Is man generally good or evil?
Is man generally good or evil?
better than you'll ever be
Most people are basically good, the rest are cunts and psychopaths. I'd say it's about an 80/20 split.
>good and evil morality
>good and evil
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Of today I've spent 100% being "good" as in not doing "evil"
Same thing yesterday
And the day before that
In fact of all my life the times I've acted "evil" wouldn't really even amount to .001%
Everybody desires to be good, but different people have different ideas about what good is. To some it may be protecting their property and their family, to others it might be serving humanity in some way. Humanity innately is bad, but that is only because we pursue desire and our own happiness. We are bad, but we desire good.
Good as in behaving according to social norms? Then yes.
Man is generally an individual.
What about all the suffering necessary to sustain your lifestyle?
What suffering would that be?
>girls distribute their pussy to 20% of guys
really makes you think, doesnt it
Do you have to teach children to lie, cheat, and steal? Do you have to teach children to hit other children to get what they want? Do you have to teach children how to be selfish?
Then evil.
The little chinese childruns that made half the stuff you own.
How to identify a brainlet 101.
Yes, by your post.
If you do not have to teach your children to be evil, they started out evil.
I don't own a lot so can't amount to much assuming that was even true to begin with
I dindu nuffin you see, I'm a good boy
>he believes in slave morality
>he believes others are bound by slave morality
Man is generally conditioned. It matters not if it's by birth, as what makes us doesn't begin with our birth. Nor does it matter if you happen to be born into what is pleasing or healthy, as chains of gold are still chains.
Man is neutral like his animal kin, and all that makes him evil is himself or others saying his actions are evil.
Well, would you say that had nothing to do with their past experiences? Because I'd say that children generally experiment with attaining rewards and children with these habits were probably just never adequately punished for them. Children do what they learn is the most rewarding.
Man is generally self interested.
If being a good person helps them breed then that's what they'll do.
There are no good guys or bad guys, its us versus those who strive for power.
Man is good. It is earth and nature that is evil. We are good beings in an evil world and it rubs off on us quite a bit.