Should something that happened less than 100 years ago and had millions of witnesses have evidence that proves it happened beyond a shadow of a doubt. Why do debates always devolve into burden of proof arguments? We can't prove God does or doesn't exist because such a thing is beyond our capabilities, but we should be able to prove the holocaust happened to the point where deniers have no claim.
Why do holocaust denial threads always turn into religion-tier debates?
Other urls found in this thread:
ignorant virgin neckbeards will blame the jewish banking cabal for their own failures
real racists because they can't not have a great Other to violence
pot-stirring underage tryhards will post about it because they can
>but we should be able to prove the holocaust happened to the point where deniers have no claim.
Proving any historical fact is extremely hard, for someone can just mention a source that you've never heard of. This is technically a job for history PhDs.
Also you are on Veeky Forums, which means that if you manage to prove a point, said point will be lost in hours or days, unless someone screencaps it, but even if they do there is no hub in which these screencaps can be organized neatly, and if this archive becomes public it will become a shitfest in no time (which means that it's not a project that can be curated by a open collective).
It sucks, but Veeky Forums is not the right place to talk about these things.
>Proving any historical fact is extremely hard
There are arguments, as retarded as they may be, that "prove" neither world war occurred.
Today I will remind them
Because they have literal shit for brains and the only time they paid attention in history class was when they were masturbating to Hitler. So they finally encounter first hand accounts of the holocaust or what are purported to be first hand accounts, have no knowledge of source analysis or indeed, critical thinking, and so end up mindlessly believing it. This fecal brain matter also makes them believe their own propaganda and claim to be persecuted for just seeking the truth (disregard they blatantly lie in the same propaganda).
>Muh wanking machines
>muh rollercoaster of death
>muh swimming pool
>muh electric floor
>you go to jail forever just for asking questions about the holocaust!!!!
>you say some of these accounts may not be entirely accurate?!? That'd get you a thousand years in prison if you said it out loud!!!!! Really makes you think eh?
this is literally exactly what OP is referring to, theres no actual argument contained herewithin, its literally just a tonne of random points, not all even relevant to the holocaust which your asking to be proven wrong. this is exactly how arguing doesnt work, we have established that it did happen based on massive amounts of evidence, a list of talking points that barely refutes any of that evidence is basically meaningless.
today i will remind them
Not an argument.
Also you can swing that argument about lack of critical thinking to use against you or other "the holocaust happened, and it happened exactly as the historical narrative says it happened" people.
This has been doing the rounds for months now and I have yet to see a single stormnigger even attempt to answer it.
>stormcunts openly lying in their propaganda infographics isn't an argument for them being cunts
I saw one, he got a few questions in, I think I called his bluff on one of them and he threw out a bunch of ad hominemd and stopped replying
>that number 9
Whoever made this pic is a tard
Does he think that nazis gassed people in vans?
Shits obviously refering to prisoners transport (jews or pows) and "have been proceeded" means successfully moved to whatever other location they had to be moved to
All it says it that vans for transportations were shitty and inmates would get scared and bump the doors when doors are closed and the insides become dark
To be completely honest the criminality of holocaust denial is a huge problem, better to let these shit for brains get BTFO in civil discourse than to give them credibility by simultaneously acknowledging and silencing them. Not my job to control another countries' laws though.
The holocaust is a religion to the Jews, it has become the greatest red herring of this era.
>post this on /pol/
>mods delete the thread after 20 seconds
Holy shit
Leftypol BTFO
Red herring to what? white people getting bullied by muslims? who all literally ahte israel and teh jews more than any other white?
The crimes of the state of Israel and Jews abroad user.
I wonder who could be behind this post (.png)
how is the holocaust related to them?
So... now mods directly ban everything that goes against the anti-semite narrative? What the fuck?
Whats the difference between the National Socialists and Israelis? One is a heavily militarised nation built on race and shared ancestry robbing their neighbors of land, committing atrocities, and claiming they are a master race of G*d's chosen.
The other is some defunct German political party.
>heavily militarised nation
part of israel includes muslims and arabs so its not a nation. As for the heavily militarised they havent sacrificed anything to be militarised besides have a draft. Which is common in many countries like Finland and switzerland, which aren't conisdered 'heavily-militarised'. To be honest your description sounds like butthurt over Palestinians having no respect for holy land. iirc muslims bulldoze their own holy sites so I don't think they should be inchage of one of the most holy.
