Just think boys
>10k you can buy a plot of land
>30k you can buy a trailer alongside your land. at this point you are free
for 500k you can get pic related. 1 bitcoin will be worth that much anyway
Just think boys
>10k you can buy a plot of land
>30k you can buy a trailer alongside your land. at this point you are free
for 500k you can get pic related. 1 bitcoin will be worth that much anyway
I'm looking for something up in the Cascades, preferably with a creek on the property. But this is comfy too.
Really? For 500k I can live in a place with ZERO attractive women? WOW
>falling for the vaginal jew
>1 bitcoin will be worth that much anyway
Can anyone confirm this? I need to know, since one of the main things stopping me from killing myself is the hope that this will actually happen.
don't count on it but wait 10 years first to see
it will, friend. it absolutely will.
Lakefront properties are also extremely comfy
Land is the ultimate prize for a mans hard work
what about water, fucko...the most important resource. i agree, you can raise your own food and farm animals but you must have land with access to a water source...clean water...bountiful river or aquifer.
lots of Landcucks forget this when they poast shit like your thread.
land + water source = you are truly living off grid. don't even need electricity really if you can pump it by hand. for example, see the Amish.
for an example of unsuccessful people on the brink of starving, but who own land, see the Mennonites of Bolivia.
Oh and fuck off with your hype about BTC...
Bitcoin can't even hold $5,000 for 1 day right now. It is so fucked you have no clue.
Fuck this board it's full of retarded, useless posts now.
fuk. conflicting opinions
who let this drunkard out of the cave? Mods!
I'm allergic to grass though so I prefer living on an island.
Looks like there are some farm animals though
pretty much just as good
think about it this way, user.
If everyone just refused to sell their bitcoin until 50k, it would be worth that much tomorrow. Thats why I never sell. people need to be afraid to sell
10k for land? where do you live???? lol 10k wont get u anywhere where i live :(
Judging from the photo, this is prime north Minnesota territory. Upper Midwest (outside of the North Dakota fracking fields) is dirt cheap. Downside (if you can call it that) is the 2 people/sq mile population density. Also crappy internet.
Bitcoin as a world currency would be worth ~$3,980,952 per btc if that makes you feel better.
Laramie County is in Wyoming
Here you go buddy
forgot pic
It absolutely will get to obscene prices if it's universally adopted. That could happen in a decade or two.
Hopes and dreams. The time to get rich off crypto ended months ago. It's over by now.
What about internet?
wow those are dirt cheap lands, looks fertile too great investment for farms
>at this point you are free
Nope. You still gotta pay property taxes forever.
Why would it stop now? It's just becoming mainstream. The worlds stock market is worth 25 trillion dollars and cryptos could replace it in the distant future.
Stop this BS
Do you even know what the stock market is? It's purchasing stock in a company so that you get a share of their profits in the form of dividends
Crypto is a completely different asset class more comparable to Gold ETFs
>since one of the main things stopping me from killing myself is the hope that this will actually happen.
Same here buddy. I'll most likely end up killing myself soon anyway, because why bother living? Once you understand the scale and scope of the bullshit we live under, and how many people are ignorant supporters, and how many more are knowing participants, the degree to which manipulation of everything occurs, how people will just pathologically lie and twist language to avoid moral blame, how most everyone you meet is just a black hole - the more I think about how fucked up everyone and everything is I really just wanna go to sleep and never wake up, at least not in this world.
Just the absurdity of having more vacant homes than homeless people, yet giving billions and billions of dollars to foreign countries. So much shit is just so fucked up, and yet these people want to spread this way of life to others? To distract them from fixing the real problems I suppose.
Yeah, I don't think it is even worth holding out for the chance that crypto makes me rich. Because then what? I get to stay away from these zombies? Things are only going to get worse. The only thing that gives me solace really is watching it all burn.
Like, I'm really rooting for war with North Korea just because it will likely lead to nuclear apocalypse.
>cryptos can't be shares of a company that give dividens
>inb4 muh SEC
Not everyone is a burger.
