Post Veeky Forumstorical Chad memes
>loathes his own culture with a passion
>pretty much murders his own Russian identity in order to fit in with Europe
Here, let me give you some more material.
>the "chad" fled as soon as he heard the swedes were coming
>the virgin always went head first into battle
>the "chad" only knew russian
>the virgin knew swedish, german, french, italian, latin and finnish
>the "chad" was only saved from certain destruction because his allies were still up and running
>the virgin took on multiple enemies at once and beat them all
>the "chad" needed to burn his own land to win
>the virgin only lost when he wasn't in command
>the "chad" had his portraits heavily romanticized
>the virgin always asked the painter to paint the truth
Brazilian here
All the word use this system fag, why americans are so retarded?
centimeters are so unintuitive
A man should be six feet tall, a woman 5'6"
That's like 182.2 and 167.6 centimeters, respectively
Pure autism
>never had children
shit didn't know that, i guess the guy was a complete nerd obsessed with war and diplomacy, didn't care about pussy
A man is 1,80m tall, a woman, 1,65m tall, now try to write this in inches.. it's an one way road, and you are on the wrong side.
it's literally the other way around
instead of 5'6.5 - '6.5'' - 5'7''
you have 168cm - 169cm - 170cm
centimeters are already more precise than feet and inches and fingernails and elbows and eyebrow hairs, no need to go into decimals
Please be bait ,please.
>instead of 5'6.5 - '6.5'' - 5'7''
i messed that up
it's 5'6'' - 5'6.5'' - 5'7''
It's crap either way, I'd love to see an american trying to write 3,65cm on inches.
how could he have known italian when italian was "made" after the italian unification
>putting the comma in the wrong place
Why do yuropoors do this?
There was a standard version of italian
italian was made before italian unification
>I'm 190 centimeters tall
>I'm 6 monkey tails 12 sticks and 10 clown shoes tall