They're not robbing any land, the jews are acting in God's will to rebuild the state of Israel so another age of Empires can be harkened. Israelies haven't comitted any atrocities. They never said they're the 'master-race' they said they're God's chosen people. Which is very different from the Nazi acts of hating all people even their fellow german-speakers and turning them into slaves. On top of that they don't beileve in lebensraum and have not performed any genocides on the scale of suddam hussein, stalin, or hitler. IF anything, they're heroes
/pol/tard falseflagging as a hardcore zionist
here is what /pol/ used to try and answer it
>stormtards in charge of counting
Because them gassing 98,000 people in three vans is less retarded than them displacing 98,000 people in three vans?
Both are dumb af
Criminality of holocaust denial is vastly overstated by people who have a vested interest in portraying themselves as persecuted truth seekers.
Because they aren't "just asking questions" they're just trying to white wash their own ideology. it's so dishonest and underhanded too because whether or not i happened doesn't matter to them, they just think it will influence other people.
While this is true, it still exists. Sure they overstate it but it's ridiculous to have any form of punishment in the first place
Or just another day among neoconservaitves or the Likud.
Not really. When you look at the actual laws, they're usually framed that you can debate and discuss it as much as you like, you just can't start screaming about it in the street and calling for it to happen again.
Is recognising numbers part of (((their))) conspiracy too?
>they're not robbing anyone of land
The entire state is built upon stolen land, the theft continues to this day.
>The United Nations Security Council has passed a resolution urging an end to illegal Israeli settlements after the US refused to veto it.
>About 500,000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built since Israel's 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.
>illegal settlements
Dont these international law makers know that no one is illegal? Fucking bigots.
Same thing happened to me.
Not only they deleted my thread which tried to reason with them about history and had those infographics posted, but they followed my post all the way here to Veeky Forums and deleted the thread where /pol/tards had been originally BTFO.
Very troubling.
How is the Holocaust not history?
Why is denialism allowed but not the actual history of the Holocaust which is backed by the historical record?
Some mod is definitively overstepping his bounds.
This was in reply to this
Avatarfagging is bannable FYI
The united nations doesn't get to decide what is and isnt illegal. Courts do
Go to bed, Stefan.
Are you serious?
Are they serious?
Is anyone who thinks these responses are adequate? Show yourself, if you are out there. I need to know.
You can prove that the holocaust did happen, but no matter what avdenier will just say you're wrong. That's why it just turns into "prove it didn't".
>a dozen eye witness accounts have weird stuff in them
>this means that the hundreds of other eye witness accounts that match up with each other are fake
>the weird stuff is also part of the Official Narrative and not one line mentions in obscure, decades old books
So this is the power of /pol/...
>You believe the goal of these labor camps were the removal and eventual extermination of the Jewish race in Europe? Dude masturbation machines and holocausters lmao
>Neither mass graves of eleven million bodies nor the remains of the equivalent number of bodies in layers of ash and crushed bone, have ever been located in or around the internment camps
False. There were found piles of ashes at Maidanek. At Auschwitz-Birkenau, ashes from cremated corpses were dumped into the rivers and swamps surrounding the camp, and used as fertilizer for nearby farmers' fields. Also, not all holocaust victims died in camps.
>The human soap, skin lampshades, and shrunken heads were admitted as lies
False -- lampshades and other human-skin "ornaments" were introduced as evidence in both trials of Ilse Koch, and were shown to a U.S. Senate investigation committee in the late 40s. We know they were made of human skin because they bore tattoos, and because a microscopic forensic analysis of the items was performed. (A detailed page on this is being prepared.)
"No human soap"? This is true, but misleading. Though there is some evidence that soap was made from corpses on a very limited experimental scale, the rumored "mass production" was never done, and no soap made from human corpses is known to exist. However, there is sworn testimony, never refuted, from British POWs and a German army official, stating that soap experiments were performed, and the recipe for the soap was captured by the Allies. To state flatly that the Nazis did not make soap from human beings is incorrect.
>The Babi Yar massacre was a lie conjured up by Soviet jewish propaganda minister Ilya Ehrenburg.
According to the political scientist Michael Barkun, conspiracy theories rely on the view that the universe is governed by design, and embody three principles: nothing happens by accident, nothing is as it seems, and everything is connected.[1]:3–4 Another common feature is that conspiracy theories evolve to incorporate whatever evidence exists against them, so that they become, as Barkun writes, a closed system that is unfalsifiable, and therefore "a matter of faith rather than proof".[1]:7[4]:10
>A ground-penetrating radar study conducted by an Australian team in 1999 proved that the ground around Treblinka had been undisturbed down to 30 meters.