It isn't that different. Lots of companies today don't even pay dividends, or barely pay any relative to their price. That's thanks to zero percent interest rates causing irrational markets. Price to earnings ratios simply don't make any sense. Basically if you buy any big stocks today you'll never get your money back from dividends; your best chance is to sell it to some sucker for a price higher than you paid for it. Today's stock market really is a ponzi.
tokens will replace shares
dont get all commie. homeless people have options and they go against them
lol instead of being a slave to society you will be a slave to nature. Enjoy somehow funding your little homestead selling veggies and eggs at the farmers market so you can barely afford feed/fertilizer/upkeep/water.
>b-but I can rent out the trailer on my p-property and
>nope if you are lucky enough to get someone that wants to rent that far from city it will be redneck meth-head trash and you'll wish you never invited them on your property.
Also enjoy the property taxes.
Don't you get it? You are a slave, or you are rich.
what if i just live in trailer. I just want a big flat green field far as eye can see. is that too much to ask?
>buy land
>dig and build a well for $300
>satellite internet subscription $200/month
>1 year supply of freeze dried food = $1100
>property tax 0.81% of propery value annually
>live off crypto gains
everyone else in this thread saying this is not possible is FUDing
>inb4 muh quality of life
would you rather be comfortable or free?
>et giving billions and billions of dollars to foreign countries. So much shit is just so fucked up, and yet these people want to spread this way of life to others? To distract them from fixing the real problems I suppose.
Everything on this planet happens for a reason. For example, you say more vacant homes than homeless - if we just gave the homeless free homes what do you think would happen to housing values? Who would work 9-5 to afford a home? it would disrupt the whole system. it's this way for a reason
The primary reason I will tell you now, is control of humanity, to keep us in this prison. The truth is, the galactic community doesn't want a bunch of apes running amok in the galaxy and potentially universe.
Play the hand you were dealt, advance in every way you can to gain an advantage, so in the future you can have a hand in choosing the finest genetics to carry on the human race.
you wanna-be isolationist retards ought to figure out how to shoot down the MiG that will be flying overhead and bombing your 10k plot of land into oblivion.
>500k for that
lmao no. try
>these are the types of retards posting on Veeky Forums
literally dumber than a six year old.
ever heard of rain water? fucking bore water?
this. not only is it possible, its our only option
>you can buy a plot of land
Pay property/land taxes, you goy.
You are effectively RENTING your space from the govt.
You CANNOT have land.
surely it cant be that expensive right?
Maybe not.
But maybe in 10 years the govt will decide that land in this area is suddenly very useful, and will increase the taxes a shitton.
In a socialistic society, you cannot own your land.
Heck, you cannot even own your own labor. You have to have licences in order to open any kind of shop or business.
If you want to live the "off grid" dream, move to middle/eastern Europe. While the laws are not that different, they do not give a flying fuck about a random house/trailer in the middle of nowhere.
>vacant homes than homeless people
You dumb nigger. You don't get it do you? People are homeless on their own accord. It literally is that simple, they make money getting handouts so why not? They get comfortable with the lifestyle that preys on human sincerity.
>wanting women
How's it like being 17?
Wisconsinite here. Basically in the process of doing exactly this.
Moving out of the city. Got a 3/2 trailer on .5 acre in a small
This thread got FUDing weird. I just want to dream of my lakeside cabin with a white picket concrete barrier, Aryan wifu, and 2.3 kids.
How many of you have ever lived in a trailer before?
It sucks.
Taxes are pretty minimal when you're out of the city, and you literally have to go YEARS without paying them before the government even starts giving a fuck.
looks nice. just sell the house and buy a ton of grass field
Well I need somewhere for my kids to sleep...
but I am already eyeing up the lot next to mine. It's not for sale but it is vacant. Would double my lot size.
I lived in a 6x2x2 box for 8 years. I wouldn't know what to do with all that room.
Except when they do give a fuck, and auction off your property to the highest bidder.
Then say goodbye to your credit score and forever have government nazi's arresting you for not paying taxes