Does Veeky Forums have any Janitors? I mean, shitposting runs rampant. That all-caps namefag, that "STEMsperg" guy, that "wh*te" guy, that Inca lover, Etc. all break Global Rule 6.
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
Did anyone here volunteer to be a Veeky Forums Janitor? I'll remember to, next time.
Veeky Forums Moderation
I get bored and make terrible threads every now and then just to see if there are still mods here
I'm surprised my furry thread isn't gone yet
Well the pornposting turk got his threads deleted
>facts violate rule 6
Inca superiority is self evident.
Mods only ban people because or racism. Also global rules are utter faggotry, tell me exactly how global rule 3 still applies considering /b/ hasn't been relevant in almost a decade.
They seem more active here than on any other board t b h.
Also, the Hitler shitting guy, the needless amount of Nazi threads in general, all threads on the races of ancient people, "meme" threads, Etc.
This, just go to any board larger than Veeky Forums. The largest boards have more shitposting than actual discussion despite being the most heavily moderated.
Things that need to be banned:
1. Blatant Racism ("Why are black people so stupid"?)
2. Commie-posting ("Did the Kulaks deserve it? I think they probably did.")
3. Nazi-Posting ("The Holocaust never happened. Hitler did nothing wrong.")
4. All caps posting.
5. Turk-posting
Don't forget everything mentioned in the OP and
Why do eurangutans want a safespace?
>Be me
>Be racist
>Never get banned for posting racist opinions
They don't ban you for being racist, they ban you for racist shitposting. In other words
>No nigger hate threads
>Things that need to be banned
>Opinions I don't like
Every time
Yet his cock filled ass isn't banned though. Is it me, or has Veeky Forums really gotten shitty in the last couple of years. I'm talking about the quality of the shit posts, people taking the bait way too fucking often, and everyone being too politically charged. It's always /pol/ this, /leftypol/ that, here comes the SJW, cuck cuck cuck, ad infinitum.
Shouldn't you be in school?
i wonder what could have happened in the meantime...
>brainlet not understanding how it works
Somebody has to report you first, dumbshit. If they don't report you there will be no ban.
You're unironically the reason why Turkposting and unproductive shitposting like has become so bad.
Shame that gamergate didn't evolve into organized killings of women.
The wh*te guy is a turk shitposter. I think there are a couple of them, they even got Turkey rangebanned for a while (and Brazil, as they used proxies). They're still around though. If people stopped replying to these subhumans they'd stop their stupid shit and leave.
>Veeky Forums was ever high quality meme
Remember when cp was rampant and we still had caturday on /b/? Remember all those times we got people killed?
shame the human race hasn't destroyed itself yet
Proof that /pol/ is a reddit colony
Cell phones going online was a mistake.
Can eurangutans even get benefit from "schools" with such inferior brainlets?
Humans are a species not a race.
I've probably been reported numerous times, and it never gets me banned. Probably because the mods here don't want to ban people for their opinions , they just want to make sure this place doesn't become /pol/ 2.0.
Which is why I dont spam and shitpost racist things, I just give my opinions.
Exactly. Some posts are just shitposts, no matter whether or not I agree with the sentiment.
You forgot /int/posting.
>That all-caps namefag
Rei is nice tho
Those were the days.
I never said Veeky Forums was high quality, faggot. I said we're really poor quality as of the moment. Also for all those dead people
>the weak should fear the strong
>Rei is nice though
Sub human detected
He never fails to make me chuckle
>not Misato
>I love eating bread, like spaghetti
>spaghetti isn't bread
Only manlet cucks like misato
Ironically all of that is actually covered by the /pol/ sticky.
False equivalence :^)
None of this should be banned. I don't like commies at all but it's fine if they discuss history from their viewpoint.
You literal orangutan.
I am not sure that orangutans are literate.
Threads and posts that are just shitposts do need to be banned, though. Like ones opening with a picture of Marx and saying ">tfw the capitalists ruined everything," or ones opeing with a picture of Hitler in shorts and "When will the people finally throw off the shackles of the J*W?" The fourteenth weakly "Why has Africa never contributed anything?" and the twenty-first weekly "HITLER SHAT HIS PANT AND HAD A HUGE DICK" are not good threads.
We need post quality standards, not opinion quality standards.
Vote Anonymous for Janitor.
The Africa threads are annoying because they're too repetitive and it's always the same arguments over and over from either side, so I just hide them. The hide function exists for a reason.
Now this is actually something that needs to be banned because it has fuck all to do with history.
>confusing literal and literate
>The Africa threads are annoying because they're too repetitive and it's always the same arguments over and over from either side
Because they're shitposts. Shitposts need to be banned.
I think that you are confused. How can a human be a literal orangutan? How can an orangutan use a computer?
