I guess greed gets them all in the end

I just received my weekly voting payout, pic related. Gone from 50 to 42 to now 36 Ark.
This is not ok.
It seems like they no longer want my support after 2.5 months. I missed the grandfathering by a handful of days due to not realizing that the old biz delegate died and now they jew me.

Please recommend some actually good Ark delegates for a 24k tuna.

@ biz_classic: justify yourselves or do something about it

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Oh wow antisemitism, that's a new low for you. Not.

Oops I didn't sage. I was going to post this, is why. It was perfect, with the not and everything but then I blew it. Oh well, at least OP's a fag.

Meh, not that funny.
Sorry if I have offended your feelings. I am not generally biased against jews, I just tried to pander to biz's typical userbase.
Nevertheless; do you know a better delegate for me?

Have you even seen Wayne's World you fucking goober?

heem is that you? Can you prove that address belongs to you?

what is a heem?


I'll bait, 100% payout only lasted the first 2 months, don't you remember it?
Also, voter amount has increased significantly due to the recent pump.

Wallets are taxed by the amount of ark they have.

more ark = more tax

I suggest you dr10, he only takes 40%.

Thanks for the honest answer, even though I know the basics - it's jsut that I cannot believe that the amount of voters jumped so much to warrant such high taxes.

I'll look into dr10 then. I know him from slack, he is kind of a clown, but if he pays better than biz it'll suffice.

Went with shark pool. True 90% payout, I believe even for higher than average wallets, unlike biz_classic's "up to 90%".

I also missed grandfathered by days and i was grandfathered on the other shitty delegate and clueless to the drama that was going on cause I was on vacation and taking a break from crypto. Came back and had no payments and everyone had left and original delegate had stolen the money.

Really sucks but, I won’t leave Biz classic because I love being a part of a biz project but the true OGs that missed out and actually got scammed by magnet should of atleast got grandfathered. Hope they add a new way to earn it over time

god all these biz_classic fuds here are truly pathetic. just look into it yourself and you´ll see that biz_classic pays you by far the most out of all the delegates unless youre some mega whale with like 100k ark. if somebody here is looking to get into ark dont blindly believe this fud and look into the delegates yourself.

You know, if you truly don't enjoy the tax why not split up your stack among different delegates? You can have all your funds in your ARK wallet and stake varied amounts between different delegates. Maybe do a trial run and split your stack in a three-way between biz_classic, shark pool, and dr10 and see which one pays the most?

I'm cozy with my small stack of 1960 (+4.5 ARK weekly) from biz_classic. I'm jealous of your tuna sized stack.

he wont pay better than biz - that's the point

please go back to pol with your low iq

I was biz_classic shill from day 1 but it is simply not true that they pay well unless you are super poor (below avg)

>why not split up your stack among different delegates
Any downside to this? Sounds good.

Good thing I'm below average. Biz_classic takes care of me and gets my vote. As my stack increases (it does and will continue to do so) they'll keep my vote for not being greedy motherfuckers.

MoonMan and Chang are legit and helping the community. Go pledge somewhere else if you're not happy with their service. Choice, democracy, yadda yadda.

>it is simply not true that they pay well unless you are super poor (below avg)
*or unless you are grandfathered

Absolutely, I really liked this delegate up to this point and can bear a small fee for the good cause. I'd happily vote for them again if they implement something to reward loyal supporters, but currently I just really dislike my high tax rate and have to try something else.

I will monitor biz_classic for news updates.

>(((up to 90%)))

Moon and I take ~20 ark each a day. This makes effectively makes the pool 90+% pay on average.

We were completely transparent about the fact that we would be taxing larger wallets more to subsidize the smaller wallets. We did this because the vast majority of our voters were small wallets. Your payouts also only recently dropped once we stopped paying 100% to everybody, which was only supposed to last 2 months as a promo period.

If you don't like that you are free to leave but good luck finding a reliable delegate that pays at the same percentages we do, even for your wallet size.

Grandfathering is also working as intended since our tax rates disincentivize larger wallets from joining and diluting everyone.

It's actually up to 100%. The tax brackets are fully public on their calculator.

I am pretty sure I read something here on biz about how you have some feature planned to give higher payouts to long-standing voters in the future, is that true?
>good luck finding a reliable delegate that pays at the same percentages we do, even for your wallet size
Judging from the research I've done today, that is pretty easy, the only variable is the "reliable" part. Sharkpool (mentioned above) supposedly pays me ~9 ark daily. In the last 4 hours I already accumulated ~1.5, so that semms to be true. Even if they stop their payouts ("unrealiable"), it will be worth it as long as I check every other day to make sure to switch in that case.
we are talking ~62 ark weekly (sharkpool) vs. 36 ark weekly (biz_classic).
Sorry, but that is not even a question.

I'd happily come back if I can get my tax rate down to ~15%, but 24% (and increasing) is just too much in comparison.
Still, thanks.

