're literally retarded and cannot be educated
anyway, you stated that you're not OP, i'll btfo him instead of you then.
I'm not the one saying a 2D graph has 4 axis.
are you still talking half brain?
it's not my fault that you're untermensch. but don't worry, if you work harder you can become a black man like me.
hey OP are you here? :DDD
>google filename
>it's an Amerimutt
explains why you're dumb
There is no turkey, only Antioch.
Cool kid getting wrecked by TÜRK man
Cool Byzantines not so cool after rape
>tfw no imperial red boots
>When you're so cool you get raped by Arabs
Should we call Byzantines (F)yzantines from now on?
>being proud of this
Turks have always been Europeans' enemies. whitewashing us just makes you look retarded and makes a few houseniggers here happy.
Also, there's nothing wrong with killing European scum. Europeans deserve to be genocided. You should pay for what you did to Africa and other parts of the world too. You piece of subhuman.
>haha we kill u
>wahhh why u kill us? :'(
>being this buttflustered over being a shitskin
Lmao'ing @ your life right now
just make my feet clean.
>Birdshit calling anyone "shitskin"
just look at those anti byzacuck mercenaries and compare them to a malnourished (F)easantine cuck soldier
Why do you think muslim countries are getting bombed into oblivion and their lands are mostly inhositable desert?
are you OP? i'm just looking for him
>(F)easantine soldiers using TÜRK swords
Kek this buttmad arab spammin the thread, how does it feel to be so inferior to actual humans bruv?
dont throw stones in glass houses, did God or your imam not teach you that the roman empire is sacred?
calling me arab triggers me lesser than calling me wh*Te desu
>actual humans
UHUH, Yakub's spawns are not HUMAN.
lol, no one is calling you white turdskin
see (F)easantines are not Roman they're Greek
I'm not that user brownie.
then don't reply to me wh*Te/amerimutt lowrace
And we crushed yours.
Just look at your shitskin ancestors running like little scared faggots lmao
>chinese cultural appropriation
Whatchu gon do, fuck your goat in anger if i don't?
How about instead of spammin threads on Veeky Forums you actually take a bath once or twice, my in-every-way inferior friend.
>wh*Te subhuman telling anyone about washing
why did they look so dope, all getting their asses kicked by muslims aside? Was it the rome motifs with rich medieval eastern vibes
Wealth, technology, various influences.
How's that any impressive, you retard?That painting showed the cavalry charge against the cockroaches in the Battle of Vienna during 1683 (239 yrs later), the cockroaches had like 140k and still failed miserably.
Really how can your 'empire' fail so bad when you had 170k men at the start. Can't even plan a proper siege lmao
I think that's everything Byzantine (and a couple not Byzantine, oops) that I have.
They were, in everyway, the Roman Empire. Your own qoran called them that, mohammed called them that, did your imams call them otherwise? BEcause It's fall is a travesty, not something that should be celebrated. Though it didn't deserve to exist
>Though it didn't deserve to exist
They were impious to a fault. Worshipping in the estern orthodox faith is more insulting than the roman catholic to God because it demands that kings decide who is the head of the coutnry's state church and liteurgy, When God and his priests are meant to be independent of the Kings approval, but not above the law.
Just accept your greek ancestry
Even your Turkmen "ancestors" on Veeky Forums make fun of you about how your pathetic larpers
Manzikert was a fluke tho
Can we IP ban Turks from Veeky Forums
>Even your Turkmen "ancestors" on Veeky Forums
I didn't know Alp Arslan, Kılıj Arslan, Köroğlu etc could post on Veeky Forums
fucking (F)easantineboo retarded wh*Te subhuman
>turks still larping about asiatic people descended from nomads being comparable to modern day turks
yes we did descend from Turkmens. However, they were not "asiatic". They were somewhere between 30% 40% mongoloid and rest was mostly Iranic.
also whenever someone misuses the word "larp", i want to beat the shit out of him with a plank and rape his mother in front of him.
please print this pic, roll it and stick it up your ass. you cannot refute my autosomal dna argument with haplogroups, wh*Te subhuman. i'm way more educated about genetics than you'll ever be.
>central asian: only mongoloid dnas
Ottoman family themselves belonged to J2 and J2 is main haplogroup of some Central Asian countries. Really made me think.
Now get the fuck out of here, cracker.
That's a principle that was never true in Christianity and enforced in the west only through the Pope's political power.
>Oh boy a thread about the Byzantine Empire!
>It's just /int/ posting with historical flavor
I don't know what I expected.
These are Russians.
These are Scythians.
What the fuck, stop posting random art.
Not cool enough to not get conquered
Where are these from?
>all getting their asses kicked by muslims aside?
literally a meme
Khalid was the only one who genuinely kicked their asses hard. Even Manzikert was only a disastrous defeat because of mercenaries deserting the battle.
do you think they ever made snake noises while marching with their dracos
Dude modern day turkey was an error. I wish the english faggots would just give all the asia minor coast and constantinople back to the greeks and balkanice the entirely of anatolia.
This is why hate Byzaboos.
They're not just people who happen to have read a few books about the time period they're interested like Romeaboos, Francophiles and even Naziboos, they're fucking hierophants of a mysterious and ancient Empire that is preserved today only by a legendary archive called "wikipedia." Add in a bit of garden variety racism and you have your average Byzaboo.
You have shit taste.
The level of projection in this post is insane.
>Battle of Arcadiopolis
>garden variety racism
>crying about racism on fucking Veeky Forums out of all places
does anyone have the image with recommendations of youtube podcasts and books about the byzantines?