Fucking BBC was spammed for like a week straight, check the archives
the enomious cunt of a vagina wielder usd to spam endlessly on alot of thread unrelated to ww2 or hitler. You could argue maybe he was maybe trying to piss of natsocs. Reguardless e stopped. Personally I think these spamming retards that OP mention do add character to this place, although they are a tad of a nuisance if anything
The phrase "the hunan race" is well established within the English Language. When I say it, you know what I mean
Comparing spaghetti and bread, on the other hand, has no tradition and is not understood
Oh no, a typo!
You're not a human.
Not just typo, you're an obvious phoneshitter so you should be ignored.
>focusing on spelling errors
You really must be autistic, user
I saved pic related a little while ago from one of their many threads (there's a BBC shopped under where I crossed it out in red)
It's not even funny why would you do this to us
Like this?
I've been posting on my computer this whole time
How sad, the doll fucker is throwing a temper tantrum because someone called his waifu disgusting.
Misato is an older woman
The only young men (I'm assuming you're mid-20's or younger) who like older women are manlet cucks
This is a fact of life
Yeah actually. Like I said I hate commies and /leftypol/, but I like diversity of ideologies and viewpoints, even if the ideology in question is completely idiotic like communism. I don't want this place to become an echo chamber or a circlejerk. That guy also included nazis so he's basically implying nobody but generic liberal democrats should be allowed. If you want that then you can kindly fuck off to reddit where you can downvote the non-normie undesirables to oblivion.
>generic liberal democrats
He didn't say that at all. Libertarian Republicans like myself are neither Commies nor Nazis.
I'm 26 and Misato is 29 years old. Your calling me a cuck because she's three years older then I, but your waifu is 13 years old when your most likely my age. Your argument is invalid.
You two are like rats fighting over garbage.
If you like Misato you got an oedipus complex.
If you prefer Rei, your such a beta virgin that even the imaginary women you want to fuck are made of plastic.
Asuka is the patrician choice, and the only correct one for a healthy young man.
Rei is not for sexual
Aska is for guys who want her to step on their balls
I kinda like Ritsuko, myself.
Ahhh, and then the Asukafag has reared it's ugly head. At least you're more tolerable then the Reifags.
>Rei is not for sexual
So you daughterfu'd an emotionless child who's follow orders like a robot and isn't even an imaginary human, but an imaginary eldritch abomination wearing human skin. Go away Veeky Forums.
>thread about Veeky Forums moderation and quality of posts on Veeky Forums devolves into Evangelion posting
She's cute and sweet
What more is required?
>You're seeing now a veteran of a thousand Waifu wars,
>I've been living on the Veeky Forums so long, where the winds of /a/ roar.
>And I'm young enough to look at,
>And far old to see, all the shit tastes are on the inside.
>I'm not sure that's there's anything left to me
I feel defeated by your rapier wit
So you're telling me that even the imaginary doll, created to follow orders, wouldn't even fuck you? Big surprise.
"The truth is, I have no emotional attachment to Rei at all.
In the midst of making Eva, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten her. Her very existence. For example, in episode seven, I remembered and added one shot with Rei. I had no attachment to her at all. I think that was okay, because in episode eight, she didn't appear. Not even in a single shot. " - Hideaki Anno, creator of Evangelion.
Ritsuko and Misato are fine, at least they are human and have a personality.
Honestly, it's better than what it could have been.
/a/'s shitposting is way better than Veeky Forums's.
Doesn't change the fact that aska is for betas
it's a callback to simpler times
I won't take that from someone who wants to engage in a platonic relationship with a piece of plastic
Any man who likes feisty girls is a beta. It's a universal truth
You keep telling yourself that , user, if it makes you feel better about your shit taste.
at least I don't want girls to step on my balls
At least I like girls
t. wh*Te """person"""
>used goods
we broke the brainlet
Brainlet detected.
Just like your mother?
yes my mother was a whore, just like your "precious" m*sato
being dominated by a woman is literally the most emasculating thing possible
Oh it's you, the BBC fanatic cockroach. Who cares what you think.
Asuka is shit though. It's literally shinji with a wig eww
Wrong person mate, I'm for team Misato. Got nothing wrong with either Asuka or Ritsuko though, i just don't like Rei.
Congratulations. You have shit taste.
>Projecting this hard
I never said anything about being dominated. But it is funny to see you squirm as you slowly realise that your waifu is shit.
I'm not squirming at all.
>I never said anything about being dominated
Anyone who likes aska wants to be dominated by her. This is universally true
>Congratulations. You have shit taste.
Same for you.
Excuse me user. I wanna tell you I don't often agree with Misatofags, and I don't often agree with Ritsukofags, but I get along with everybody.
But I say this every night, every day, every afternoon, and it is so true.
Rei is shit, Rei is a waste, Rei is a big fat mistake.
Watching you lie to yourself and desperately trying to believe it is honestly kinda depressing
I like how you copy the sentiment from my previous post Unoriginal, I expected nothing more from a R*ifag.