Why didn't the germans slope the UFP of the panzer IV? fucking towed anti tank guns had no trouble getting through
why were the germans so shit at engineering?
Why didn't the germans slope the UFP of the panzer IV? fucking towed anti tank guns had no trouble getting through
why were the germans so shit at engineering?
No, women want DARK men, period!!!
I would much rather have a brunet, swarthy, brown-eyed man who plays nothing but video games and has never learned to wipe his butt (a total turn ON, btw, not off) than the best-looking, blond with blue eyes since Hitler. (Yes, I know his hair was brown as a man.)
I would never have had a baby with any man, but now that I can't, I feel like it's the least I could do to f*** with society's expectations by rejecting all White Men for their centuries of evil, racism.
>Why were the germans so shit at engineering?
Because they're anything BUT a superior race! And Hitler was pretty dumb in real life. The sexiest thing about him was how he shat himself numerous times throughout his adult life.
Did you know that white boys are much likelier to poop their pants as kids than girls and other races?
Blows that master race theory out of the water!
>Women want real men...
Speak for yourself, BlTCH
>women want
Who gives a fuck what they want
I consider blue eyes to be much more of a deal breaker, as a dark-eyed person, than female genitalia!
They make a guy look like a pathetic excuse for Adolf.
Literally everything that defines a "real man" comes down to how good of a slave you are to women.
I cannot stomach the thought of being darker featured than my man, and no I won't get contacts.
And I not only hate White Men for being white, but for identifying with the term. A light Asian is better than a bronze muscle man with blue eyes and a swastika tattoo.
"If your eyes are blue, I don't want you."
Why the disdain for towed AT guns? Take the Pak40 for instance. Its practically the same thing as the KwK on the Panzer 4.
They're actually BETTER than tank guns, because they're much easier to hide.
Stop bleaching your hair, bitch, nobody thinks that's real.
Why do people like her think we don't know their hair is naturally dark? That's so ugly and fake.
White Men suck! And not just because of their ugly, freckle prone skin. They're just not cool and I would be ashamed to have given birth to one.
Why do so many women starve themselves, bleach their hair and do other unnatural things to try to attract White Men, when there are plenty of non-whites who wouldn't care if they were big and fat like a whale with hair going gray?
Men want real women. Not complaining plastic self-entitled whores. = )
Not even memeing.
I hate women who have armies of white kids for White Men, because all they're doing is ensuring that there will always be 1.) future White Men to enforce White Supremacy, and future White Women to be its beneficiaries. You'll never know how ANGRY it makes me, as a white-passing Hispanic American woman with no uterus, to know that the very existence of girls with my skin tone, even without blue eyes, has been used to justify violence against darker men since the beginning of the White race.
It just isn't fair, pun intended, for me, by passing as White, to benefit from the very system that oppressed my non-white ancestors, in ways they never could. And that's why I'm glad I can never have White Male descendants who may one day be welcome in places I can never go.
To win a war you have to attack, not hide. Hiding is defensive and has its place in warfare, but eventually you have to take the fight to the enemy and self-propelled is better.
Maybe that's what women find so unattractive about blond men. We don't want to multiply White Privilege and superiority complex with each generation.
>Men want real women
you mean traps
At this point id almost rather go for a trap. The ones ive met are pretty amotionally unstable from time to time, but its still better than (((modern women)))
>To win a war you have to attack, not hide
tell that to Vietnam
The guerillas were BTFO in Vietnam, it was the NVA regulars who won the war. I wish retards stopped memeing and portraying Vietnamese military as some peasant retards armed with sticks, it was a sophisticated modern army equipped with state of the art Soviet weaponry.
If white women are tired of White Men, they need to stop marrying them, sleeping with them and having their kids! The best way to stop seeing so many White Men is to stop having them, damnit!
Do you realize that I have never lived with a White Male because my dad is Hispanic and I never had a brother?
It would be like living with something totally alien for me to marry one, especially with blue eyes like Hitler, and I am so glad I can never have a baby. No blue-eyed beast will ever use my body to reproduce himself.
They probably want someone to pay their bills and take care of their kids and provide for them sexually if they can. If the last isn't possible it can be circumvented.
White men are probably the only ones who provide rational and substantiated disprovals of gyarchists' and alternative sexualists' opinions.
OP sure hit some nerves with that weak ass bait.
Most of the replies are the hitler dick obsessed tranny replying to itself.