Richard Krege (a known holocaust denier) published this claim with no documentation, which makes it impossible to confirm his claims. However, an examination of Treblinka by The Polish State Prosecutor’s Office and the Main Commission for the Investigation of the German Murders in Poland revealed ashes, tissue and bones. There are also several images of dug-up areas in Treblinka which show the earth mingled with ash and bones. How did Mr. Krege's examination miss this? Even more curious, how did he miss the digs made by the Polish investigators in 1945?
>German had no history of genocidal behavior, not even at its most aggressive. Jews on the other hand have a long and bloody history of genocidal behavior towards their perceived enemies.
Trying to blame Communist atrocities on the Jews. Don't even get me started.
>German "admissions of guilt" were obtained through brutal torture by Allied agents
>This is how Eisenhower exterminated 1.5 million German POWs in the Rhineland death camps
The claim, that 1 million German prisoners of war, rather than upto 56,000 (the highest estimate accepted by historians) dying in US captivity after World War II, were "casually genocided" in Eisenhower's rhine meadow camps ("Rheinwiesenlager") is a claim put forth by James Bacque in his book "Other Losses". But who is James Bacque? A philosophy major (!) from the University of Toronto, who also seems to hold a Bachelor's degree in history. Fair enough, but what did the man proceed to do with his bachelor's history degree for the next few decades after earning it? You guessed it, nothing. Bacque instead proceeded to become a fiction writer and essayist before finally turning his attention in 1989, to the fate of German soldiers held as POWs by the Allies after World War II. He then wrote this book, and is now hailed by the far right (not necessarily holocaust deniers, but Wehrmacht fanboys and those who spend great amounts of time trying to track down every war crime committed by the allies) as some kind of investigative journalist exposing the deliberate "casual" mass murder of upto 1 million German POWs by Eisenhower and subordinates. 1 million....sound familiar? The official Auschwitz death toll is 1.1 to 1.5 million. The intent is clear: creating an allied Auschwitz.
>This is how Eisenhower exterminated 1.5 million German POWs in the Rhineland death camps
Mr. Bacque misread (I'll leave to you whether it was deliberate or not) the documents he based his conclusions on and then coaxed a half-blind old man into confirming his reading. What’s utterly absurd is the notion that about one million or more German POWs could have died in US prison camps without such catastrophe leaving a distinguishable mark in German oral history (while there’s little if anything about this subject, there’s a lot about the horrors of Soviet captivity in the gulags), in the records of German state administration (which in the 1950s went out of its way to establish the fate of prisoners of war in Allied hands) and in the works of German historians, including Rüdiger Overmans and Paul Carell, who have written extensively about the fate of German POWs in Allied hands. Paul Carell, a former Nazi propagandist by the name of Paul Karl Schmidt, whose works about the war are dedicated to glorifying the German soldier, would have been the first to decry a crime of such magnitude if there had been any evidence that it occurred instead of leaving it to a Canadian fiction author to do so in the 1990s.
After the publication of Bacque's book, a panel of historians gathered for a symposium in the Eisenhower Center for American Studies at the University of New Orleans from December 7–8, 1990 to review Bacque's work. The historians concluded that the work:
- misuses and misreads documents
- ignores contrary evidence
- made no attempt to see the evidence he has gathered in relation to the broader situation
- puts words into the mouths of the subjects of his oral history
Academic reviewers question three major aspects of Bacque's work: his claims that there was no post-war food shortage in other European countries; Bacque's estimate of the number of German deaths; and the allegation that Eisenhower was deliberately vindictive.
Many German soldiers were sick and wounded at the time of their surrender, and Bacque does not place the plight of the German prisoners within the context of the grim situation in Western Europe in 1945 and 1946.
R.J. Rummel, a scholar of 20th-century atrocities, has written that "Bacque misread, misinterpreted, or ignored the relevant documents and that his mortality statistics are simply impossible."
More recently, writing in the Encyclopedia of Prisoners of War and Internment, S. P. MacKenzie states, "That German prisoners were treated very badly in the months immediately after the war […] is beyond dispute. All in all, however, Bacque's thesis and mortality figures cannot be taken as accurate".
