My father fell for the real estate meme because of my dumb older brother. He has been holding some shitty land that he paid 70k for and is satisfied with 100k -- a ridiculous 30k gain in TWO YEARS.
Naturally I argued that it wasn't a good investment at all, telling him that he could be rich by now if he invested in crypto.
I'm a disappointment, never done nothing right in my whole life and he's pretty open about it, although he said he would start supporting me if I ever turned 2k worth of crypto into at least 10k -- 6 months time.
Thing is I barely know anything about this stuff other than the things I've learned here, but this is really my only shot,, if I managed to do this it might actually put me on a good page at life.
What I'm asking is for you guys to give me some advice on how to start with 2k (which coin I should buy for short term gain, etc.), I know this is kind of a lame blogpost but I do need some wise words from you guys.

Maybe they would listen to you if you weren't retarded. 30k gain in two years is great.

Why would they listen to you about crypto when you admit you don't know what the fuck you are doing.

>steady income
>economy crash rent still the same
>pay off mortgage with rent and turn land into an asset

you're the retard op lmao

All in Walton, give daddy his 10k and pocket the rest

I know the basics, I'm not that retarded, but I never done it in practice before. I just need help to get started, so if you wanna help instead of just pointing out the obvious I'd appreciate it...

is this some ironic LARPing or what

land is literally the best investment you can make. just because crypto is high risk high reward does not make it better

>assuming my country
Not everyone is American.

I'm only going to help you because I want your father to hate you even more than he does. Once you turn your $2k into $10k and he takes your advice when you will have no knowledge of how to advise him and he goes on to lose thousands he'll disown your worthless ass.

So here it is, very simple 5x. Buy kyber and chainlink as close to ICO prices as you can. Sit on them for a bit and then sell.

this is just a "how do i invest my $1000 Veeky Forums?" thread with a shitty story attached

Maybe you shouldn't trade with someone else's money like a retard
Not really.
I made $160K with an initial investment of $20K in about 2 years just by hodling bitcoin + a tiny bit of hobby trading

You need an attitude adjustment my friend. Work on that low self esteem.

In terms of crypto gains. We have a potential dip on our hands and you may get burnt buying in now. But even if you buy into a solid project now I believe the market will recover and you will eventually get a return. 6 months is a long enough time frame.

I'll tell you the coins I'm in for medium-long term gains. OMG BAT ZRX DNT. Not too sure about DNT and I have resigned myself to holding bags.

Also, I am accumulating more ETH with fiat.

Crypto is volatile and still very new. I do believe that it will breakout in the next few years and anyone who is making decent investments now and holding will be getting their lambo.

it kinda isnt though

30k gains from 70k in crypto would be pretty shit

people out there can turn 1k into 30k no problem in months

Just because 160k is way better doesn't mean 30k isn't great.

Shouldn't it be 800k considering btc 40X in 2 years?

Just FYI your dad needs to sell that land first chance he gets.

My family has been in real estate for 40 years. My father predicted the 2008 crash.

We have 18 months tops before another recession. Sell while values are high and wait till 2020 to buy again.

so you dont even know how to start with 2k and you want your dad to drop in 100k? lmao

Yes you can get phat returns from Crypto but you shouldn't poopoo real estate.

I think most people with some sense will pivot into real estate with their crypto gains.

dgb shills just made two "Veeky Forums ruined my life" threads that ended with OP plugging dgb. I think they realized it was a dumb idea (who would take advice from an OP that just ruined their life with terrible investment choices?) and are moving onto other LARPing ideas. inb4 "Okay guise, I decided I'm going to invest my 2k into dgb to impress my dad"

What the fucking shit? 30K/2 years is fucking great for real estate. Honestly even if land prices fall flat cause of a housing bubble pop or something, there is utilitarian and asset uses for land. Reflect on understanding more than just crypto because real estate is not a terrible idea. Yes, you're right. 70K in btc back in 2015 would be so much more gain. But the difference is you're speaking to a normalfag who not only doesn't respect you, has found a normal method in making money.

You might need to respect him a little more, cause I can tell you think he's fucking dumb for being hesitant on btc. He's a normalfag you fucking idiot, treat him like one.

Bitcoin was around $250 two years ago so it should have been 18x instead of 40x, still a good overall point though, if he's telling the truth about numbers/timeframe he would have done better if he'd just held BTC. Even more so when you add the BCH gains on top of that.

Holy balls, you're right.
It's only been 1 year.
Bitcoin has some insane gains for such a short period.

Depends on where you entered

That is an excellent return, user. Crypto isn't for kids. Your dad made a great investment. Be happy for him.

OP just lurk faggot

Property is a better hodl than btc no matter what.

8.5/10 troll

crypto retards will fall for it

good job lad

Its objectively worse.

Slavery is a better hodl than both btc and property.

your dad thinks you're a retard.

honestly buying unimproved land sounds like a disaster unless you are very big and know what you're doing. you're paying taxes on it with no income and it probably cant be financed. take other real estate where you can put 20% down and that $30,000 is now over 200% return on equity. usually there is a reason land is vacant though (obviously like everything with real estate it depends on where it is and what type of land). without financing for just 70k in cash bitcoin would be more up my alley than vacant land