>tfw attractive girls aren't seriously interested in history
Tfw attractive girls aren't seriously interested in history
Other urls found in this thread:
*attractive people are not interested in history
"""""""""Girls"""""""""" aren't interested in anything that doesn't immediately concern them
Good. Roasties should stay away of academy
>attractive girls are not interested in you
>go on a date with a cute italian girl
>she has an interest in communist history
Just have to look for the needle in the ocean.
>attractive girls aren't seriously interested in history
Bullshit. There are two perfectly delicious qts in my codicology class, and I very much doubt someone not "seriously interested" would take a MA level course like that.
that text literally just described virgins on Veeky Forums
Implying that a movement that has been overtaken by literal fags and racial militants is worth to be studied.
>she has an interest in communist history
Probably all she knows is what she learned from her high school education and is just "muh equality" to get attention from beta commies.
>racial militants
strawman tier/10
I don't see it. Virgins go and disrupt shit because they're virgins?
>italian commies
>racial militants
Top kek. Centri Sociali fags are a mix of rabid violent antifas and delusional trotskyists. They have no time for the delirium of race, they just mindlessly attack any sort of perceived bourgeois discrimination.
>meet cute girl
>Says she is interested in history
>Brief glimmer of hope
>what she actually means is she likes finding useless trivia facts from Buzzfeed and then misrepresenting their context so she can be like, totally random guiz!
>"Like, user, did you know that WW1 started just because one guy was shot? People back then must have been so violent!"
>I will never meet a woman who has an actual interest in history
>We will never bond over our mutual interests
I should have been more specific, it's Soviet history and WW2.
I've met attractive women who are seriously into history stuff ,but there all really autistic so eh..
Well, so am I. Can you tell us about them?
Raids? Elliott Rodgers?
I met attractive woman who like history but it doesn't matter since I am autistic
I know many women into history but Subaltern histories and generally speaking even the white ones don't care about history from the perspective of white men.
Actually now that I think about it half my female friends are this.
>tfw no Veeky Forums mangaka gf
>have aunt
>she has a PHD in art history
>dissertation was on 10th century Gothic architecture
>doesn't give a shit about any history other than 10th century Gothic art history
>doesn't understand any of the context of 10th century art history
>doesn't care to find out what was even happening in the 10th century outside of MUH 10th century Gothic architecture
>her husband is a pilot who only has a high-school education
>fucking loves history
>has a whole room full of books about history
>I can have an hour long conversation about the industrial capacity of Manchuria during the second world war or some other autisically specific shit with the guy
Women were a mistake
I want to have your uncle.
I've been going on a few dates with girl studying Art History. Her particular area of interest is Meiji to mid Showa era fashion. Pretty qt, too, an hapa. Only thing is that she's far more autistic than me, and pretty religious. So these dates weren't really dates, more like we visited a museum or exhibition together and then she'd spill her 'tism all over while debriefing what we had just seen, or anything else, really. Any attempt on my part to get closer was met by indifference when she was concentrating on something, and near panic when she wasn't.
But she's qt, and listening to her is fun. After the first "date", I thought it went so badly that I didn't even bother asking her out again. It was only when I got an angry call from the common friend who had introduced us, who is also her roommate, asking me why I didn't ask her out again, that I learned that she had really enjoyed that date and had been worrying since, wondering if she had done something wrong.
So these women are out there, they're just exceedingly rare.
>I can have an hour long conversation about the industrial capacity of Manchuria during the second world war
was it shit?
>this violently autistic
yep, story checks out
I'm a hapa, asian mom, white dad, born in california, wealthy, and I look like elliot rodgers...
But... I have an engineering degree, a qt gf, and I fly paramotors.
Not all hapas want to shoot people.
Being knowledgeable isn't for having discussions with hot chicks but to gain the wisdom and make intellegent decisions throughout life including with them. When your actions are called into questioning you can astounded them with your knowledge and substantiate your choices.
It also serves to defend yourself against uninformed adversaries.
>qt Russian gf
>Knows every detail pertaining to Russias historical greatness
>Doesn't believe the bad parts or embarrassing stuff because she never learned about it in school
>Stalin must have been a good boi because people came to his funeral
Old hags aren't attractive
History is for irrelevant autistic idiots. Nobody takes you STEMspergs seriously.
psssh I'm attractive
you don't know how wrong you are, redditor
I want your uncle to have my children
I'm a guy btw.
