Should "uncontacted people" be preserved?
Should "uncontacted people" be preserved?
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Morally wise we need only not to harm them.
No, that is SJW bull if ever I heard it.
We need to "preserve" their backward way of life? We need to "honor" their double digit infant mortallity? We need to "respect" their curbed life expectancy? We need to "admire" them dying form easily cureable diseases?
also pic related is not an "untouched" tribe.
>look goy, we need the gold standard out there in the amazon
I think that it would be interesting to keep these people isolated to study them and fuck with them through social experiments, but otherwise who cares.
It does feel very unlikely that there are still uncontacted as opposed to merely primitive people.
Of course this doesn't mean they should be killed off.
But deliberately avoiding contact with them to keep them in their "natural" state is retarded, it's not respectful of their culture, it's treating them like animals.
There is a reason.
If we would march in they would they would die from diseases that their immune system isnt ready for, see: north american natives
If they've made the choice not to engage with wider society, then we should respect that. This is the case for a lot of the isolated tribes, as opposed to the tribes that are clustered together with others.
Make contact in hazmat suits.
eventually that won't even be possible anymore, what then?
they can only choose after they know we are here
They do know we're here though, and they throw spears and arrows at us to keep us away.
Yeah because modern medicine and seventeenth century medicine are basically the same, you fucking dimwit
Can't blame them after what the spanish did to some carribean tribes.
Why submit them to disease when we can just leave them alone?
"Le noble savage" meme needs to die and so does tribal culture. Those people were better off if they were integrated into a modern democracy.
>modern democracy
No such a thing as democracy exist except in Switzerland.
Wtf i love globalism now
Yeah you should because it literally the GOAT system.
You better do, globalism is all the rage these days after a certain president told everyone he's one.
No. The current generation might hate it but their descendants will be thankful.
>but their descendants will be thankful
>just like the natives in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico,
>but even more thankful, because they'll be living in powerhouses like Brazil, Argentina, India, etc.
That same president that fooled millions of dumb burgers telling them he is against the merchants when he is one himself?
Hunters and gatherers provide very valuable insight into human evolution.
Science would very much profit from studying these groups in their isolated state.
Yes. They're basically the only real people left on earth
>20% of an uncontacted tribe
So like 5 guys?
Yeah they'll be so much happier working 40 hours a week pushing a button at some factory
dissected in a museum
>just like the natives in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico,
They may bitch and try to keep some of their traditional ceremonies and shit, but I don't see any of them seriously wishing to return to their ancestors' way of life. They wear blue jeans and use air conditioning just like the rest of us.
Brasilian here, there is no such thing as unconnected, government did full survey and contact in the 70's, an operation called "Projeto Rondon"
>Should "uncontacted people" be preserved?
No, there is no value to restricting access to vast swaths of land just so a handful of assbackward savages can continue squatting in the mud and eating bugs.
And there is nothing will be gained from preserving their “unique” culture, as these are literally the dumbest humans in history who by 2017 A.D. are _still_ cavemen.
Then just vaccinate them.
If anything, forbidding them to have knowledge of the modern world is a violation of their rights. It's hypocritical to deny them information of the outside world in the name of "preserving" their way of life.
It implies they if they knew about the modern world, they would choose to abandon their current lifestyle, which in turns implies that we do believe that our modern way of life is better. If that's the case, why deny these tribes in adopting it? Because "lol it's so interesting that we still have primitive tribes"? That's kind of selfish.
So yeah, just contact them, trade with them etc. and if they want to stay primitives, let them do that too.
While I do think stone age hunter-gatherers were awesome, the primitive tribes living now are not completely similar to stone age people.
Most stone age people were living in more temperate and more fertile lands such as river valleys where hunting and gathering was really easy. These kinds of lands sadly don't exist anymore in their natural state: they are now urban centers and farmlands, as these are the lands where the agricultural revolution happened.
Modern hunter-gatherers only remained in harsh areas of the world, like deserts and rain forests where farming would be impossible. But they have a much harsher lifestyle compared to early humans who actually had a ridiculous amount of free time and were probably happier than any other humans in history.
is there a book I can read about this
>Yeah man, we should just, like, totally make everyone the same, because culture and tradition suck.
>OBVIOUSLY the detritus of consumerism is better than being connected to your own history.
Fucking philistine.
There are no uncontacted tribes anymore, they've all either come into contact with workers or been sighted looking back at the aeroplanes that photographed them.
