This shit is cheap, not for long....
Get in here faggots
Had about 110 BAT the other day, just traded it to put more in on GNT and OMG for tomorrows conference though. Will definitely be investing with some of my gains after though.
Why am I seeing so many threads on this shit now. Pump and dump group?
Because theyre rekeasing Mercury soon and I'm sick of pink stupid ass wojacks everywhere. If you dont believe it just check back on BAT on on the 15th
Duh. You won't see it shilled after it finally moons. Just dump early and settle for medium gains because it won't stay up long.
made by the ex-Mozilla CEO, already has integration in the devs new privacy focused browser
Still early in Beijing all, this will crest over 50k sats within an hour
5k lol
I need 2-3 more days to accumuluate more. I hope the price will stay down like that. People still focused in their bei and omg Baby. So we should have some time Boys.
Yeah if everyone could hold the fuck off on pumping BAT and maybe sell off their stashes, that'd be great. (Btw if you're reading this now, sell now before anyone else gets the chance to see this post and get in front of the crowd)
OK sold all. Now it is your time :)
this gonna buy the dip tho
buy adex instead
>muh brave browser
You saw what happened to but with their latetlst News. What do you think will happen with Mercury release. KK take it or stay poor
AdEx is garbage though
just bought .7 btc worth.
Should be 0.9-1btc worth with the release. Gj
Why would that take 2-3 days?
110 bat? Wtf is that, like $20?
Because banks in europe are a bit slow with their transaction, if you don't wanna pay fees.
Everyone started Low. 110>0. Tiny moon mission at least.
why its gonna moon excetly?
Go take a quick research. Keyword mercury aka moon mission
BAT threads always make me laugh
>why would this moon?
>when is this going to moon?
>who made this?
>what does it do?
Goes to show that most people on here don't actually research any coins they buy.
Wouldn't this apply to 95% of Veeky Forums?