Eisenhower biographer Stephen Ambrose, in a 1991 New York Times book review, claimed that "when scholars do the necessary research, they will find Mr. Bacque's work to be worse than worthless. It is seriously—nay, spectacularly—flawed in its most fundamental aspects. […] Mr. Bacque is wrong on every major charge and nearly all his minor ones. Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was a severe food shortage in 1945, there was nothing sinister or secret about the "disarmed enemy forces" designation or about the column "other losses." Mr. Bacque's "missing million" were old men and young boys in the Volkssturm (People's Militia) released without formal discharge and transfers of POWs to other allies control areas."
I want to add that conditions in the camps improved and, even more important, there was an enormous effort to release these POWs as quickly as possible. By the Fall of 1945 most of the camps were empty.
Not very different to leftypol
They only trust those shitty infographs
>If the holocaust had actually happened, it would not require laws drafted by powerful Jewish organizations to defend its veracity. No other historical narrative is protected by the threat of heavy fines and imprisonment.
>Le truth does not fear investigation!!!
Under their famous slogan "Truth does not fear investigation", holocaust deniers always make the case that if the holocaust as it has been recorded really happened, why should there be laws to incarcerate those who question it. Shouldn't that be a red flag?
First of all, questioning the holocaust is not illegal in any country on the planet, else every school kid asking their teacher something they didn't quite grasp, would be in the slammer. Denying, is in some.
Secondly, if you look at the countries in the world, the amount of them that have these laws is pathetic in number. Coincidentally, these countries are also those who were most affected under the Nazi dictatorship. Maybe the only political agenda here is something called "Never Again"? How about that.
And in these few countries where denying or grossly downplaying the death toll of the holocaust is a punishable offense, in these very same non-islamic countries, it is also a punishable offense to e.g. slander the prophet Muhammad with allegations of bestiality or pedophilia or raise your right hand in a 45° angle in public, or display Nazi symbols for recreational or commercial purposes, or call someone a nigger or post on social media that all refugees should drown in the Mediterranean. People have gone to jail in these countries for all these offenses: It's called generic hate speech laws. You'd only have a point if saying anything and everything were perfectly legal, where true freedom of speech existed except when it came to denying the holocaust, but deniers cannot point to a single country where such laws exist.
And holocaust denial IS hate speech (against Jewish people; some or all in this case doesn't really matter),
The "only genocide that can't be denied" statement can be easily debunked by simply just looking up laws on the Armenian, Rwandan genocides and the Holodomor tbqh.
This is what blows my mind, Im French and I was arguing about it with other Frenchmen which broight up this point when we have laws for other genocide denial
Ye France and the Armenian genocide is what first popped into my mind after the Holodomor in Ukraine. Kinda silly how some folk mock people for "fact checking" when they eat everything up an infograph says or w/e
>Not a single source
>Blatant lies like claiming that there are no other historical narratives protected by law.
>Einzatsgruppen were anti-terrorist units
>DE JEWZ were responsible for the Holodmor. Just ignore Stalin's vehement anti-semitism and oppression of ALL religions.
>when we have laws for other genocide denial
Which arrived recently, decades after those fot muh shoah
Kikes probably got tired of hearing people use the "truth does not fear investigation" argument, so instead of allowing investigations they decided to make it look like all genocides are "sacred"
Is this pic supposed to prove anything?
Judging by the state of those corpses, these are most definitly victims of starvation and typhus rather than ebin gassing
These faggot British soldiers should be aware their airforce caused that
>1.5 million Germans
Ach mein gott, remember the Hunocaust auslander
Now give Königsberg, we deserve compensation for ze 1.5 billion
Funny how the Germans still managed to get supplies to the front line, to camp guards and to Allied military prisoners despite them all being connected to the same supply chain.
Even more remarkable when you consider supplies still managed to make it through to Allied military prisoners being housed in the same camps where Soviet and civilian prisoners (who by complete coincidence had been deemed less than human) were starving to death en masse just yards away.
Those must have been some very precise bombs...
>Germany had no history of genocidal behavior
Because at their root both Holocaust denial and the Holocaust Industry are religious movements, on one hand the "Church of Adolf Hitler Dindu Nuffin" the other, the "Temple of the Sacred Memory of the Martyred Millions, Never Again"
>It's hilarious watching you claim the "Holocaust" was a secret and well-documented
What does this mean? Do they really think people can't write secrets down?