If something like Han China still existed somewhere I'd tell them to keep their culture and develop as they see fit (while allowing for technological exchanges)
But naked spearchuckers? Get their asses to school.
Pacific Islanders do well enough living more modern lives.
You're all wrong
>Not dressing up with a group of people as conquistadors
>Not acquiring antique arquebuses
>Not marching into their lands to loot their shit and if they attack you annihilate them with 17th century tactics
It literally provides less overall benefit to eliminate them then it does to preserve them.
They can serve a good purpose to anthropological studies and is probably more preferable than just another slight gain of profit for cronies from oil and timber logging. Not to mention the ecological and humanitarian consequences that could result.
Alcoholism and garbage are not exactly the meaning of "well". Not to mention.....Xtianity.
I understand it's not the discussion of this thread, but who the hell is THAT evil? Seriously, it's not like it's perfectly calculated Nazi mob mentality- there was no major power telling them to do this.
Shit like this is what Light would have a wet dream over punishing.
>this thread
Fuck white people I'm glad you are being replaced. You genocided the natives of Canada, Australia, Argentina, USA, New Zealand, etc.
You are living large on stolen land, your wealth built on the blood of millions of natives and you still mock them as in the op pic.
The West can rot for all I care. You eurangutans brought this upon yourselves.
they were completely defenseless because they were left uncontacted
they were left uncontacted because leftists enjoy pretending it makes them enlightened
Morally? Why not leave em alone.
Economically and realistically? If they are in the way of valuable gold deposits or timber stands, I would drive them from their homes and kill anyone who tries to stop me. I'm not giving up a chance to cash in for a bunch or unwashed savages.
>New Zealand
Maori suffered less than literally every other people on Earth and yet they were savage bastards who should have been knocked down some pegs. Abos have a right to feel angry, Maori are just cunts.
>only cultures I like are important!!!!!!!
didn't read the post, but i love this image.
Contact uncontacted tribes and give them the choice to go on with their lives or assimilate
> connected to your own history.
They have no history and they have nothing to offer to humanity, they’re literally cavemen.
There is nothing noble about being an assbackward savage and it’s illogical to restrict access to large areas of the country, just to preserve the assbackwardness of these handful of savages.
> You are living large on stolen land
Natives never “owned” it in the first place, as they didn’t even have the concept of ownership outside of personal objects and the natives themselves were perfectly fine with forcing other natives out of their territory and taking their resources without compensation.
Casino Indians here in the U.S. claiming they legally deserve profits off any oil extracted anywhere in the country because they were the “first Americans!” is a load of hypocritical bullshit.
That's literally not hypocrisy at all.
You can think the social norms of the Post-'60s West are bad, while still liking technology and recognizing that people live better lives, nowadays, than they did before Rome.
>Running around naked killing and fucking all day long
>Working 10 hours a day 7 days a week and only being able to afford to keep your house and electricity up and running
brb, grabbing SKS, going inna woods, literally fuck civilization.
>pakis after all their muh persian arab larping are still considered to be indians.
loving every laff.
Oh yeah. They defended the land where they made cyclical settlements, in other words their territory.
You live on stolen land. Prepare your luggage.
You like justice?
Read Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Harari
Clearly what we need on Earth right now is less forests and more industry.
>the Asian faces have squinty eyes
You know the rule, no contact with prewarp species.
Sure you do it's nazi bullshit like everything on this site
Literally exterminated its natives and forced the survivors not to breed, as happened in Australia
This is a nice non-argument.
Both Natives and Eurangutans did have concept of land ownership, but your so-called Christian morals and values did not stop you from murdering anyone in your path and stealing the most fertile lands in the world.
Plains Indians for example had sacred territories and communal ownership of the land.
I'm so sick of this Pocahontas crap being bombarded throughout my childhood. Not my responsibility to "preserve" a culture that can't advance past hunter-gatherer.
Inb4 edgy /pol/
Look how you eurangutans stole the best lands
And notice how it matches perfectly to the "Very High Human Development" countries according to the UN.
>not my responsibility
I just made an observation how eurangutans stealed Amerindian land, and how they genocided them. Why do eurangutans deny the most simplest facts?
Shitskins love collective guilt, huh? It's easier to deal with herd mentality.
So you agree with that fact? Then, get ready to get BTFO from my continent, subhuman. You don't belong here.
literally a bunch of antibiotics would work fine for them.
But now let them die on the hundreds and thousands because it will take too much work...