>I am pretty sure I read something here on biz about how you have some feature planned to give higher payouts to long-standing voters in the future, is that true?
Yes. We're testing different algorithms now but we plan on gradually incrementing loyal voters up to 90% for each block they help us forge. The only thing we're unsure about is how much that's going to cut into our own cut. We would like to remain an average rate of 90% but we can't do that unless we also jack up taxes on smaller wallets.

Good luck with sharkpool. He wasn't the target "competitor" when we created our brackets. The second most popular delegate, Jarunik, is paying 70% which is less than what we pay you. And even the (second) most technologically savvy delegate, yin, is dropping down to 70-80% after their promo period ends.

I might be dreaming but I vaguely remember either MoonMan or yourself mentioning something about a 'loyalty' type system being implemented in the future (i.e. if you leave your ARK in the pool long enough you may be able to work your way up to some kinda of grandfather or similar status - 90% payouts).

Is this something that is being looked at further down the line or was I dreaming?

Full disclosure - yes I'm a salty voter who missed out on grandfather status by a few days.

Answered that question in

>trusting biz_classic

That was your first mistake. The guys that run it do whatever they want and have already fucked over at least one person

Ignore previous post......answered above while typing.

that guy was told he was geting blacklisted months ago and still stayed voting and then outed himself. he's an idiot

>Trusting literally a chink and a storm fag
They often push communist agenda of progressive tax and hunts "whales" which may or may not exist. For now you may be considered tuna but soon you will be whale and be hunted or penalized by "fair" payout. Plus 20 arks a day for pool? it's 600 arks a month or 1500 dollars for a fucking 50 dollars virtual vultr server. I literally could make one in 1 hour.
You all getting cucked and don't even realize

oh boi, Hey could you please go on the ark.io forum as I've sent a message to biz_classic regarding my payout. Just that seems like the transaction for my weekly hasn't come through in 5 days but on the my dashboard it says I was payed. Thanks

>Plus 20 arks a day for pool? it's 600 arks a month or 1500 dollars for a fucking 50 dollars virtual vultr server. I literally could make one in 1 hour.
Can you also build a custom pay schedule, registration website, true-block-weight pay system with rolling average balance in 1 hour? You have no idea the amount of work we've put into this given the relatively small cut we're taking compared to the other delegates that pay 60-70% for doing piss all.

address? There was an issue on Saturday and a few peoples' transactions got dropped. I can pay you manually if you give me your address.


don't dr10 and jarunik take home 180 ark A DAY for doing absolutely nothing? rofl



>Uncle Chang, who declined to give his real name, is a 23-year-old Chinese-American with a degree in computer science from NYU and is based in Midtown Manhattan. Like me, he grew up speaking Cantonese with his parents at home and English at school. He was raised in Brooklyn to immigrant parents. His mother scrubs toilets as a maid at a hotel and his father does manual labor.

>His mother scrubs toilets

Here you go, sorry about that.

You can keep pasting that all you want it doesn't bother me. I'm not ashamed of the hard work my parents put in to raise me.

>T. sewer rats

Thanks dude

wow that was so fucken fast holy shit. biz_classic forever and always

You can always drop in on Discord if you need help ASAP.


Thats fucking outrageous

>muh stormfags
Moonman's a kike.

You should be embarrassed that you were born to low IQ trash.

No downside really, just a way you could split a large stack among various delegates. Though I'm not sure how many of them have an active community (as biz_classic does on Discord) or a web interface dashboard.

It's not the number of voters that warrants such high taxes. It's that you're actually getting taxes now

>be trump supporter
>trump campaigns on helping working class families
>he won due to working class families
>call working class families low iq trash
what do you even believe in heem?

I'm using seatrips, and with my 2k ark i get like 1.2 ark every 3 days. How much would I get with biz

Attacking his parents and his early life? Is that all you have going for you? Oh user...

1.71 every 3 days.

Scrubbing toilets and sweeping floors isnt working class, it's poverty class.

Hey he was the one that was dumb enough to dox himself on Veeky Forums.

Look at this malnourished gook. He probably doesnt know what it is to not be hungry.


I swaped to biz classic recently and Im getting around 1 a day instead of the 0.6 I was getting from jewtrips.
So far Im happy but if I see something jewwy going on im swapping to dr10

well, and number of voters both dilutes the average that the tax brackets are based on AND lowers your total vote %, both of which mean less ark for medium wallets

so this is the face of the alt-right

So what? He is verifying his integrity. I'd trust him over some faceless loser (You).

the fud is largely bullshit, as long as you have 5k or less ark biz_classic is the absolute best delegate. Only large stacks that weren't grandfathered in are better off elsewhere. Been in it since it started forging and they've never missed a payment.

kek were you watching HWNDU? That's where moon and chang are from. Who knew /pol/ was so multicultural and multiracial :^)

>started from the bottom now we're here

What have you done?

how old is that guy?

fucking 12?

It looks like he's getting his first peach fuzz above his lip so yeah like 11-13

Enough that my mom doesnt have to scrub toilets to survive.

listen everybody, we got a tough guy here

Where is your delegate? I care about results, not personal lives.





nice, just sold 100k

Curious, what golden spoon was placed in your mouth by your parents? What did your parents do for you? What did they do for a living?