>Written by an American
>It's "Proskurov", you moron
>Most of the responses are either strawmen or pomo-style "If it doesn't fit into my narrative, it's fake"
>in 11) the Burger doesn't even attempt to provide source
This is really shameful.
>we can't prove
You STEMspergs cannot because your system is garbage and broken.
That memorial is cool, though.
Be so kind and explain your reasoning.
You're beyond salvation
>Americans consume over 100 pounds of potatoes/capita per year and this somehow explains why people in the camps were starving in WWII despite having 600 tons of potatoes nearby
I'm guessing he thinks "starving" means you're only getting two medium-sized cheeseburgers and big fries for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Oh, one must not think but believe?
>That memorial is cool, though.
It's absolute shit. There's no fucking meaning to it. No human face to it.
Why is it only militaries who seem able to design proper memorials?
>there's no meaning to it
Wrong. Go read some literature on the subject.
I took a course on monuments and through rigorous dialogue, we found it to have powerful meaning.
>no face
Like unmarked graves? It is not something you look at, it is something you enter. It's damned disorientating and the sorts of behaviors you see there (selfie-taking, pickpocketing, etc.) makes it even more absurd.
You can also be arrested in South Korea for denying North Korean crimes, or at least could until recently.
this is a very rude post
Today I learned the Invasion of Normandy doesn't real.
You have no clue what Veeky Forums is you fucking brainlet
Good ideas propagate.
Prove a point and everyone will know it in a week. It's why /pol/ thinks the holocaust was faked in the first place
people hold preconceived beliefs that they learned without evidence, when confronted with contradictory information they prefer to reject it in favor of their current beliefs, no matter how much evidence is presented. People will literally drive themselves insane in order to deny contradictory information
that's why the only real way to convince people is through pathos appeals, not facts, such is life
Ve are Gotts chosen race und ve need compensation for unser Hunocaust du auslander.
I vas literally bombed 500 gorrillion times.
/pol/ thinks the holocaust was fake because being a neonazi is the edgiest thing their safe, secure, suburban middle class experience can think of.
Sure. The point is that people don't start dropping from famines until the average consumption is way below 1500 kcal/person/day for a while (entire countries somehow survived at such levels back before the green revolution) and American consumption patterns are so far removed from the minimum necessary to prevent starvation it's just comical to use them for comparisons. Check Africa or Nepal or something.
It's funny, if they were born 30 years earlier they'd have been Maoists.
I always like it when they claim that the Germans let their prisoners starve because they used limited supplies on their own troops first.
Which is a war crime in and of itself.
Hell, it's exactly why we give the Japanese shit over their treatment of prisoners in the pacific theater.
Putting the prisoners to work while starving them is a double warcrime.
kek that's a good point now that you mention it
>Good ideas propagate.
Doesn't exist
Don't exist
Try again, redditor.
>All of the evidence I don't like is fake!
Lol, I like how he doesn't address the fact of how absurd it is that in the quotes and documents he doesn't say are fake they just happen to all use language that suggests they are killing jews that (according) conveniently sets up evidence for the "holohoax"
They did gas people in vans, It's not hard to connect a hose the exhaust and then put the other end in the back
Can someone post the image of a evil looking Nazi SS officer saying, "I vouldn't lie to you untermensch."
man this thread is really activating my almonds
It'z true, mein opa waz bombed 300.000 zeits by var kriminel Arzhur Harriz himzelf.
>We can't prove God does or doesn't exist
Exactly this shit is what also fuels people denying the holocaust. Instead of rigorous logic we can all just believe what is cozy and anyone challenging our way of thinking is just an asshole/fedore/fag/lefti/nazi.
There is plenty of evidence for the holocaust just like there is plenty of evidence that no god exists (evolution, age of the earth, physical laws) but people will ignore all of that, insult you and keep on with their way of thinking.
The weird thing with the holocaust is that most of /pol/ supports genocides and hates Jews, but at the same time denies the holocaust.
>You should not pity X, they deserve everything happening to them because of Y
>It's okay to bomb their cities, rape their woman and kill the men and children
Who said it? Was it Hitler or your average Veeky Forumstorian defending the war crimes committed by the allies?
The answer is: both.
>mods delete the thread after 20 seconds
>posted 00:12
>screencapped 9 hours later
The thread has already been deleted in the screencap so you can't say when it was deleted..
Where did the Allies say it was ok to rape women and kill children?
Look at how delusional this user is.