Tell me, if you lived in pre historical times, would you like to aliens took you to their advanced world and teach you everything?
same shit
I'd argue, as long as harm isn't done to us, they have the right to their life/livelihood/land.
>literally a bunch of antibiotics would work fine for them.
Unless they, y'know, get a virus.
i'd love to discover a tribe like this. somewhere completely isolated, no law, just humans living by animal rules. i know this is edgy as fuck and in reality i wouldn't do it for moral reasons but just gunning down a pack of savages armed with sticks like it was the 1500s all over again and they'd think you were some kind of vengeful thunder-god would be amazing. they'd have no effective means of defending themselves and you could do whatever you liked with them, and no legal consequences. if i was a serial killer i'd go hunting for some in the jungle or head off to some remote polynesian island with a rifle.
>Tell me, if you lived in pre historical times, would you like to aliens took you to their advanced world and teach you everything?
why would anyone want that
are you 13?
SJW would be the kind of people willing to "save" them by bringing their feminist bullshit to them
No they need to be given soccer tshirts and burgers, they're really missing out!
Interviews with those that have been brought into the modern world basically all say "it fucking sucked and I never want to go back"
Congratulations, you are a psychopath.
what if another south american tribe wanted to war with them and wipe them out? Do you think we should intervene?
What if south american farmers were fighting with them for land use (as they are), does it matter if the land use is just for the local economy or would make it to the global market?
We're all just tribes man.
>You live on stolen land.
All wrong. America belongs to the Amerindians. You live on stolen land. Prepare your luggage, subhuman.
>Clearly what we need on Earth right now is less forests and more industry.
I support conservation / environmentalism (at least the non-kook variety) but restricting access to these areas specifically because a handful of primitives live there is bullshit.
These obsolete natives aren’t knowingly “preserving” a natural environment, they’re simply too stupid to do more then live in grass huts and eat roasted tarantulas.
Why not give me 10,000 square miles? I'll preserve the natural environment and still allow for environmentally conscious development.
you germanics are hilarious
Take me with you. It would be amazing to kill all the men of a savage tribe and take their women and enslave their children.
Umm... sorry but, you will do what the Brazilian goverment says.
>People who lived in Europe 20000 years ago
>Same as modern Europeans
Hi brainlet
>All wrong.
Sure, but so is the hypothesis that ONLY stone age Asians migrated to the Americas.
There may not be (currently) enough evidence to prove beyond a doubt that stone age Europeans migrated to the Americas, but there’s more than enough to discount the above hypothesis that ONLY Asians did so.
It’s a piss poor historian (or politically correct puppet…) who claims to know all there is to know.
Irrelevant. America belongs to the Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
People haven't determined yet if Haplogroup - R is deep-rooted in Amerindians, or just an effect of European colonisation during the early modern era. The latter seems more likely to me.
>Umm... sorry but, you will do what the Brazilian goverment says.
The current policy of reserving these areas expressly for a few literal cavemen is doomed to fail, as the corporate powers will get what they want, (fully unrestricted access) the answer is controlled access with eco-friendly development and bringing the natives into the 21st century.
Simply saying "keep out!" insures that the areas will be lost and the fact is, these "cultures" are not worth keeping.
>People haven't determined yet if Haplogroup - R is deep-rooted in Amerindians, or just an effect of European colonisation during the early modern era.
If the presence of haplogroup R was due to European colonization, then it would be FAR more prevalent in Hispanics then N.American Woodlland Indians (who just happen to be closest to Europe).
Contacting them would be so great for them. They'd be so much happier with all the modern technology, higher education, healthcare & all their opportunities to become rich and successful members of our glorious civilization.
Just visit Brazil and see for yourself how much better off all the these people are, whos ancestors were just primitives in the rainforest.
>eco-friendly development
That's quite the meme you're spouting there.
Literally no evidence of that delusion.
Natives are 1% of Brazil's population dumb shartboy. They were genocided, mostly.
Most Brazilians are brown because they have African admixture, slavery was a huge deal there, even more so than in the USA.
>the fact is, these "cultures" are not worth keeping.
That's the opposite of a fact though
>all these people treating others like they were around during colonisation and had control over their ancestors' actions
It's simple. America belongs to the Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Don't you agree?
Those that survived and were replaced from their land still end up in the favelas for the most part. They also contribute their share to the mixed population.
Furthermore, Brazil is pretty big and the proportion of natives is higher in more remote regions that have been less interesting for colonization.