Same guy with all the fud. They ain't ban shit NIGGA
Neo coming back bitches. Will definitely be going above 30 again
I hope you know NEO isn't affected by the ban, china just announced they will introduce licensing. Stay poor because dumb faggots like yourself don't deserve to be investing in this amazing coin.
NEO didn't get banned. But the entire reason for the fucking platform got banned until further notice. If NEO can't fulfill it's promise as a platform, it is essentially banned along with the other ICOs. If you haven't noticed, more people agree with me seeing as the over 50% haircut on NEO.
Keep posting shitty neo memes though, I will be enjoying it when fucking OMG overtakes your "smart economy".
why do you feel the need to give advice about things you clearly don't understand?
B-b-b-buh China banned icos, B-B-B-BUH everyone agrees with me!!
Why don't you write a smart contract to bet on the price of NEO then? I'll gladly wager a BTC. You can even put it on your "platform". Go ahead. I'll wait. Post contract address when you are done. In the meantime, I'll go do something more interesting for a year.
That's it? That's what you have to say? "muh platform?" "muh bet?"
Look, if you want to throw your money away into ridiculous gambles and believe there's some kind of conspiracy with the Chinese government working behind the scenes with NEO, be my guest.
The fact is, NEO is "worth" a billion dollars right now. The PBoC wipes their assess with a billion dollars. They don't need NEO at all, they have a god damn printing press the the force of the military behind them. And right now they are hiring tons of programmers to make their own cryptocurrency.
But go on, keep believing that there's some kind of crazy backroom deal going on between a literally who cryptocurrency and one of the most powerful central banks on the planet. It would be like if NASA started begging highschool students for ideas on interstellar space travel. They arn't even close to the same scale. Go look at the balance sheet of PBoC, then look at the market cap. Remind me again why Chinese govt. needs NEO at all and won't just murder it with regulations to prevent people from getting too much freedom.
If China can benefit from crypto currency as a whole why wouldn't they simply regulate it and profit from it? They know if they outright banned crypto (they haven't) people would continue to use it anyway.