If you're going to hide behind a computer and laugh at other's early life, let's disect yours and check that pedestal you think you're on user :)

For gods sake screencap and archive this thread for reposting purposes in future ark threads

toilet scrubbing 12 year old chinks running this shitcoin

>somehow bringing politics and personal lives in
What the fuck is wrong with you guys. Compared to pretty much all delegates in the top 51, biz_classic is one of the better ones. If you don't like it, just go to another one. It's literally that easy.

Toilet scrubbing parents raised a smart chink*

Corrected it for you user, let's not start the telephone game

adversity breeds success. our chink busts his ass going after bounties and making ark better for everyone. i'll take that over some know-nothing chad shitter

> If you don't like it, just go to another one. It's literally that easy.

B-but user! It can't be that easy! I must devote the rest of my life shilling biz_classic because I am an autistic faggot who hates people!

Versus heem who devotes his life fudding ?

*this kills the delegate*

Chang has nothing to do with ark's dev team, he's just a delegate.

Shhhh you're messing with this fuck's trolling

You're fucking hilarious heem. Keep up with showing these nerds their place. I wanna donate some Ark to you btw, what's your address?

attacking uncle chang because his mother is a maid? thats pretty disgusting and low

youre supposed to shit on biz_classic because theyre a bunch of retarded /pol/ memelords and because ARK is a joke of a coin

c'mon grow up Veeky Forums

>ARK is a joke of a coin
That's where you're wrong, bucko.

Fuck hook nosed kikes man. I'll stop hating Jews when they stop flooding white countries with low IQ shitskins.

Jew me screw me, kick me kike me.

biz_classic has been targetins smallish voters from the start
inform yourself and you won't be butthurt

>implying the majority of BTC holders aren't /pol/ memelords

2 changes happened user:-

Biz classic got more votes, diluting everyone's payouts

Biz classic pays less to large holders. Either split to more addresses (but voting costs and fees, but will still be better!) or find another delegate.

Protip - biz classic are the best delegate.

Yes it is.
Each delegate gets 422 ark and shares with voters.
So a voter at position 51 giving 100pc payout would give you more ark than the top spot with 100pc payout.

But the disadvantage of being 51st is you can lose your spot, if I'm understand this clearly. 1st has plenty of breathing room (less risk), but much less payout.

>he doesnt actually hate jews

reddit level pandering, you make me sick. probably a kike yourself

>Biz classic pays less to large holders

Nothing changed here. His tax didn't change due to something we did. The dilution scales upwards which is the problem with having a lot more votes. We have one final solution we're trying before we say fuck it and grandfather existing voters into flat brackets. This is why we can't have nice things.

>split to more addresses

We immediately ban anybody doing this because it causes the EXACT thing that OP is suffering from. Don't do this, our system will catch you. We've already been able to trace Heem's attempt through Bittrex (Bittrex doesn't mix internally and sends ARK directly to your wallet from its main). We've already banned two people stupid enough to split wallets (one was even dumb enough name his accounts account1, account2, etc).

The Final Solution to the Jewish Question (wallet splitters and vote dilution / massive influx of voters) is an update to the RAB system. We're rolling it out in the next 48 hours. If that doesn't fix it, I guess we all knew in the first place that communism doesn't work. The update will increase payouts for all existing voters with deposits older than 2 months, and will see a decrease of up to 10% on deposits between 10 and 59 days old (not full balances, just those separate deposits, so if the majority of your deposits are older than 10 days, you should see an increase in payment). This is essentially a massively accelerated implementation of our new grandfathering system we've been talking about.

And to OP;

Fuck off. Instead of asking questions you immediately decided we were maliciously taxing you more which wasn't the case. Stay gone kike.

nice job, moon man! makes me wanna buy some Ark and join your club

>We have one final solution

What if I'm a little bit jewish, and also a toilet cleaner, and also a grandfathered arklet?
What if I knew when people thought they were better than me because of my job?
What if I sometimes piss in a spraybottle and clean things in these peoples' offices?
Gosh that table sure is dirty. I think your carpet needs a light misting too.
It looks like you scratch your butt while sitting in your chair, there's a bunch of butt dust in the corner. Wow it sure darkened up now.
Phone and keyboard? Check.
Lamp? Check. You probably don't check if your lightbulbs smell funny.
Oh there's a little dirt on your light switch. Better get the door handle too.
You should really wash your hands better. You disgusting monkey.

I'm in ur delegates
Cleanin ur windows with piss

good job moon man, RWDS ready for round two

>We've already been able to trace Heem's attempt through Bittrex (Bittrex doesn't mix internally and sends ARK directly to your wallet from its main)

Lol no you haven't. I got a payout last night.

Show proof, faggot. I got a payout last night too. They sent me all 422 ARK!!

What does your mom do for a living? Suck dick?


>Oh wow antisemitism

our fag detector has determined that this was a lie.

Kek, that would explain why he's fudding a delegate he claims to vote for. He's too scared of getting blacklisted again to actually vote for biz_classic and is mad he's getting less Ark in his payouts from or one of the other kike delegates