>most stacked team in crypto history
Why aren't you jumping on the BAT train Veeky Forums?
>most stacked team in crypto history
Why aren't you jumping on the BAT train Veeky Forums?
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but I am dear user.
Meet you on the moon cafe
faggots hater ceo
No one uses the browser, mass adoption chance is at 0
Reminder that there's no reason for this coin to exist.
There will be plugin for other browsers, duh. That being said, Brave is pretty good.
>has been going down 5% every day since ICO
Brave is chromium with a logo pasted on it. I can pull the chromium source right now and plaster my logo on it without tens of millions in funding.
Remember when the most stacked team in computing history tried to make a phone? Yea we got windows phone kek.
Yeah keep buying the chink scams and let us accumulated this gold until is so cheap.
They fucked up. They should have done the browser extension first then launched their own browser later.
The real question is why did they stop at a browser? If they're going to waste time and money on things unrelated to the core of the project, they should've forked Linux and made their own BATOS.
I'm in on BAT but they're restricted to only Brave browser. AdEx works for any browser.
I have more faith in BAT's dev team obviously, but ADX is more practical by design
That's is a plane lie. Could you try at least before u FUD? Too easy
> [–]CryptoJennie 5 Punkte vor 12 Stunden*
Please see this post: reddit.com
if BAT can only be used on Brave browsers, does that mean that the success of BAT is largely contingent on the adoption of Brave by internet users?
BAT is not restricted to the Brave browser. The Brave browser is just the first use case of it, but it is technically separate from BAT. AdEx claims in their whitepaper that BAT is limited to Brave, but this is a lie. We've contacted them to edit this, and they have not.
Also, if you want a tongue-in-cheek comparison between BAT and AdEx, just watch their own media: youtube.com
P.S., I think they wanted to build on top of NEO rather than Ethereum. But as far as I understand, China has banned ICOs (at least temporarily).
It's not a lie at all. BAT is limited to Brave. You can make all the wild claims about the future that you want, but it's irrelevant.
The simple fact that a team like that should be able to develop a Chrome plugin for BAT in less than a week but chose not to should tell you something. Very likely there are serious problems with the BAT platform itself so they're using browser development as an excuse to drag shit out as long as possible.
Wrong again. There is no technical limitation for it. Why would you wanta fcking plugin in Chrome as the BAT devs. You haven't understand the long term goal for BAT? You are revolutionizing the advertising market. Your own browser (Brave) with your own new and better advertising system is the best case scenario, which could occur.
But whatever. You got your chance.
All it needs is 10 mil users desktop or mobile to make a good profit, and thats assuming they wont turn it into a plugin
do even know what brave does you uneducated moron?
Enjoy holding your games. I'm not biting.
How are they going to overtake Chrome?
Google being an advertising giant is not going to let them get a foothold on their data mining. Unless Google just flat out buy Brave/BAT.
Does having a coin behind your company make it less susceptible to being copied?
Who here is speaking about overtaking Chrome? You are living in your own world, huh?
No one has any delusions that it will overtake chrome or firefox. All it needs is a small market share, 0.5% to be profitable to the company. Anything extra is just icing on the cake, and thats just the browser. If they detach BAT from Brave and find other uses like a plugin, or some mobile app integration or Google buys them out then thats even better. Even if google makes their own similar system, Brave still has a foothold in the market because Google and it's draconian leaders wont let undesirables roam freely on their platform and Brendan Eich is pretty right-leaning
At least one guy here who did his research and got a vision. thanks.
Potentially interesting but you guys just talked me out of it. Amazing.
>4. Why build a browser and not extensions for top browsers?
>Extensions face API and performance limits. Our own browser lets us put our best foot forward on speed and deep integration of private ad-tech. We may do extensions if our users find themselves browsing in other browsers often.
I'm invested in BAT but I think it's success hinges on the mobile browser. They will have to heavily shill it to users.
>random people on an irish coal mining imageboard unaffiliated with anyone on the dev team talked you out of a 22 cent coin
Not my problem
*to get users
This may be a stupid question, but is BAT just a token or could you also describe it as a platform/program?
This will moon when Mercury gets released. BAT is currently one of the most undervalued projects, and has a solid product and dev team. Anyone that suggests Brave browser is bad is ignorant. I am going to love all the pink wojacks once this moons.
Veeky Forums level makes me cry. Go all in on OMG which is running on nothing but hype and speculation (they have 0 working products not even a wallet). And then shit all over BAT, quite classic.
>Wallmart check
>Apple check
>Google check
What's next. But the crypto world isn't logic. If u want gains follow the hype.
BAT is busy delievering and the marketing is kinda meh.
People are going to shit themselves when bat goes up to $1 after mercury release.
its a sleeping giant
>Brave browser actually slower than Chrome.
Stay poor faggot
You just have a shitty pc.
Poor fag. Stay poor.
And is actually faster than chrome cuz more runs per min. LUL
congratulations, you are retarded!
Worst FUD. Try again
Is now a good buy point?
Wont Go Back to 47k so. So either wait for 48k or just buy now at 49k. 1k sat difference. Who cares right?
Brave is just a chromium fork with pre-installed ad blockers
Yeah man it's still good. I bought in at 0.3$ because I am an idiot, but this will be a 1$ soon so it's still 3x + profit. Does anyone have any updates regarding Mercury?
>browser sucks, though that will probably change
>the concept isn't too promising
I'm interested in BAT, but I think some things need to change in the market first. Namely tech giants need to be put into check. The current business model with advertising won't change until these monopolies are broken up and services like Facebook and Youtube move from "free" (you are the product) to paid for. Mostly they just need to break up their monopolies though.
Brave > chrome, Firefox, tor
Lets not lump tor in with other browsers, its function is completely different.
Making custom pink wojacks just for you
>ew a real product, i prefer hype
I'm with stupids
You got it all wrong.
Why can't people understand that this is one of the few coins with an actual team and working fucking product to back it??? People are investing in shitcoins that wont have a product for another two years, assuming they are not scam projects...
>You got it all wrong.
This tells me nothing. You may as well call me a Nazi and claim you won the argument. ffs Veeky Forums
batmarines by the end of september