If you exclusively browse Veeky Forums and have never used reddit you are a liar.
We are only interested in science.
Is your parents marriage a good one? Were you raised in a good environment? Are you confident with your racial and social identity?
Engineering = autistic. You can't escape it, your genes are fucked up. You might not shoot up a campus, but you're still a monster.
You're supposed to make them interested in you, dumbass.
Yes, my parents love each other. Great environment, perhaps the best possible. I'm incredibly lucky...
Am I confident with my race? I'd say so. I see race more as a car brand, not really all that important. What really matters is how attractive you are.
Enjoying your useless degree and student loans eh?
barzoople!!! i'm such a history nerd heh omg my anxiety my mental illnesses i wanna kill myself uwuw I'M RANDOM HISTORY ZIMBABWE ha ha
this is god's punishment on us
>literally telling people you go to reddit
Can't wait to see your children, Elliot.
Most girls aren't interested in anything. You're literally a retard if you still desire them romantically.
Lol, I'm 6'3".
By the way, watch this: youtu.be
This is what I do. I fly paramotors and teach my friends/family how to do it.
I don't work because of inheritance.
Enjoy your shit life.
I model and no I'm not posting a pic, just take that as you will
It's hard to avoid nowadays. There really are some good communities on there, just stay off the huge shitty ones
Exactly, look at GamerGate.
Good job, you made it.
Don't squander your inheritance, though. And raise you kids right.
Literally a response to the virgins being attacked.
>actually meet hot girl who is into history
>"uhm, no sweety, I like HERstory"
>is just some urban hipster slut who likes random marxist tier meme feminist shit
same, really with any girl with whom I share interests, being assburgers is a blessing and a curse (at least from the normie viewpoint)
Nope, I know a gorgeous girl that loves history, she's tall though
>OMG, A USER NOT CONFORMING TO Veeky Forums CULTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
What about the unattractive girls interested in history?
tell it to the judge newfag
This reeks a bit of falseflag, though 4+4 chan is still fucked up sometimes
Oh shit I saw the filename, what was the post supossed to convey?
>gamergate supporter.
I never used plebbit
>tfw the girl I loved is really into history
>she never saw me as anything other than a friend
It hurts
>liking girls
This is literally describing most of 4chans user base, at least 4 or 5 years ago.
>tfw there's an attractive, intelligent guy who studies history at my school but he probably doesn't lean this way
How? It describes men being content with competing and gaining mastery over things.
On average women are not like that and they don't understand it.
What is the average Veeky Forums user competing with and gaining mastery over?
>10th century gothic
Don't you mean Romanesque?
This.... this :(
>industrial capacity of Manchuria
So can you give us a run down of it?
>tfw Mori doesn't actually look like that
>Old hags aren't attractive
When will Yuropoors learn that they're not welcome here?
I'm not living in Europe, though I am more European than you cummyskin.
Old hags aren't attractive.
I'm sick of you spics and europeans spreading your pedophilia across this wide world. JKs are disgusting and you should feel bad for being attracted to them.
She's a JC2, JKs are old hags.
I'm not a spic or european
Whatever happens to be their interest, most of the boards on Veeky Forums are centered around a certain interest that the people there completely submerge themselves in.
>Make history videos on youtube
>demographic is literally 97.2% male
Autistic and male.
At least you have a few JCs
Seriously though, why aren't women interested in history? It's filled with a ton of interesting stories, stories copied by other fictitious works that they love. Why can only a man become interested in the Greek Bactrain Kingdom? Is it because they can't really relate to most of recorded history from men's perspective?
Most people on Veeky Forums are overachievers
reddit are the smelly losers
Because women are biologically different to men.
humm sweetie, they like history, just when it's stories about how she cucked her husband with the gardener some years ago
>cute girls will never talk to you on the phone like that
Why even live?
Attractive girls are quite often interested in nothing but how they look and hedonism. Life is easy when you're pretty, why try to improve your mind?
Come to think of it, the only well-read gud luking women I've seen are on tv or in movies.